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  1. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in The Machina...   
    1) What @TheSupremePatriot said is 100% true. No joke, I can hit my shots easier when I know I'm going to hear this. Maybe the tracer rounds are helpful, too, in deterring how far off my shot is if I miss so I can do better next time.
    2) It's a direct upgrade to stock. Sure, no-scopes are useful, but half the time you can pull of a quick-scope at close range anyways and tracer rounds are only a problem in competitive games, in which the gun is banned anyways in.
    3) Penetrations (lenny) are rare, but when you do get them, they're very cool and you feel like you've just made a major contribution to your team, and the best part is everyone on the server gets to hear that glorious sound. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlt6EXMGlN8
    (headphone warning!)
    4) Finally, the gun looks cool. It just does.
    If I could find a normal sniper rifle mod, that would be able to add a tracer effect and the machine shot sound... I would use it a lot more.

    I need to add strange parts :/
  2. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to yesstergi in The Machina...   
  3. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in The Machina...   
    I use it because for some reason the sound it makes makes me more accurate.
  4. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to OneGlove in You already know what this is.   
    I'm not sure, I think it's some dude named ASublimePatriot or something..
  5. Losing It
    TBOHB got a reaction from OneGlove in You already know what this is.   
    This community sometimes makes me contemplate shooting up my school.
  6. Drunk
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in You already know what this is.   
    “I’m TheSupremePatriot, and this is my 2000th Post.... err... 2005th...
    I work here with my old man and my son, @Bello . Everything in here has a meme and a story. One thing I’ve learned after 2.3 years in xG – you never know WHAT is gonna come next”

    Yeah I supposed that one is pretty stale huh?.... I’ll give you something even better.

    HI!!!!!!! (OC)

    Now a word from @MinerTeddy our sponsor.

  7. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Thunder in New Map For xG, need opinions!   
  8. Like
    TBOHB reacted to bubblebee in bubblebee   
    In-Game Name:

    BubbleBee Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Identity:

    Steam Community :: BubbleBee Banned:

    No Teamspeak Account Synced:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    27 days Age:

    12 Reasons for Joining:

    i love to play the servers so i thought i would try to become member
  9. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to virr in xG:DM] Elcark - Team Fortress 2   
    EDIT: User has been banned for repeatedly posting ip adresses. @Elcark's punishment was fully justified, no action will be taken.
  10. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to virr in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    The tf2 higher ups have decided to not give @Mr.LogicToast the position of mod. Sorry for the delay :/
  11. Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Thorax_ in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    Im actually dying holy shit.
  12. Losing It
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    @Bello @mrnutty12 @Elcark @Bone @Vexx @virr @Rhododendron @Aegean
  13. Losing It
    TBOHB reacted to yesstergi in Funny Random-add Scammer Shitpost Archive   
  14. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to Caleb956 in Forum Suggestion (humor)   
    I have a recommendation for some background music to spice up the forums a bit. #MakeXGGreatAgain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeSyyu5JrLY
  15. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in Gone for a while   
    Hey guys, as i mentioned in a status update a little while ago, this year of highschool is gonna be my final highschool year, therefore i have a big exam coming up in a few months so i will have to have a regular sleep schedule, and i'll need to study for my classes, and long story short there is pretty much no way i'll be able to play games or get on discord in any US timezone
    There will be a few holidays but i highly doubt that even then i will be able to pop on much, we'll see, but by the looks of it im almost entirely disconnecting myself from xG for about 6 months, so i'll see you all then
    P.S.: also sorry if i have meme'd on anyone a bit too hard in the last few months, this year is coming in kinda stressful and im not really having a good time, but just know that i dont hold anything against anyone in this community, and hope to see everyone later
    P.P.S: I'm not 100% sure if i'll be completely inactive yet but if that turns out to be the case feel free to demote me from csgo then
    Tags: @John_Madden @Nomulous
  16. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Bone in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    I'm on both sides here. Although I don't care about what's posted in the channel too much, my main intention for joining a GAMING community's voice server is surprisingly not for porn.
    However, due to it being explicitly stated that potentially NSFW content could be posted in that channel upon joining, anyone doing so is doing it at their own risk. It's not like it's a secret.
    If you're against the channel existing: Mute it, hide it, and move on. That's what I did, and *gasp* I magically don't see whenever people post in it anymore, it's like it doesn't exist! See it as a containment channel so they don't infect the other channels with that content. Ok? Ok.
    On the other hand, I don't really see an absolute need for a NSFW channel other than memes taken to the extreme. However, since I muted the channel, it's not harming me any so it doesn't matter to me if it stays or not.
  17. Are You Insane
    TBOHB got a reaction from Egossi in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    How about stop being a prick. If you aren't going to say anything to contribute to the discussion then you can leave.
  18. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    How about stop being a prick. If you aren't going to say anything to contribute to the discussion then you can leave.
  19. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Pepper in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    or mentally retarded Turk
  20. Salty
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    Yeah and make sure you name the role either "Triggered", "Internally Oppressed" or "12 Year Old"
  21. F!$k Off
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    LMAO what fucking kid shows any porn they come across to their parents immediately?
    Sorry but i had to point that out, and as for the thread idgaf
  22. Optimistic
    TBOHB reacted to YeEternalTuna in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    Wow! There is some great discussion going on in this thread! One idea I particularly liked was where you must obtain a ''NSFW'' role as it adds an extra layer to this NSFW channel. Good brainstorming guys! (y)
  23. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Forest in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    May want to consider dropping down a line in our rules and adding an excerpt from the previously linked Discord guidelines should the NSFW channel not be removed; or at the very least outline the severity of breaking Discord's own guidelines. Additionally, probably highlight the fact that the 'NSFW' channel is exempt from rules A, B, and C with the exception of X, Y and Z or something along those lines.
    Unrelated to that, I do agree that we keep things in line with our current structure of rules, but do keep in mind that our [game] Servers are Public and that it is explicitly stated what we do or do not allow ingame. With that in mind, provided that the channel is explicitly stating that it is a channel that is 'NSFW' (would also recommend throwing an "18+ only" in there somewhere, just for the principle of the matter) it is entirely up to the discretion of the user to voluntarily access it.
    Simply put, the differences are that:
    The user has to go out of their way to willingly view the content and upon accessing it, has acknowledged the fact that the content in the channel is 'NSFW' and that they are alright with viewing it.
    Game Server
    The user is not subjected to such content because it is publicly against the rules of the server; it is not tolerated in any shape or form and therefore the user can expect not to see any 'NSFW' content.
    Notice that the main distinction is that the user is either willingly accessing that sort of content, or willingly accepts that it is not permitted and can therefore expect not to see it. The users are not expected to enter the 'NSFW' channel, nor will they ever have to. It doesn't make sense to compare the two as they share very little in common, other than the fact that both are endorsed by Xeno Gamers.
    With that said, I'm fine with it as long as the following [previously mentioned in the thread] is considered:
    1. Implementation of a role to allow users to access the channel
    2. Routine monitoring to ensure that the content does not breach our own rules/terms as well as Discord's
  24. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    I would say +1 for removal just for consistency's sake. As has been previously stated there is no way to regulate who is actually 18 and an nsfw channel will cause confusion with every other aspect of xG. Plus I can just taste the inevitable loli argument 2: Electric Boogaloo coming on. and with the boundary pushing people trying to bend serious rules and the months of clarifying threads and arguments that are likely, it could all be avoided if we just didn't.
    But that's just my two cents and I won't be the one moderating it so if people want a harder job godspeed.
    Ps while I can edit I do like the idea some have mentioned of a server group to opt in to seeing it, instead of it being on the user to mute/avoid. That seems much safer and easier to manage on our end.
  25. Optimistic
    TBOHB reacted to Blizzard in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    I only use it to post ironic nsfw, so neutral if it goes or stays. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    There's no accurate way to filter or check if anyone is 18+, so why not make it so you need a specific role to view the channel in itself and if the person wants access then they can ask for the role to filter out the people who don't want to associate with the channel and get to mostly satisfy both sides of the spectrum. @virr