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  1. F!$k Off
    Tatost got a reaction from Caleb956 in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  2. Boring
    Tatost got a reaction from lilbleed in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  3. Furry
    Tatost got a reaction from MineCrack in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  4. Agree
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Oh Honey   
    Yeah, but do you need money when you have diamonds out the ass? Think of us like anarcho capitalists, you don't need currency if you only trade in raw materials.

  5. Are You Insane
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  6. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from dr.derpy in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  7. Salty
    Tatost got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  8. Ding!
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  9. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from LAN_Megalodon in Oh Honey   
  10. Feels Bad Man
    Tatost got a reaction from Aegean in Oh Honey   
    I took pleasure in watching your base get destroyed.

    I think the fact that the armor was in a chest and not being used gives you a hint that we don't care that much about it
  11. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to lilbleed in Oh Honey   
    I mean noone carries 6 sets of diamond armor on them, they keep it in a chest. also if u didnt care you wouldn't be responding still XD
  12. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in Oh Honey   
    I took pleasure in watching your base get destroyed.

    I think the fact that the armor was in a chest and not being used gives you a hint that we don't care that much about it
  13. RIP
    Tatost got a reaction from hongkongatron in Oh Honey   
    I took pleasure in watching your base get destroyed.

    I think the fact that the armor was in a chest and not being used gives you a hint that we don't care that much about it
  14. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to james8470 in Oh Honey   
    With DumbTree destroyed, and KuntyCrackheads destroyed, America is now the dominant power on the server!
    And there are going to be some changes...
    Item #1) Every faction must pay a daily 10 diamond tribute to America every 24 hours.
    Item #2) Anyone on the server will be required to /tpa to us whenever we request it to do slave labor or 'pleasure' us in some other manner.
    Item #3) We demand to be handed over all TnT, redstone, and other materials used for raiding immediately.
    Item #4) Anyone who tries to avoid these demands will be destroyed mercilessly
    Item #5) If all these demands are met and continue to be met, you will be allowed to build your faction peacefully and we will not raid you so long as you remain loyal allies of America.
    Manifest Destiny! FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA!!! :sneaky: >:)
  15. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    we're making fun of dumb as shit scammers
  16. Winner
    Tatost reacted to shwash in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
    So my latest gag was a request! Whilst on xG's Trade Gaming History server, I was added by this gentleman that has absolutely no connections that would result in me adding him. Upon receiving this request, I asked the server what impersonation should I take. I got a couple good requests, but one of them was "instead of offering items, offer used cars." I could NOT say no to such a genius idea. *Forewarning: I am many things, but I am not a person who knows a lot about cars. Please forgive my poor impersonation.*

    So it starts out with this gentleman following the "Random-add scammer phrase checklist" such as asking if I am a trader AFTER adding me and offering unusuals from another person's account.
    Although I would not really call myself a trader, for the purposes of this charade, I have decided to masquerade as one. I play my role to a T, and he does the unthinkable, HE DOES NOT ASK FOR MY UNUSUAL. Now I have been doing this for a long time, but I have never EVER had someone ask for anything but my Unusual Stovepipe. He did ask for austrailiums, but that wasn't going to be my initial offer, no no no. I start him off on some of my more mediocre wares. I have had this Kia Spectra for a while*, and it was cluttering my garage**. I was okay with letting it go. I go on to immediately regret that and backpedal a bit to a different car.
    *I do not have that car
    **My garage is filled with tools that I rarely use, not cars

    At first, he is confused. Does he not know how the barter of automobiles is performed? What an amatuer. So he goes on to speak Filipino, and I shamelessly open a tab in Google Translate. He opens with obscenities, and proceeds to call me a devil. I give the obvious response. I mean, car salesmen are stereotyped to be sleazy ass droplets, but it does not mean I am under that same, smelly umbrella. He keeps this up for a bit, so I (professionally) request him to gather himself so we can continue negotiating. I give him a few minutes, and ask him if negotiations can continue. He does not respond. I give him a countdown to respond so I can gauge his interest. I already wasted to much time on him. A busy car salesman*** such as myself shouldn't be wasting his valuable seconds on people who aren't willing to conduct business. The clock runs fully, and I am still met with silence. A bit nettled, I say a backhanded statement and proceed to block and unfriend him. I probably wasn't going to go through with it anyways. If he lived in the Philippines, the paperwork and fees to send that car over would be to costly.
    ***I am not a salesman, I hope no one thinks I am
    Well, that's the end. See you next time, and I promise, there will be a next time.
  17. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from bagggel in Happy New Year! - New Years Resolution   
    My one New Year's resolution is to break @bagggel's perfect ban record. :)
  18. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Percy   
    He is saying that he likes the servers because the staff keep it clean.
  19. Eggplant
    Tatost got a reaction from Elcark in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
  20. Like
    Tatost reacted to MineCrack in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    Hello, not sure who is doing the server stuff now but I just want to make suggestions and point out issues.

