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Reputation Activity

  1. Not Funny
    Tatost reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Meme Dump Thunderdome   
    i'm trying to make a bigger meme (lego star wars infinite warfare trailer)
    but it's taking a while
    enjoy a dead meme poster

  2. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to mrnutty12 in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    Oh yeah, just give him a day ban I guess. +1
  3. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Vexx in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    Should just give this guy a warning, no point in jumping straight to ban even though his behavior is quite awful.
  4. Feels Bad Man
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
  5. Feels Bad Man
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
  6. F!$k Off
    Tatost got a reaction from WubbaLubbaDubDu in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
  7. Winner
    Tatost reacted to Atamo in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    I've been reading your posts on here and I gotta say, You have a very biased opinion yourself, as someone who is claiming Tatost is getting a biased vote considering he has friends in the higher up portions of Xg(y)
    As for the conversation with Skeletal, I can see how you feel he was harassing him, but it feels like a fairly moot point, Skeletal was being a bit of an asshat, especially how he chose to act like a small child rather than man up and realize he was insulting someone just because he could, even knowing how much people would be upset with that. There isn't anything fun or respectable with making fun of people, if you hate them or love them it's still rude
    I'm not best friends with Tatost, I haven't known him for more then about 2-4 Months, but I wanted to say I definitely didn't think he was 14 when I first met him, he was mature enough to be enjoyable to play games with, I'm not hugely active on TF2, but I'm extremely active on MC and I've worked side by side on things with Tatost before, and never encountered problems.
    I think Tatost is mature enough for the Xg community and a valid person to be reinstated as a moderator, He acts maturely in my encounters with him, is enjoyable to play on servers with, and is gently insistent enough to make me want to launch and play TF2 after not touching it for a good year or so +1
  8. Like
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    for future references: i agree with what @TheSupremePatriot said
  9. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Atamo in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Tatost Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:54599372 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    About a year after getting unbanned Age:

    14 Experience:

    I was a Moderator until the ManlyDuck drama. Donated:

    No Information:

    I'm kinda tired of being on servers and then someone starts breaking the rules, making a call admin and having no staff come on until I manually ask a staff member to join.
    I was previously a staff member here on xG not too long ago. I had been trying to do my job to the best of my ability with thing such as school and other things going on in my life. I've been waiting for staff to start moving on to all the servers instead of playing a select few as Pokemon is rarely ever staffed. This sort of problem makes things really chaotic, yet the problem hasn't really been seen to. The staff that I see come on Pokemon from time to time would be @Spoopy @Elcark @Thunder @Kypari and @TheSupremePatriot, and possibly a few more that I forgot to name.
    My previous problems with a certain user (part of the reason I was demoted) was settled. We're both cool with each other now. I don't really know if people still hold a grudge against me for the situation, and if some of you do, please try and talk it out with me in PM.
    Gonna tag a few friends and other people here- @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @bagel @grap_grop @Thunder @ThunderLimes @Kyuubey @shwash @Frusty @XHina_sanX @Rejects @BonfireCentipede @Atamo
  10. Are You Insane
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Backwards - Matthias Original   
    This is really catchy, what do you think of it?
  11. Sad
    Tatost reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
  12. Optimistic
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    I was hoping that I didn't have any degree of shit storm on my application but I'll set things straight. My private messages to Skelly only exist because he flat out called Tuna, one of my best friends, "the toxic king". Whether anyone is my friend or not, whether the OP cares about the aftermath, it's still wrong to do that. Sure, I had added him and asked him plenty of times to apologize while his only excuse was "you were kicked out for harassment, stfu kid." But I was just trying to stand up for a friend. Did you hear the part about my feud with Isabelle where three of his friends stood up to me?
    Like Bello said, I thought what Skelly did on his goodbye thread was childish, hence why I said "you're acting like a child, and that's coming from a 14 year old."
    TL;DR: Giraffes, what I thought Skelly did was just as bad as what I did to Isabelle. But I've sorted things out with the people associated with my demotion, yet I haven't gotten any chance to talk to Skelly. And I really hope to do so soon.
  13. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to bagggel in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 Definately deserves a second chance. Tatost has improved himself a lot since the whole incident happened, in which both him and @Kyuubey are now friends again. Good luck on the application bud xoxo
  14. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to virr in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    Tatost was never banned for 2 months, he was kicked out. His application follows our guidelines that state the following:

