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Reputation Activity

  1. Smelly
  2. Agree
  3. Agree
  4. Eggplant
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in All good   
    damn you holiday season
  5. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to ringo. in lets be honest bros, edventures needs to be added back to trade gaming history   
    Edventures is the single greatest tf2 map every created and if it isn't added back you will be smited with the wrath of Kevin.
  6. Drunk
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Xeno Gamers Facebook Changes 2018 (Community Polls)   
    I think we need to boost the reward up to 100,000 credits, only then will I be satisfied.
  7. Useful
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Xeno Gamers Facebook Changes 2018 (Community Polls)   
    I think we need to boost the reward up to 100,000 credits, only then will I be satisfied.
  8. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from Brutarii in Selfie Sunday   
    Hey guys look! It's Casper the Friendly Ghost!!!! @bagel rekt kid

  9. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from Egossi in Tekage [xG:A] - Team Fortress 2   
    1.) Do you have proof that this was actually abuse? Because I looked at your chat logs and the mute and I wouldn't disagree. You are quite the disrespectful person on the servers constantly telling people to "shut the fuck up" or one of my personal favorites "fuck off!" Here is your chat history
    I would very much like to see a recording and hear @Tekage's side of the story.
    Btw Tekage is right, if you're being a child and arguing with someone, you should just fucking BLOCK THEM. If you do not like the way Joshlink acts on the servers block him and/or compile evidence of his toxicity and make a ban request.
  10. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in Tekage [xG:A] - Team Fortress 2   
    Let us take into consideration that I provided text chat logs while he was muted (implying voice chat ban), it was just to use as an example proving that the guy was being disrespectful and toxic. I am not exactly sure on what comrade was saying on the mic, but it would not surprise me in the least if he was also being just as rude over mic.
  11. Got It
    Tatost got a reaction from james8470 in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
  12. Creative
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
  13. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    There are two options in this scenario. You could one, politely ask Virr to explain in depth how to take demos if he had the time. And two, you could literally go to Google and search up "recording demos in TF2 for dummies" I'm sure there is a video there for you.
  14. Losing It
    Tatost reacted to NiGHTS in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    I always report people when they annoy me, but virr never explained me how Demo's work so i can record mic harassment. If he actually put some effort into explaining, i would not have raged harder. And everytime i report a person, nothing really happends with those people. There are people on Xeno that keep harassing people while staff members arn't on. I once reported one, and the fellow staff didn't care about that. No again, i really like to drop this and carry on. Just get rid of my xeno tag or anything i am no longer in the mood for this.
  15. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    Either Kypari is being a meme and spelled it like that or it is one of the filtered words on the forums much like the big G being switched to "Gosh" to avoid offending someone. "Do not use the Lord's name in vain." (this is just an example not trying to bring up another subject.)

    Then do that, no one is really stopping you man. You just need to learn that you can report people, but you would also need evidence of the transgression. There is always the alternative way of working things out by blocking the player so you don't have to worry about the dumb shit the person says.
  16. Funny
    Tatost reacted to TBOHB in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    He wasn't lying and he was listening. You were just refusing to take the answer that you had no evidence so he couldn't do anything about them. And then you started making it a race thing how only white people can enjoy the server. Then you start calling virr "dumbshit" because he wouldn't give you a compensation. He told you what you needed to do, but yet you insisted and ignored him claiming that you were right and he was wrong because he is white. Do you honestly think it is ok to call a white man "dumb shit" and "fucking dumbass" for trying to help you but you get mortally offended when you get called then n word? I get that you are black and you got offended, but you go back on virr and become a hypocrite is ok? Virr would never lie to anybody. He always wants to help people. You just had to make everything about race didn't you? "You can only have fun on xG if you are white". "xG is a white only server". You are by far one of the worst cases I have EVER seen on here.
  17. Thinking
    Tatost reacted to Pepper in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    +1 to remove @virr hes not doing his job to help the community properly. We also don't want foreigners in this clan.
  18. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Aegean in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    Not suitable to represent xG, I would say remove and temp ban. +1
  19. Furry
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Random Giveaway!   
  20. Eggplant
    Tatost got a reaction from yesstergi in Random Giveaway!   
    don't give it to me please I don't want this
  21. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to dr.derpy in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    +1 i got bullied please give me money
  22. Thinking
    Tatost reacted to Egossi in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    @NiGHTS a.k.a. pk used to be my friend in around 2014 (idk how he found xG as i believe i never introduced him here)
    and at the time i remember having a conversation with him where he was extremely unnecessarily rude, racist and I actually remember him making legitimate arguments about why hitler was a good person etc.
    i removed him at the time after a very long argument and have never seen his name up until now, +1 for a permanent ban if possible
  23. Useful
    Tatost reacted to Matteomax in ☁NiGHTS☁   
    +1 A ton has already been said. He can get incredibly pissy when people disagree or go along with him. I've also heard a lot about several uncool comments he's made in the past regarding other topics while on the servers.
    He's also explicitly begged for items from friends several times, which is reaaaaal nice to add on top of this whole situation; really shows how mature he actually is.
  24. Feels Bad Man
    Tatost got a reaction from SnowyMinion in What state do we all live in?   
    none of those are states. Read the title!
  25. Disagree
    Tatost got a reaction from Egossi in What state do we all live in?   
    wow that is not very nice to do to a friend's mother!