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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. welcome back @Caleb956 and @Skeletal?
  2. can confirm he did
  3. TBOHB


    Yea i used to at like 90 then people started posting negative reactions for stating an opinion and its pissing me off. All i get now are negative reactions and I hate. I get they are just reactions but to have the same 3 people put "Salty" on every post I make is pissing me off.
  4. TBOHB

    quick psa

    k. thats cool if wanna try and change but please just shut up about bunker all the fucking time. If you were to stop talking about it, I would appreciate you more.
  5. TBOHB


    lmao theres nothing wrong with the map. why remove it? Its better than echidna shrine.
  6. depends is food involved?
  7. yeah imma +1 this. Its extremely unfun, there's nothing to do, the spawns literally look at each other allowing for some intense sniper camping, it's just a bad experience of a map.
  8. couldn't pick one so here's the whole album
  9. TBOHB

    How autistic are you

    id say at least 5.5
  10. thats what my parents said while cutting my umbilical cord
  11. to be fair two different people @ him so it was up in the air as to who it was directed to.
  12. the hell is your problem? was just making a joke
  13. @Aegean @virr also congrats @SegFault?