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Late Night Jailbreak - Suggestions/Comments/Feedback

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Hey guys, thanks to anyone that was there tonight. If you missed it, we did start it later than originally set because of the amount of people on at 11pm.


I'm posting this just to get a reaction and any suggestions from those that were able to join us. If you loved it, please tell us.


I think it went over quite well for the most part, and it seemed that confusion was kept to a minimum. Thanks to Gkoo and the other admins that were on at the time.


Tagging those that I can remember that were there:

@@Gkoo @@snakeboyeric @@MegaRobin @@Cristo @@daddiodoug @@Warriorsfury @@payturr @@orangejuice @@Matsi @@DrPepperPhreak @@Nub1234


We're gonna try for another one next Saturday, and any suggestions will be taken into consideration.

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Late night JB was interesting... I think it's a great idea honestly. However, certain limitations should be placed (IE: do not group free taze one person) and, I feel due to the nature of event, that orders from warden should not be strict at all. Fun time, however!

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Alot needs to change which I will type later. As you can see by what MY reaction was it will take a LOT to get used to. And you guys WILL have problems with people.

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It was a success. The server's size grew 2 times for this night within a course of 10 minutes.

(Usually it would die around that time)


Everyone seemed to have fun and there was so much laughter. Even new guys who joined the server had fun. I guess you could say they thought we were we were so fun that we will be seeing 3 more active people on Jailbreak.


It lasted approximately 1 hour and a half (1 map and a half) and I hope to see it last longer in the future.


I do not plan on making rules to this. I see it fit as a staff member of xG you should know how far a situation should go.


I advise we set a time and post an event on the xg-rep group to inform others.



Remember staff members, this is the time where I (and darkwolf for next time) will look on how well you handle the server. If you cannot keep it under control WHILE still having as much fun, then you should re-look at your status. I've noted down all of the staff tonight who did a great job on informing people what the day was and keeping the server in control.


(If you didn't notice, it's still a controlled environment, just a little harder on the staff to judge.)




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It was fun for awhile, but as a person in power I may have a drastically different viewpoint than a normal player who doesnt have powahs.

Id like to see it again next Sat +1 but a)make sure everone knows whats going on ahead of time [mah ears are still ringing from cristo] and b) make sure that it doesnt get outta hand.

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Alot needs to change which I will type later. As you can see by what MY reaction was it will take a LOT to get used to. And you guys WILL have problems with people.


Overall, I think everything went better than expected. You have many staff members, with powers that are pretty much given free reign. I think everyone conducted themselves in a very good manner, and over time most of the issues were worked out. I will admit that the beginning was a little rough and there was a lot going on, but it was one of the best times I've had in a long time. I really don't think there are too many issues with it, we just need to make sure that it remains under control. Obviously mass smiting every round will not benefit the server in any way, but I believe that staff members can use enough common sense to know when to stop.


I'm not sure exactly how you stumbled across late night jb tonight, but I would assume that you were unaware of it and saw a server in total chaos. It will take some getting used to, but I think when people are in the loop it is a very enjoyable time. We did our best to inform the server of what was going on. I honestly don't believe that we will have any issues with people, especially with staff members. Having Gkoo or Darkwolf on while hosting the night gives a little bit of control, and we are all open to complaints during the night. If people think it goes to far, they just need to let us know in chat. It becomes pretty obvious though when we need to calm down a little, and as evident tonight it had gone pretty well. (You weren't there for the majority of the time, but I can honestly say that it went pretty well).

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It was fun for awhile, but as a person in power I may have a drastically different viewpoint than a normal player who doesnt have powahs.

Id like to see it again next Sat +1 but a)make sure everone knows whats going on ahead of time [mah ears are still ringing from cristo] and b) make sure that it doesnt get outta hand.


As far as I could tell, it seemed like the people that weren't part of xG were also enjoying it. I would like to promote it a little better next time, a little bit of information before it starts to help clear up any confusion.

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I see it fit as a staff member of xG you should know how far a situation should go.

Exactly. None of us were going way too far, Only what we think would make everyone laugh and make a time enjoyable. It's been a long time since there's been something as fun as this and honestly, some people wouldn't give a crap and just laugh it off.. Plus it's just one night..


Obviously mass smiting every round will not benefit the server in any way, but I believe that staff members can use enough common sense to know when to stop.

Also this.. (Because everyone knows that dying every round with a big *BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG* [smite] would not be very fun, we need lotsa funny attitudes goin' on


but it was one of the best times I've had in a long time.

Last night, Before people like @@Cristo , @@Warriorsfury and @@payturr logged on, It was what i think the best time on xG i had..


I +1 next week's night

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Post your opinions here. It really doesn't help if you talk about it elsewhere.


And this was the point of the thread. From what I've been hearing, those that were uninformed of what was actually happened are getting stories from people that A. Weren't there or B. Were not part of the whole event.


I hope that people aren't judging this based off of skewed stories, if you want an idea of what really happened talk to me or gkoo.

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basically what i heard from this event that there was just a lot of freekilling, admin abuse, and overall debauchery. now, im all for the abuse of admin powers but this isnt really a community night as it only involves people in power. it seems like a way for admins to use the powers there too afraid to use during regular jailbreak hours because of the fear of getting demoted

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And that's exactly what it was, it was staff members having fun with powers. The majority of it was aimed at each other, but it also involved those without powers. As I stated before, it was not only enjoyable for those that had powers, but also for those that didn't. Everyone was having a good time, and everyone was having a laugh. It is a way for admins to use powers without being afraid of getting demoted, we all need a little time to have some fun and not worry about rules. Its both a fun night for the server as well as a time for staff members to enjoy each others company and have a little bit of reckless fun.

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