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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. Srsly tho ill miss u. thank for for sticking around for as long as you did and helping me in times of need
  2. TBOHB

    Its cold

    yeah Illinois called a state of emergency so our school got wednesday and thursday off. Homeless people in Chicago who had died of the cold had to literally get peeled off the sidewalk. This world is fucked up.
  3. TBOHB

    On a Scale 1-10

    I mean I don't really know you. The only thing I know about you is that you make this stupid posts asking for hate from people and it honestly isn't good. Even as a joke, don't try to incite people to hate you. It isn't a healthy thing to do. As of right I'd say 6
  4. TBOHB

    Its cold

    Its cold (~-25 for the EU)
  5. TBOHB

    Favorite Anime OPs

    balsamic vinegar intensifies
  6. well you have me on steam. pm if you ever want to play something. thank you for serving time as staff
  7. yeah ill totally do it. hmu when we will
  8. TBOHB

    Favorite Anime OPs

    was going to put this one but for some reason didn't want to admit I watched lucky star
  9. fuck dude. please dont forget about me too much. Please put yourself first though. You've seen how I've broken down to you in pms before. If you ever need to, I'm here for ya (Ofc ur bf too) so don't hesitate to talk to one of us if you need to noodleboy ilysm
  10. Damn dude. Sorry to see you go. I enjoyed the times I had with you. I won't forget how we were buddies when we got mod at the same time. Even though I haven't really seen you that much, I enjoyed the time I spent with you If you ever want to play smthin w/ me you can always PM me on steam ily
  11. TBOHB

    Favorite Anime OPs

    Frick me I missed one Yall should go watch this one
  12. Being apart of an internet community
  13. TBOHB


    Going to stay neutral on this. Last I saw of you, you were throwing one of the biggest fits of toxicity I'd seen. I haven't heard anything about you changing, but if you are/have, thats great to hear :D. only staying neutral from my known experience with you.
  14. TBOHB

    Favorite Anime OPs

    Post your favorite anime openings here! I'm only allowing 1 JoJo OP per person. If you post more than one imma hack your Pokemon The Online Trading Card Game account. Ill start by posting mine
  15. TBOHB

    The xG RPG

    If we are being real here, I would be a bard But in meme terms, I'd be the juice box boy
  16. TBOHB

    Favorite jazz songs?

    there would be a lot more Frank Sinatra here, but everybody and their mother has listened to him at least once in their life, so imma spare you.