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The Future Of Cs:s

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At certain points in time you realize that things you loved greatly cannot last forever. People move on, you get bored, things get stale. No matter how much you wish that things would return to the "way they used to be" you have to realize that it will never. CS:S is exactly this, something that was once a great time, with great people, and a game you could play for 12 hours straight without being bored. Unfortunately it just doesn't have to appeal, to anyone that plays anymore. We are lucky to have an hour a day with anyone on it.


Minigames fairs slightly better, but still has dismal population numbers. And when either of these servers are populated, most of the time it is members; the randoms are few and far between.


At the current moment, CS:S is seriously struggling. Population is low, its stale, people complain about the state of it. So what do we do about it.


There are really two options, and before carrying on I ask you to take a minute and seriously think it through. Don't look into the past and think about how much fun JB was in 2011-2012; you realistically cannot expect it to be the same ever again.


Option 1: The tough choice


Nobody wants to say it, but I have no problem being the first. I think a serious consideration about taking CS:S down for good is in order here.

As it stands right now, we are putting a lot of money into server upkeep but seeing very little benefit. We haven't changed much on the servers in what seems to be years, and certainty nothing drastic has changed to make it fun or worth it.


So let's say we do decide it's time to let go of CS:S, what can we do with the money that is saved? Well, it certainly will make xG that much easier to keep running; there would be less reliance on Silence and a few random people to keep the servers paid for. In addition this money could theoretically be invested into one of the other divisions, whether it be CS:GO, GMOD, or TF2. My hopes is that something would be worked out with CS:GO div @Bleed to migrate current mods+ and to work on creating a great JB and minigames experience there.


I tend to think of this option as the better for all option, versus the better for some.


The benefits of this choice are:

1) Save money, which xG has needed to do for quite some time.

2) More focus can be had on CS:GO, a division that I see a lot of potential in.

3) With focus on CS:GO, there can be a new experience that can create new memories

4) Letting CS:S go before it becomes an even bigger let down


Option 2: The risky choice

And then there's the second option which involves a makeover of CS:S JB. The three division managers (Cristo, Dr. Lee, and I) could attempt to essentially do jailbreak all over. Rewrite the rules (less strict), deleted all maps and add just a handful to get started, get hub into jailbreak, and even potentially remove bans to help open the server back up to a lot more people.


What we could do is just shut jb down for a week or two to get a lot of this done and create a stringent schedule that would be posted on the forums to get the list of items added and jb running. This would take work by a lot of people though, and may take a while to get going. We would need @Nomulous and @Bleed to get hub running.


My concern with this is 1) Not getting hub done, as it was supposed to be done a year ago and 2) A lot of work being put into this and only seeing a benefit for a few days once the server is back.


In my opinion, hub isn't the CS:S savior. It's not new, its really not different from other servers, and I can only see it bringing a few days of excitement back.



So those are just the two choices that I have devised, but there may be more out there. I already briefly discussed some of this with the division managers, but really it will be up to all to decide what happens.


And like I said, it is though to say that CS:S should be put away, but something you just have to realize when things may be done.














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We all know what option is best :^) In all seriousness though, why do something risky when it most likely won't pay off in the end? The decision is clear here.

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I really, really hate option 1 because CS:S is 90% of my daily occupation and I don't know what I would do since TF2 JB is shit and I don't really play any other games of the other division. That's the only reason I would prefer option 2. This thread is making me sad :(





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Well, if we were to do option 2, youd have to make sure everyone is willing to work on it, if you start working on it then juat quit midway it'll be a waste.

I also think we should try and get some donations in from the css div first, make something for when hub is up they get some type of vip thing, like free stuff etc.

But as much as it hurts me to say it, being someone who stuck around xG the longest (since summer of 2010, 405th xG member), option 1 is much smarter, more oppurtunity for the csgo div. CSS will die eventually since people will transfer to csgo being the newer ( and imo, better) game, we cant stop that. If it were worked on seriously enough, it could last longer, but it's only delaying what is sure to happen soon. If css jb were revamped, we would SERIOUSLY need some unique traits, whether it be plugins, games, etc., If we are the same as any other JB, the work will be for nothing. I would like to see css thrive as it was then, but even I understand it's just a dream, one that will likely not be fulfilled.

Oh, and wow, nobody tagged me, I see how it is. Screw you guys, im goin home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z99iVXJ8OtA

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I'd hate to say this, but I have to agree - the risk is far too much. I doubt anyone in our division either has the time, knowledge, or interest to completely rewrite the servers/rules/plugins/maps/mods/sounds/ect. And keeping it up for the slim hope of hub just makes it sound less and less likely it will ever happen. Whether or not people will be transferring CS:GO is up to the admin themselves and, of course, Bleed (/Penguin). It saddens me to say this, but I think we should move on from CS:S - as did many people already have.


A few people:

@Sojodak @Lithium @Hexx @Haxx @Legend @DeathGod

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I would've loved being told this before I started my vacation, maybe weeks before, then I could've worked on something. Though up to you guys, if I'm needed, I can work with bleed.

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wow. nobody tagged me. i see how it is.


i guess the only server people really care about anymore is minigames, and that's played for an hour or so every couple days. still good fun.

1 is sad but probably a better way, even though i seriously hate csgo due to just.. well.. idk, i just don't like it.


Hub would definitely generate some activity for a few, but atleast it will have us coming back a wee bit more often (if not always online)

(we liked something other than a basic game, with the only plugin we had was basically slaying anybody who doesnt follow a rule listed on an online forum)

I highly doubt that there will be anybody wanting to do any more work for the CSS div with no interest in it anymore, and when we were (kind of) promised hub multiple times, and literally nothing except smite (as far as i know) was added in the past ...long-ass time, until recently when trails & colors were added

it just seems too much time/work

for too little a reward

I have little hope outside of bleed (and MAYBE.. MAYBE just nomulous too) just being bored so he will code us things


I also think we should try and get some donations in from the css div first, make something for when hub is up they get some type of vip thing, like free stuff etc.

colors & trails? anything more and it won't be done due to no interest or time.



I hate to say this, but I have to admit i'm having wild sex with Holly

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Honestly, i would liek to see the cs:s div finally be put down. I Really enjoyed my time on jb and minigames. But It's pretty much a dieing dog at this point and needs to be put down.

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Im sorry but all that money would go to tf2 div, tf2 div is like the only div thats populated, why dont we close gmod, lfd2, csgo, anything else. -1 on close of css, css is how i started to play xG.


Dont mind the spelling im very unaware of what im doing atm

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If CS:S is going to be taken down, it would be nice too see maybe a minigames server on CS:GO at least.. and I agree with sqwurt on all 3 (4?) of his points

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