    Featherboard is currently disabled/broken. I created a config for fb+deluxe chat to display information on active auctions. Since fb is disabled, whenever an auction is started only the item is announced in chat but no information. This should be fixed as Silence paid for the plugin (and it is really nice). If the config isn't on the server, me or owl can send you a backup.
    You currently cannot TNT factions while the members are offline. I haven't been able to thoroughly test this if its for online factions as well. This should be changed because it ruins raiding and removes the need for investing into obsidian vaults for protecting loot.
    The nether should be enabled. From what I have been told, the nether+end is disabled for future "quests" that are not ready and progression. I can understand the end being disabled because of loot you can get+xp farms (obviously it should be enabled eventually). However, the nether should not as it just removes a lot of content from the game (various blocks and potion requirements).
    The /bal and /pay commands are currently broken.
    Guests should have access to commands such as /tpa and /sethome (afaik they cannot tpa, not able to test /sethome). It's just inconvenient not having it, my friend was complaining when he joined the server. Other incentives should be given to members (money, kits, cosmetics, etc..) instead as the member rank is the only way you have access to teleport commands.

    I had other things on my mind but I forgot, will post anything else if I remember.
  21. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Squeezing in Mr.LogicToast - Team Fortress 2   
    Logic obviously knows the rules of the server and he wouldn't abuse call admin. (he didn't so obviously +1)
    If a staff member is on the server when he makes a call admin the message doesn't get sent through the bot, but pops up in chat that only the staff on the server can see.
    Player x: !calladmin tatost "screaming on the mic like a fucking idiot"
    >Player x has use calladmin on tatost for "screaming on the mic like a fucking idiot"
    *no steam message should be sent if staff is on*
    People have used call admin while I was on the server (even once on me) and no message was sent out to others through the bot.
    I do not believe that it is possible to remove bans from the record, so that is going to be there forever @Mr.LogicToast
    @Skeletal I recommend you reread the rules and the admin handbook and such to make sure this doesn't happen again.
  22. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Stepping Down   
    sucks that I won't have much time to play on the server until the week of the 15th :(
    I think @Amymaniac and @XHina_sanX owe this dude a huge apology for making him do most of the work. You guys have taken away a lot of his time to be with family and friends while you just stand there and watch him work. Unless you have been gone and completely unable to work on the server there is no reason why you should leave him hanging. I don't want to start shit, but you guys are DM/DL of the servers along with him you had both signed up to work on the server together.
    Thanks for putting so much time and effort into the server, even if it was postponed a few times. I have heard good things about it so far. Good luck with school
  23. Winner
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Mr.LogicToast - Team Fortress 2   
    Logic obviously knows the rules of the server and he wouldn't abuse call admin. (he didn't so obviously +1)
    If a staff member is on the server when he makes a call admin the message doesn't get sent through the bot, but pops up in chat that only the staff on the server can see.
    Player x: !calladmin tatost "screaming on the mic like a fucking idiot"
    >Player x has use calladmin on tatost for "screaming on the mic like a fucking idiot"
    *no steam message should be sent if staff is on*
    People have used call admin while I was on the server (even once on me) and no message was sent out to others through the bot.
    I do not believe that it is possible to remove bans from the record, so that is going to be there forever @Mr.LogicToast
    @Skeletal I recommend you reread the rules and the admin handbook and such to make sure this doesn't happen again.
  24. Winner
    Tatost reacted to james8470 in Towny World Download   
    As promised, the old towny world with everything you've built in your town can be downloaded right here: [MEDIA=googledrive]1VFgaVHE_SSvUEliqLJbCY7066NU4_olS[/MEDIA]
    Some things to note:
    1) The file is big
    2) The download link might not last forever, but probably for at least 10 months (reasons).
  25. Optimistic
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   