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So about the disrespect...

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Whatever has been getting into people lately really needs to stop. Every other thread posted seems to lead to an argument, accusations, and/or disrespect. Many of the people are xG members, and it's giving a very bad impression to those who view us from the outside. I understand this is the Internet and arguments/name calling is commonplace, but it has gotten to an excessive level. (The two big ones being the "admin activity" and hellafun's abuse thread).


We talk about the disrespect all the time, say it'll be fixed, and nothing is done. The attitudes in those two threads are less than mature. It's about time something is done about it, which I why I made this thread. Either dish out punishments, or have a serious talk about disrespect with the offenders.





First off I wanna see everyone's thoughts on the situations (especially those 2 threads), and well as see if anything will be done in the form of punishment/getting it resolved. Do not come in here and say that people shouldn't be punished now because those in the past haven't been punished, that's an excuse for actions. I am not targeting anyone here, but rather feel its about time we can figure this out.

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Enforcing disrespect rule.


Disrespecting Elaborated


New Rules Regarding Disrespect


Disrespect!? What the f... Boom!


Disrespect to members.


What I'm getting at is simply this; there is no cure for it. xG has tried time and time again to enforce "Disrespect". The meaning of Disrespect in itself has been altered several times in the past for the better, but to no avail. Players/Members just have to realize that there is never a reason to turn to insults/harassment (disrespect) at any point. If someone is calling you out, making fun of you or demeaning you in any way; why is it that we have to stoop to their level and throw it back at them? It's because people either take things too seriously (I mean really, we're a gaming community. It's a game.) or are too immature to take the slightest amount of criticism.


That's another reason why it won't ever be fixed. Too many times have I seen players/members misinterpret something as disrespect when it is merely criticism or a "heads-up". I'm not going to go all TL;DR, but I just think it's too much of an idealist theory that we can completely get rid of Disrespect. Just as it was in thinking that we could get rid of All the trolls (huehue).


- Dat guy, Forest

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I agree with you 100% forest, and I understand that it's not something that can ever be dealt with fully. But it's the most recent ones, the ones where there is very clear disrespect that should be dealt with. If you don't deal with it and just keep saying that it is unfixable, it could become a serious problem. As far as I know it happens in many gaming communities. But I would hate to see it cause a bunch of people to leave, which is something that may happen. At least making an attempt to control it is a good step, if it doesn't work.. At least we tried.

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guys look disrespect is really not needed like at all. if someone is complaining over something like a slay that they thought was wrong or something very little where it wont change much for you then just slay yourself. you'll come back next round and get to play again. its not like it is life changing or changing your staff rank. ITS JUST A GAME. also if a arguement is really getting out of hand to the point where its ridiculous then be the bigger man and say you were wrong. Were half of you people never taught to pick your battles. if you weren't it means don't argue with someone over something so pointless as a slay to where its a big arguement over ts, forums, and ingame. just say you were wrong and it will be forgotten about tomorrow.

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Disrespecting is a problem I gotta say. It is not needed and should not be around here but disrespecting rules can't be totally enforced like Forest said. You should not go to their level and maybe at one point they will get the punishment. Do not go to their level because you may end up getting punished also.

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Disrespect isn't something you can get rid of, there are many players that are respectful and treat others nicely. Disrespect comes with disrespectful people, and unless you perma ban anyone who ever disrespects (GG population...) then it will always stay. Since I first PLAYED xG there has been disrespect ( This is when trolling was popular on the server, the JETZ people would always get on and do it, like Aaron and stuff. But i'll admit I was a small troll then, so i'd disrespect intentionally occasionally, but just enough so that i didn't get banned.) and even though now it is worse, it has always been here and is hard to rid of.



(On a CS:S Standpoint) What some admins/mods dont understand, is that when people say "You aren't doing your job, be a good admin, look he freekilled!1!1!1!1" constantly in admin chat, alot of people who have admin now have said that stuff (I could name a bunch of people who have staff now that have done that often) when they were members/non-members and a staff member wasn't slaying a guy who freekilled you, or didnt teamban someone who broke vents etc. Yet when the current staff see people saying that stuff, they get all pissed and just kick them (since you can't gag admin chat), which in my opinion, is pretty hypocritical of them to do, when they have done it themselves.



TL;DR 1- You cant get rid of disrespect, only the disrespectful people, and they've been around for 2+ years now in xG.



TL;DR 2(CS:S)- When a person says in admin chat "Are you going to slay that guy that freekilled me?" then you dont respond and they say "Wow how'd you get admin?" , that's not disrespect, and if you think it is then it's pretty hypocritical since i could name plenty of staff who have said that stuff before as members or less.

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It's not the stuff that happens on CS:S that bothers me, but rather the useless arguments that derail threads. It's much harder to prove disrespect in game, but when there is blatant disrespect on the forums I don't see why there isn't any action taken to quell it.

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guys look disrespect is really not needed like at all. if someone is complaining over something like a slay that they thought was wrong or something very little where it wont change much for you then just slay yourself. you'll come back next round and get to play again. its not like it is life changing or changing your staff rank. ITS JUST A GAME. also if a arguement is really getting out of hand to the point where its ridiculous then be the bigger man and say you were wrong. Were half of you people never taught to pick your battles. if you weren't it means don't argue with someone over something so pointless as a slay to where its a big arguement over ts, forums, and ingame. just say you were wrong and it will be forgotten about tomorrow.