    I'm not sure what you mean by "way he does things". Yes, it is your vouch entirely, but you are basing your vouch on a lot of assumptions that are false.
    Best of luck on your application @Tatost
  15. Random
    Tatost reacted to Giraffes in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    I am looking for a change in character and Maturity, and from what I am shown Tatost is not fit for the position, he is just toxic.
    Tatost insisted on harassing someone for an apology.
    Look I understand it's been a month since his membership, but that's not enough to someone change
    And If Tatost deserves a second chance for the mighty duck incident, then atleast give rejects another chance as well, I am sure it's been a long wait deserved. If you want to talk about dedication for the communtiy Rejects had it like no other. I hold everyone to the same expectation , whether it be my opinion or not, Tatost just hasnt reached it.
  16. Winner
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't want to argue too much and I'll try to keep this as respectful as possible, but I disagree with most of your points.

    Many people lied about it. All of them have received their punishments. This happened around three months ago and he deserves a second chance. Ever since then Tat and his group of friends have been reporting all of ManlyDucks accounts to me.

    What does Rejects have to do with this mod submission?

    He has been a member for a month and a regular for around a year. He has shown a lot of commitment and dedication towards the servers.

    It is completely @Skeletal's right to dislike tuna and to deem him unfit as admin, but the way he did it was wrong. It was not constructive at all and he should have done it differently if anything. No offense to Skeletal right here but I think that's something we can agree on. If someone makes these kind of posts then people are gonna react to it accordingly. Tatost felt like the way Skeletal expressed his thoughts was wrong and spoke out against it.

    You do realize that @Kyuubey is the person who Tatost "harassed", right? I don't think @Aegean and Tat are friends. And I'm 100% sure @ThunderLimes and Tat aren't friends either, yet not even the legend himself ThunderLimes gave him a -1.

    A change from what? That one comment he made on Skeletal's thread?

    Don't bring @Rejects into this he has literally nothing to do with Tat's mod submission.
    Feel free to respond to this @Giraffes but please let's keep this as respectful as we can.
    TL;DR I can't agree with this.
  17. Got It
    Tatost reacted to Giraffes in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    I am not sure if I have a say but -1 .
    tatost lies about knowing who manly duck is and tells everyone who knows to lie and then gets kicked out completely for harassing staff. Rejects adds some extra power and now has no chance while tatost is applying to be a mod. IT HAS BEEN A MONTH since he was a member, that is complete bs.
    I also would like to point out this thread
    Goodbye For Now | Xeno Gamers
    I would also like to point out that the majority of staff are friends this decision is way to bias.
    In the end I don't think 1 month is clear enough to see change.
    If there is barley any time to see change in Rejects, then there is no way Tatost is mature enough!
  18. Got It
    Tatost got a reaction from hongkongatron in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Tatost Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:54599372 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    About a year after getting unbanned Age:

    14 Experience:

    I was a Moderator until the ManlyDuck drama. Donated:

    No Information:

    I'm kinda tired of being on servers and then someone starts breaking the rules, making a call admin and having no staff come on until I manually ask a staff member to join.
    I was previously a staff member here on xG not too long ago. I had been trying to do my job to the best of my ability with thing such as school and other things going on in my life. I've been waiting for staff to start moving on to all the servers instead of playing a select few as Pokemon is rarely ever staffed. This sort of problem makes things really chaotic, yet the problem hasn't really been seen to. The staff that I see come on Pokemon from time to time would be @Spoopy @Elcark @Thunder @Kypari and @TheSupremePatriot, and possibly a few more that I forgot to name.
    My previous problems with a certain user (part of the reason I was demoted) was settled. We're both cool with each other now. I don't really know if people still hold a grudge against me for the situation, and if some of you do, please try and talk it out with me in PM.
    Gonna tag a few friends and other people here- @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @bagel @grap_grop @Thunder @ThunderLimes @Kyuubey @shwash @Frusty @XHina_sanX @Rejects @BonfireCentipede @Atamo
  19. Random
    Tatost got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    ok @bagel will have to be DM, then.
  20. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from hongkongatron in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    ok @bagel will have to be DM, then.
  21. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    ok @bagel will have to be DM, then.
  22. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from bagggel in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    ok @bagel will have to be DM, then.
  23. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from bagggel in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Tatost Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:54599372 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    About a year after getting unbanned Age:

    14 Experience:

    I was a Moderator until the ManlyDuck drama. Donated:

    No Information:

    I'm kinda tired of being on servers and then someone starts breaking the rules, making a call admin and having no staff come on until I manually ask a staff member to join.
    I was previously a staff member here on xG not too long ago. I had been trying to do my job to the best of my ability with thing such as school and other things going on in my life. I've been waiting for staff to start moving on to all the servers instead of playing a select few as Pokemon is rarely ever staffed. This sort of problem makes things really chaotic, yet the problem hasn't really been seen to. The staff that I see come on Pokemon from time to time would be @Spoopy @Elcark @Thunder @Kypari and @TheSupremePatriot, and possibly a few more that I forgot to name.
    My previous problems with a certain user (part of the reason I was demoted) was settled. We're both cool with each other now. I don't really know if people still hold a grudge against me for the situation, and if some of you do, please try and talk it out with me in PM.
    Gonna tag a few friends and other people here- @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @bagel @grap_grop @Thunder @ThunderLimes @Kyuubey @shwash @Frusty @XHina_sanX @Rejects @BonfireCentipede @Atamo
  24. Thinking
    Tatost got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Tatost Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:54599372 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    About a year after getting unbanned Age:

    14 Experience:

    I was a Moderator until the ManlyDuck drama. Donated:

    No Information:

    I'm kinda tired of being on servers and then someone starts breaking the rules, making a call admin and having no staff come on until I manually ask a staff member to join.
    I was previously a staff member here on xG not too long ago. I had been trying to do my job to the best of my ability with thing such as school and other things going on in my life. I've been waiting for staff to start moving on to all the servers instead of playing a select few as Pokemon is rarely ever staffed. This sort of problem makes things really chaotic, yet the problem hasn't really been seen to. The staff that I see come on Pokemon from time to time would be @Spoopy @Elcark @Thunder @Kypari and @TheSupremePatriot, and possibly a few more that I forgot to name.
    My previous problems with a certain user (part of the reason I was demoted) was settled. We're both cool with each other now. I don't really know if people still hold a grudge against me for the situation, and if some of you do, please try and talk it out with me in PM.
    Gonna tag a few friends and other people here- @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @bagel @grap_grop @Thunder @ThunderLimes @Kyuubey @shwash @Frusty @XHina_sanX @Rejects @BonfireCentipede @Atamo
  25. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Tatost Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:54599372 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    About a year after getting unbanned Age:

    14 Experience:

    I was a Moderator until the ManlyDuck drama. Donated:

    No Information:

    I'm kinda tired of being on servers and then someone starts breaking the rules, making a call admin and having no staff come on until I manually ask a staff member to join.
    I was previously a staff member here on xG not too long ago. I had been trying to do my job to the best of my ability with thing such as school and other things going on in my life. I've been waiting for staff to start moving on to all the servers instead of playing a select few as Pokemon is rarely ever staffed. This sort of problem makes things really chaotic, yet the problem hasn't really been seen to. The staff that I see come on Pokemon from time to time would be @Spoopy @Elcark @Thunder @Kypari and @TheSupremePatriot, and possibly a few more that I forgot to name.
    My previous problems with a certain user (part of the reason I was demoted) was settled. We're both cool with each other now. I don't really know if people still hold a grudge against me for the situation, and if some of you do, please try and talk it out with me in PM.
    Gonna tag a few friends and other people here- @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @bagel @grap_grop @Thunder @ThunderLimes @Kyuubey @shwash @Frusty @XHina_sanX @Rejects @BonfireCentipede @Atamo