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  1. Agree
    Tatost reacted to mrnutty12 in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    We did discuss this issue after the Brian thread actually (just not publicly), though IIRC the consensus was that we should have the punishment match the offense as opposed to some arbitrary number of months that the bans stop counting after.
    That said, with regards to reducing Sylux's ban, it has been nearly a year since he was last banned and it was for abuse of calladmin/disrespect not trolling and harassment like the current one. However I cannot just ignore his history of inflammatory and disrespectful behavior. So, my proposal is that we reduce his current ban to a week and replace the month punishment with a silence.
    With note to @Sylux, stop being such a rude boi to people, it gets you nowhere good quick. Also, other people being part of a problem does NOT make it ok to continue causing it.
    As for Zack, I would appreciate a proper ban request thread where we can have all of that information in one place to be its own focus of discussion.
    Aside from getting his own ban request thread, I have heard that there is some amount of favoritism towards Zack who by most accounts is given much leniency and was only given a day mute. That would be fine if Sylux had gotten a day mute recently prior to this incident, but he didn't. As it turns out Sylux hasn't had a day mute in over 2 years! (from presumably Rejects since SB says the admin was deleted) It seems to me like somebody forgot to mute Sylux for a day or more before jumping to bans. We are given the ability to mute people for more than 30 min for a reason, don't ignore that when it is convenient towards the end of banning people you don't like.
  2. Winner
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    Well said. My thoughts, quick and compressed: Was the ban justified?
    Not really. Where do I start? If I recall correctly, we do a day -> a week -> a month. Were these steps followed? I don't think so. All bans that I am seeing are from about about a year ago (let's not take the ones for calladmin abuse into consideration, as that's a whole different topic). So we have one ban from 10-30-15 for disrespect. There is also the one from early this year which seems to be due to disrespect and calladmin abuse as well, though I don't know what exactly got him banned at the end. Only @Shadower may now. While I would rather give Sylux the benefit of the doubt, let's just assume it was for the same exact reason as yesterday - unless you want to take REALLY old bans into consideration, then there is no way a one month ban would be justified, as there was no recent week ban.
    If you want to justify a month ban, then in my personal opinion using a week ban from 08-21-15 is a little weak, as people change during two whole years. If you think that he should have gotten a week earlier, that is fine but matter of fact, he hasn't and Sylux himself definitely cannot be held accountable for that. I'm also curious as to why Zac "only" got muted while Sylux was banned. Zac does not seem to be banned, however. Why is Sylux getting a ban and Zac just an extended mute? As far as I can tell, both are a part of the problem.
    Is Sylux in the right here?
    Definitely not. The fact that he made binds to specifically annoy that Zac guy is wrong and should not be condoned either. Comments like "zack if you pay me 20 keys i can teach you basic death match" are not helping Sylux's case either. I agree that Zac is definitely not in the right either, but it's just unnecessary on both sides. Someone should have tried to defuse the situation.
    What should be done?
    First things first I want to make it very clear that I am not speaking on behalf of anyone else. This is my own opinion and you can disagree with me all you want, but don't blame it on others if you do.
    I think Sylux's ban should be reduced. I am curently not sure whether we should make it a day (or just unban him by the time this thread is closed) or a week. Looking at his past history, I can understand how some people want a longer ban, but I am not sure if a ban from 11 months ago that was not merely for disrespect is much of a reason to make it a week. This is something that higher ups need to discuss privately before coming to a conclusion.
    However, a month is in my opinion too long. Zac on the other hand should either receive a day ban or a very clear warning.
    And I want to shoutout @ThunderLimes for making quite useful posts. Good job (y).
  3. Like
    Tatost reacted to bagggel in Music Ideas for Our Potential New Map   
  4. Like
    Tatost reacted to bagggel in Music Ideas for Our Potential New Map   
  5. Like
    Tatost reacted to bagggel in Music Ideas for Our Potential New Map   
    Oh boy, well here comes a hella ton of only the finest of songs
  6. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    For what feels like the millionth time, I am going to have to disagree with the Weasley twins here
    +1 for removal/shorten of the ban
    +1 to ban Zack for the same time
    To avoid saying the exact same thing in this thread for the hundredth fucking time I'm just gonna give the gist of it. Sylux argued and was perhaps a little toxic, but his last bans were last year.