Do not take this as disrespect daddio, but have a backbone. You are saying that if you slay someone and it turns into an argument to just "slay yourself" or "be the bigger person and say you were wrong", well sorry but I'm not gonna sit here and seem like a little bitch because someone is arguing. You don't see people in court when they are arguing just all of a sudden go "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't of brought you to court for raping my child. Judge, I would like to take the blame for the rape of my own child because this man was arguing with me." If you are right about something, don't give up. If they keep arguing and you KNOW that you are right, then warn them to stop, and if they don't, further actions will be placed upon them.


Disrespect has been going on since this whole clan started, no way to stop it, or fix it unless you wanna ban the whole fucking internet from xG. Try your best to solve it yourself, whether it be;


1: Ignoring said disrespect

2: Reporting to a staff member

3: If you are a staff member, deal with it appropriately

4: Don't take it personally.


I understand there are some limitations, but come on, if someone can really make you cry, and make you that upset, you are not mentally stable to be on the internet. It is as simple as that.

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guys look disrespect is really not needed like at all. if someone is complaining over something like a slay that they thought was wrong or something very little where it wont change much for you then just slay yourself. you'll come back next round and get to play again. its not like it is life changing or changing your staff rank. ITS JUST A GAME. also if a arguement is really getting out of hand to the point where its ridiculous then be the bigger man and say you were wrong. Were half of you people never taught to pick your battles. if you weren't it means don't argue with someone over something so pointless as a slay to where its a big arguement over ts, forums, and ingame. just say you were wrong and it will be forgotten about tomorrow.



Do not take this as disrespect daddio, but have a backbone. You are saying that if you slay someone and it turns into an argument to just "slay yourself" or "be the bigger person and say you were wrong", well sorry but I'm not gonna sit here and seem like a little bitch because someone is arguing. You don't see people in court when they are arguing just all of a sudden go "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't of brought you to court for raping my child. Judge, I would like to take the blame for the rape of my own child because this man was arguing with me." If you are right about something, don't give up. If they keep arguing and you KNOW that you are right, then warn them to stop, and if they don't, further actions will be placed upon them.


Disrespect has been going on since this whole clan started, no way to stop it, or fix it unless you wanna ban the whole fucking internet from xG. Try your best to solve it yourself, whether it be;


1: Ignoring said disrespect

2: Reporting to a staff member

3: If you are a staff member, deal with it appropriately

4: Don't take it personally.


I understand there are some limitations, but come on, if someone can really make you cry, and make you that upset, you are not mentally stable to be on the internet. It is as simple as that.



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guys look disrespect is really not needed like at all. if someone is complaining over something like a slay that they thought was wrong or something very little where it wont change much for you then just slay yourself. you'll come back next round and get to play again. its not like it is life changing or changing your staff rank. ITS JUST A GAME. also if a arguement is really getting out of hand to the point where its ridiculous then be the bigger man and say you were wrong. Were half of you people never taught to pick your battles. if you weren't it means don't argue with someone over something so pointless as a slay to where its a big arguement over ts, forums, and ingame. just say you were wrong and it will be forgotten about tomorrow.



Do not take this as disrespect daddio, but have a backbone. You are saying that if you slay someone and it turns into an argument to just "slay yourself" or "be the bigger person and say you were wrong", well sorry but I'm not gonna sit here and seem like a little bitch because someone is arguing. You don't see people in court when they are arguing just all of a sudden go "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't of brought you to court for raping my child. Judge, I would like to take the blame for the rape of my own child because this man was arguing with me." If you are right about something, don't give up. If they keep arguing and you KNOW that you are right, then warn them to stop, and if they don't, further actions will be placed upon them.


Disrespect has been going on since this whole clan started, no way to stop it, or fix it unless you wanna ban the whole fucking internet from xG. Try your best to solve it yourself, whether it be;


1: Ignoring said disrespect

2: Reporting to a staff member

3: If you are a staff member, deal with it appropriately

4: Don't take it personally.


I understand there are some limitations, but come on, if someone can really make you cry, and make you that upset, you are not mentally stable to be on the internet. It is as simple as that.

no i understand that if the staff member slays someone for a valid reason and the person argues the staff member has every right to argue and get a higher ups opinoin

but if it is over something like when JWB slayed someone when it was a warday situation then just slay ur self

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Just wait. xG hasen't been like the good ol' times its all disperect,talking shit bout people,fake promises,corrupt bans,etc.

The 76% of the people have left cuz they realized what i just said.

No offense silence but enforce xG and maybe there can be some hope.

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Just wait. xG hasen't been like the good ol' times its all disperect,talking shit bout people,fake promises,corrupt bans,etc.

The 76% of the people have left cuz they realized what i just said.

No offense silence but enforce xG and maybe there can be some hope.


Good ol' times? you didn't come around until VERY recently. lol. you complained about anything that did not directly affect you in a positive way, and would try to wiggle in places nobody wanted you around (private areas [pre-arranged scrims, community rooms in teamspeak]).




Disrespect will always be around, unless it is a legitimate personal thing, don't take it personally. you look worse when you take someone calling you a faggot personal.


Nut up and ignore it. faggot.

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