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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. why does this thread keep coming up
  2. TBOHB

    Old Names

    Started out as TBOHB (already explained origins in another thread) then switch to Septik because it sounded good in my head at the time. Immediately someone said septic tank in chat when I made the switch and regretted it immediately. It just kinda sticks now.
  3. i tried organizing a Chicago meetup like 1 year ago. It was received quite nicely, but never actually went through with it. I would love to do an actual meetup.
  4. +1 Zeus --------------------------------1 negev
  5. i apologize for the misinformation. I was told that it had no relation to gaming history and thus was removed. Anyways my vouch is a -1
  6. Only reason this was removed was because it has hardly any relation to gaming history. Just kind of a meme map. I agree it was a fun map, but it doesn't really fit TGH. I say it would fit more in general trade.
  7. congrats to @Segal for acquiring a gmod team! Wheres my juiceboxboy promo @Aegean
  8. TBOHB


    Division Garrys Mod (Segal) In-Game Name Septik Identity [U:1:168417375] Position Moderator Time Active on Servers At least 1886 Information Roses are red Violets are blue I can't rhyme poems Microwave I have read the staff submission rules and meet the requirements for the division I'm applying for. Yes
  9. TBOHB


    Wait we have a GMod division lmao? +1 To help the segal boy
  10. Lmao vaping is for people who make bad decisions ?
  11. big boi @hongkongatron #MakeGModGreatAgain
  12. i have one but I havent started it in like 3 months.
  13. TBOHB

    Oldfags throwback

    thats because I my name I displayed publicly on my steam account lol. Side not, if people want to call me by my first name I would actually prefer that to septik.
  14. TBOHB

    Oldfags throwback

    Anyways I'm not an oldfag but decided to post every single application I ever made on this server and how 3 of them were denied because I didn't know what time was. Also Im nostalgic.
  15. TBOHB

    Oldfags throwback

    lmao ur not an oldfag tho. Im older than you boy
  16. Reesessssssssssssssssssssssssssss