    Zack is constantly being a salty man child in-game whining when things don't go his way and starts pointless arguments with everyone. How has this guy not been banned before????? Sometimes I wonder how well the staff team is holding back bias ?
  7. Useful
    Tatost got a reaction from Krampus in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    For what feels like the millionth time, I am going to have to disagree with the Weasley twins here
    +1 for removal/shorten of the ban
    +1 to ban Zack for the same time
    To avoid saying the exact same thing in this thread for the hundredth fucking time I'm just gonna give the gist of it. Sylux argued and was perhaps a little toxic, but his last bans were last year.
    Zack is constantly being a salty man child in-game whining when things don't go his way and starts pointless arguments with everyone. How has this guy not been banned before????? Sometimes I wonder how well the staff team is holding back bias ?
  8. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from hongkongatron in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    For what feels like the millionth time, I am going to have to disagree with the Weasley twins here
    +1 for removal/shorten of the ban
    +1 to ban Zack for the same time
    To avoid saying the exact same thing in this thread for the hundredth fucking time I'm just gonna give the gist of it. Sylux argued and was perhaps a little toxic, but his last bans were last year.
    Zack is constantly being a salty man child in-game whining when things don't go his way and starts pointless arguments with everyone. How has this guy not been banned before????? Sometimes I wonder how well the staff team is holding back bias ?
  9. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Elcark in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    It makes no sense to punish zack the same as sylux when they were not behaving in the same way at all. Both argued with each other over the issue, but that is where the similarities in their behavior end. Despite Sylux's claims to the contrary, every time this has happened that I've either seen in logs or first hand it has always been him instigating the issue and then further perpetuating it after zack takes the bait. Saying they stand on equal when one is clearly provoking the other is ridiculous. They may both be in the wrong, but not for the same problems.
    The issue with the warning is again that this was not the first time this has happened, it has been going on for at least multiple weeks in which time there have been an abundance of warnings, zack has been gagged, and sylux kicked. Despite this, Sylux has refused to stop his needless harassment of someone else.
    The difference in punishment lies both in where the individuals stand in their track records and in what they were doing. Zack has been gagged a single time for his part in the issue and should have been kicked in this instance for once again arguing after being ridiculed repeatedly. With him having left the server before the issue could be resolved a kick was thus redundant and the extended gag was used in place.
    Sylux has not only been causing far more problems throughout, has been kicked for doing such, and clearly has a history of this kind of behavior. If his previous history had consisted of just the single day ban mentioned for similar behavior then this time frame would clearly be out of the question. That isn't his sole punishment for this. The majority of his multitude of bans have been for this kind of issue and he has shown to behave, even now in this thread, with the exact same kind of disrespect regardless of these punishments. I'll say again, if these punishments haven't taught him to improve himself, why would giving him the exact same ban mean anything to him now? If anything letting him off with yet another shorter punishment not only seems pointless but biased to overlook what he has done in the past when he is still doing it now.
  10. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    And that's all you needed to say.

    Don't put this on me when you literally just said

    That literally makes no sense at all. I'm also in favor of Sylux being banned for at least a week, preferably a month since his last ban was not even a year ago.
  11. Sad
    Tatost reacted to Sylux in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    Zack wasn't banned he was only gagged for 24 hours
  12. Useful
    Tatost reacted to Sylux in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm going to say it how it is Elcark, I don't like you and I never have and you don't like me and never have it's clear. You are good friends with zack because I joined tgh went it was just 3 players you and zack being on a team to start popluating the server. Even when he was flaming my team mate you both just casually laughed it off and you have always stuck out for him. I could argue with you forever about how he is the instigator and locals who saw would agree and you can argue forever that I am the instigtator and you have your furry friends to help.
