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  1. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from Egossi in What is your Job?   
    damn im jealous. sounds nice. you get to test all the games and franchises EA will ruin before the public sees it happen.
  2. Sad
    TBOHB got a reaction from Egossi in What is your Job?   
    "Do you have at least 30 years of experience in this field?"
    "Do you have a Master's in Architecture?"
    "Wtf no. This is an entry level job."
    "Sorry sir, you don't meet the requirements to work as a dispatcher at our museum."
    *commits sudoku*
  3. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from dr.derpy in What is your Job?   
    "Do you have at least 30 years of experience in this field?"
    "Do you have a Master's in Architecture?"
    "Wtf no. This is an entry level job."
    "Sorry sir, you don't meet the requirements to work as a dispatcher at our museum."
    *commits sudoku*
  4. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to Chrono in What is your Job?   
    tbh he only tests some plebian game like FIFA. and he doesn't even have friends anymore because of it... We never see him anymore. :(
  5. Drunk
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Gustavo_top_kek - Team Fortress 2   
    Yeah +1
    It was an honest mistake, shouldn't be CT permmed for an accident.
  6. Furry
    TBOHB got a reaction from hongkongatron in Edventures back on TGH   

  7. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Quick Question about VPNs   
    Can you be banned on the servers if you use a vpn normally? (I mean not using VPNs to dodge an ip ban)
  8. Useful
    TBOHB reacted to virr in Quick Question about VPNs   
    Nope, not sure why you would want to use a vpn though as it almost always makes your ping higher.
  9. Gross
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Edventures back on TGH   

  10. F!$k Off
    TBOHB got a reaction from bagggel in Edventures back on TGH   

  11. Random
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in Edventures back on TGH   
  12. Losing It
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Edventures back on TGH   
    I demand that we put it back onto the TGH server.
    WHOSE WITH ME?!?!?!
  13. Drunk
    TBOHB got a reaction from ThunderLimes in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    Yeah I think its a +1 for day ban.
  14. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Slurs Thread Redux   
    @Jacklyn Just wanted to touch up on the inconsistency matter from my point of view and why there isn't a simple "how-to" instruction for staff. Aside from me and other staff finding different things insulting to us or having different levels of leniency based on our own experiences, the other issue is that not everything is black and white when you're administrating servers. If someone says fuck you to an admin, and says fuck you to his friend, those are different issues that we can't just pin as "oh he said fuck you, that's an instant mute".
    Staff should be taking context when handling punishments, and if our rules tells you not to use racial slurs in our servers, and you choose to do so, there is no inconsistency if they choose to punish you for it, especially after you've been warned. There would be inconsistency if they didn't punish you, and then that means the staff who didn't punish you was more lenient, not that you weren't breaking rules in the first place.
    Police in real life are the exact same way, going 10 miles too fast by some cops might be an instant ticket whereas other cops might give you a warning. It also depends on your attitude of course, but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
    At the end of the day, we want everyone to have an enjoyable experience, and if your enjoyment only comes from being able to use racial slurs on our servers or hearing it, this community is not that type of place.
  15. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Add the Minimap plugin   
    Just to make this less confusing, it's not going to have the map directly downloaded into the mod. You will have to explore the areas around the map to get information. Once you have traveled on said map, that data will be stored for when you come back on the server.
    You're right on it going to make things easier, but it will still not be so easy that everything is done for you.
  16. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in What is your Job?   
    I'm the dispatcher working at the museum of aviation and space here selling tours on 1939/1940 biplanes, and also 1970 - 1979 cessna's. I take people's money, answer questions in person or phone, communicate with the official tourist organisers of my city for any VIP's who want to fly, and flight follow any flights I do while ensuring the passengers aren't too fat.
    It's my 4th year here, great job for the summer, but definitely looking forward to moving to cali next year working for my dad's friend's software company.
  17. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to lilbleed in What is your Job?   
    I live under a rock full-time, I love it, I get paid around $20/h too so its not bad at all

  18. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to Aegean in Brian - Team Fortress 2   
    Closing the thread now, as there no longer needs to be discussion.

    The month ban was insanely excessive, especially with no kick and also with a ban on brian without getting his side.
    His ban will stay to a day, will be discussed with the higherups but right now Silence and I both agree anything more than a day is excessive over something so small. We are not a clan based on censorship, and hopefully people's feelings can handle being called badmin.
    PLEASE use common sense when making bans, and try to give adequate warnings before bans unless it's hacking or mass freekilling (which we have other rules for)
    Ratings should not be considered personal attacks, as I was told in the past by the higher ups when I complained about it. That being said, if you're giving people FUCK OFF rating, you should not be complaining about it in the first place.
    We are NOT a safe space

    I will have huge discussions with our higher ups and then staff about what common sense means, and how we should try to be fair in all our bans, and try to understand that we should not strive for bans, but instead do our due diligence to get things resolved in a matter that everyone is happy. This is clearly a situation that has not met those standards. This fault also comes from myself for not being so involved with TF2, but I will be from now on.
  19. Feels Bad Man
    TBOHB reacted to Vector in Brian - Team Fortress 2   
    Whenever shit happens better make a post about vector. amiright?
  20. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to S_bantf2badmins in Brian - Team Fortress 2   
    I will stand by my brother till the end
  21. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Lecap   
    -1 based off of what others have said and

  22. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in PSA about the recent drama / conflicts   
    Yeah this needed to be said. There was a few conflicts that ive seen that seemed unlike I have seen on here before. I too would also like to thank all of the staff members and higher-ups. I know I have been here for a little over a year and some since the beginning, but we as a community wouldn't be here today and as big as we are today if you guys didn't show up or didn't volunteer to help keep the servers clean. I don't think I would be here if the community was as toxic as the last one I was apart of. i feel welcome here and thats saying a lot after the countless times Ive tried other clans.
    Would also like to thank all the members we have gotten within these past 6 months. Thank you for stopping in and saying hi. You guys help make the clan what it is today.
  23. Winner
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Slurs Thread Redux   
    If you don't agree with it on a personal level and notice other people saying no, what makes you think that those people don't get offended by slurs? The rule isn't in place to annoy Jackie, its there for the greater good of other people who do get offended.
  24. Ding!
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Add the Minimap plugin   
    Yeah I like this idea. A while ago me and Elcark (I think) had to go to spawn to get cows and bring them back to our town, and only went off coordinates. It wasn't very fun and having a minimap would make navigating easier. +1
  25. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Marriage plugin?   
    I mean it would be cool as a joke to have it, but I don't think a lot of people would want it permanently. Maybe have it for like a day as a joke. Sorry, its a -1 from me.