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FIGHT THE FUCKING POWER! remove this mod/admin and higher ups ts rule

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Just in case I didn't make this clear in my previous post, I think the fact that mods and admins should be active on teamspeak is fine.


But forcing them to connect to Teamspeak whenever they are on the servers is a bit too much? Most of us do it on our own anyways, just because we like being in Teamspeak to be there, not because we were forced by some rule.


Furthermore, ADMIN chat and Steam work perfectly fine don't they? If there's something really THAT urgent that requires some kind of emergency briefing then ask that admin to come in if they haven't already.


Today I witnessed a moderator warning a long acting admin of CSS that he was on his last chance. Shortly after he was banned. Isn't some kind of line drawn when admins that spend their free time to help keep the servers running smoothly are banned for something as minuscule as not joining Teamspeak?

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Just remove the rule. Ridiculous how this was even considered without consent from the general staff. Still boggles my mind behind the logic of

"The rule for Teamspeak is be connected to it. Being in the AFK room or in the Waiting Room counts. As long as you're connected to the server."


@@DarkWolf6052 @@orangejuice Since I know you 2 are the only ones who have been banning people constantly for this rule. Please give your thoughts on this manner. Explain the logic plz

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+1 for the removal of the rule. So you're telling me that a mod/admin can be doing their job perfectly fine, but if they aren't in TS they can get banned/demoted? All this rule doing is unnecessarily punishing good staff for really no reason. It's not like it's hard to be reached while playing on the server, admin chat is there for a reason (or you could use regular in-game chat or steam chat, there's a lot of ways to reach someone other than in TS). Like Aegean said, this rule was created without the consent of any staff whatsoever, and should just be removed.

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I'm on servers and Jew tells me to go on Teamspeak. I refuse cause I hate being on Teamspeak and it shouldn't be required. I get banned for an hour by Darkwolffor not being on teamspeak and perhaps "arguing" (which many admins do) with Jew. The next day, I go on servers and nobody tells me to get on Teamspeak. This pretty much shows, nobody gives a shit until Darkwolf or Orangejuice or on the server.

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Super killer was another admin that enforced this rule on rainbow dashie. though i agree with pretty much thinking it really is a dumb rule, i almost completely forgot i wasn't on teamspeak when i was on JB with a few played rounds +1. if this rule doesn't end soon i will be breaking out the tables.

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As said from (Who i think was darkwolf, i might be wrong, i think it was on the TS thread) darkwolf, "It's faster to contact you." IMO Steam chat and TS is just as fast to contact the person, and if you dont have them added on steam, go to "xG Admins" steam group, and search their name. If anything, if we are online on steam, even if we go afk you can send us a message and we still get it, but if on TS and in afk channel OR any other channel afk for that matter, it takes longer to contact us.

+1 for removal, but ALL admins should be active on teamspeak anyway, it just should not be forced, and you guys don't have to bash orangejuice on this, hes only doing his job, he said he doesnt like the rule either.

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you guys don't have to bash orangejuice on this, hes only doing his job, he said he doesnt like the rule either.



If he doesn't like it, then why agree and enforce it? Just to keep your powers or to kiss up to DMs/DLs for promotion? If you don't like something then go say something.

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Messaging someone who is afk in teamspeak is the exact same thing as messaging them on steam. Another unnecessary rule that's on the list.


"That government is best which governs least" - Jefferson / Thoreau.

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