    I do believe i was never kicked or muted for any part in the zack situations, maybe if I was defending val but I can't see when I was kicked/gagged for zack discussions. :thinking: Again you can just make up your side like the 'following' situation when infact me and queen went there to duel because we were tired of his tgh rage, you will always say nono zack said this or no i saw this etc but at this point it's clear it's just a grudge. You are a DM and you have this bias, you are thinking for your friends first over the conrete facts and are doing all you can do to oppose it. There is a reason people are saying they just took zack's bullying :whistle: For the final time i'd like to state he was muted several times by mute client side when he was just flaming as there is little to no point when you just want to frag. 'clearly has a history of this kind of behavior. If his previous history had consisted of just the single day ban mentioned for similar behavior then this time frame would clearly be out of the quest' you are ignoring the history part still, honestly this is one of the most frustrating discussions as people are not listening.
    As you stated lets not let this spiral out of control, which you claimed earlier but still replied even though I didn't to help de-escalate it all.
  13. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Vexx in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    Unfortunately, I only remember being told about that whole "alternate account racism" thing but don't exactly remember what happened or if it was even really his alt. The last ban you got for disrespect or "trolling" was last year, and that was only a day. Don't exactly understand the jump to a month ban, even if he had older bans for longer. As for Zack, I do know he's quite the toxic guy when he is on the server. I am honestly surprised in you guys only giving him a gag instead of a ban as well. From what I read there was a warning and it stopped there, so I don't exactly know why you guys did jump to a ban as quickly as you did without even kicking him beforehand. I do feel as though there is some unfairness in how the situation was handled, even if Sylux has a "history", Zack should be punished exactly the same.
    +1 to drop the ban to at least a week, if not completely.
    +1 to punish Zack with the same length, they're both in the wrong and should be treated with the same punishment for fairness.
  14. Smelly
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in lets be honest bros, edventures needs to be added back to trade gaming history   
    never will I allow anyone to add edventures back.
  15. Smelly
  16. Agree
  17. Like
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Music Ideas for Our Potential New Map   

    Black/White 1-2 and Hoenn had some of the most laid back melancholic tunes.
  18. Agree
  19. Agree
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm sorry, I don't like getting into arguments here, but I can't with a good conscience support the idea of someone getting a month ban for using binds that some other player didn't like. Especially so in the case of Zack, like I have no problem with the dude, but he doesn't even try to be non-confrontational. He is by one of the most toxic and most dramatic of our semi-regular players, and most of the shit he gives people is almost always completely unprovoked.
    Additionally calling direct quotes harassment is a real fucking stretch even if the player being quoted in question doesn't like it. Wikipedia pointing out that Michael Richards was in fact an idiot who shouted racially charged slurs via a direct quote isn't "harassment", it's not up to other people to forgive and forget your idiocy and move on. If you said something stupid, you have to correct the record yourself, not just expect other people to drop it.
    On an unrelated note, I think one of the main reasons other people aren't protesting against Sylux's ban is because he isn't part of any real "in" group. He doesn't have 9 to 13 people in a discord to back him up regardless of what happens, and I do think that people who don't like him (rightly or wrongly) are going to try and use it against him. The best part is, I personally have witnessed other people within in groups trying to target Zack in order to set him off, and I myself was guilty of the same when I didn't really know much about him, which really leaves me no choice but to assume there's some form of bias here.
    Sylux's supposed previous infractions are months old, and I doubt his intentions in this case were to do anything but swing back. Justifiably so in my opinion. If each party was given a day ban for bickering, whatever, but a month is too much to throw on a single individual regardless of past bans.
  20. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Vexx in lets be honest bros, edventures needs to be added back to trade gaming history   
    Reasons why Edventures was removed: Loud, annoying, terrible layout, an incredibly glitchy balloon.
    There's literally no reason to add it back, it's terrible and incites the worst out of people. I knew I would hate the map the moment there were at least 5 people on mic screaming "Kevin!".
  21. Smelly
  22. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Elcark in lets be honest bros, edventures needs to be added back to trade gaming history   
    No. I'd rather not have the bullshit about this map happen again, thanks.
    Remove trade_edventures_v2 | Xeno Gamers
  23. Gross
    Tatost reacted to ringo. in lets be honest bros, edventures needs to be added back to trade gaming history   
    when you die you're going into some bizzare kevin purgatory
  24. Gross
  25. Smelly
    Tatost got a reaction from ringo. in lets be honest bros, edventures needs to be added back to trade gaming history   
    never will I allow anyone to add edventures back.