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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. Work at an ice cream shop. Hate it.
  2. LG V20. I like it a fair bit. I discovered like 3 weeks ago that it has a fingerprint scanner and I've had it for almost 2 years.
  3. TBOHB


    also your brother doesn't like people having fun playing mini golf
  4. TBOHB came from an acronym of my youtube channel that I tried doing when I was like 12 or 13. Septik didn't really come from anywhere but I kinda regret it.
  5. come visit me in the land of corn and wheat. aka illinois
  6. bumpy bumpy also where's my demo to juiceboxboy >:((((((((
  7. I got a pair of Corsair Wireless Void Pros. Little pricey but man are they high quality
  8. TBOHB

    xG Gamer Revival

    Bone. Was a really great guy and wish I could talk to him more. He did so much for the TF2 Div.
  9. have fun! Where are you going?
  10. Pokemon Emerald Twilight Princess Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask Phantom Hourglass Episode 1 Pod Racing Rogue Squadron Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy Pokemon Stadium 2 (You can probably tell I grew up with an N64)