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I said it was disrespectful for the "who r u?" and "oh, yur a trade homo". You should actually read my posts.


Could have sworn that ban requests, ban appeals, moderator submissions, and report abuse posts were supposed to be serious. Not all of this bickering.

did you read MY post? all i said was who r u.


how is that disrespectful? You're seriously grasping at straws. I'm talking about my own posts, the fact that it's been pretty much delt with and then you go ahead and say b-b-but u guis are disruspcutfulll is ludacris. I was wondering who he was on the servers cause i don't recall ever seeing him, maybe he goes by a different name in game, maybe he does other things, but i don't see his steam account which makes it more difficult.


Jesus christ is it really this hard for some people?

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This is absolutely ridiculous. Has xG really gotten to the point where you can't even ask who someone is without it turning into a goddamn soap opera?


It's not my fault if someone takes offense because nobody knows who they are. Credibility is a thing, and if you're going to stand up and voice your opinion, maybe you better be someone who is known by the community, or at least be ready to stand your ground and defend said opinion, instead of getting butt chapped when literally nobody knows who you are or if someone disagrees with you.


We get it. He dislikes Vector. Lots of people do. But the fact of the matter is that Vector lays down the goddamn law. Nobody can deny that. Was he an asshole about it when he actually did his job? Sure. But he did his job and he did it effectively.


I honestly don't even know what to think about his demotion in the first place. Seems like it was the result of a lot of assbackwards drama, just like we're seeing in this thread right now.


Call it disrespect or whatever the hell you want, but if all it takes is asking who someone is to start a fucking argument anymore here, seriously...I just don't even. I'm honestly tired of all this nonsensical bullshit. I babysit enough at work. I honestly don't know why I push myself to do it online in my off-time.

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did you read MY post? all i said was who r u.


how is that disrespectful? You're seriously grasping at straws. I'm talking about my own posts, the fact that it's been pretty much delt with and then you go ahead and say b-b-but u guis are disruspcutfulll is ludacris. I was wondering who he was on the servers cause i don't recall ever seeing him, maybe he goes by a different name in game, maybe he does other things, but i don't see his steam account which makes it more difficult.


Jesus christ is it really this hard for some people?

Yes, connotating that he is no one and that his opinion doesn't matter.


I'm saying that how you and Hachi handled it was disrespectful to him. If the effort was taken to actually verify who he was, by looking up his name (which would take a whole 5 seconds), then everyone wouldn't be so upset about him not giving his information, even though he told you to look him up on game.me.


By mocking and slinging insults towards me, you are only proving my point.


I tried to be nice and point out that there were better ways to handle the situation, especially when you want to be taken seriously. I think I'll just -1 and take my leave.

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I'm not even trying to argue. here

Yes, connotating that he is no one and that his opinion doesn't matter.


I'm saying that how you and Hachi handled it was disrespectful to him. If the effort was taken to actually verify who he was, by looking up his name (which would take a whole 5 seconds), then everyone wouldn't be so upset about him not giving his information, even though he told you to look him up on game.me.


By mocking and slinging insults towards me, you are only proving my point.


I tried to be nice and point out that there were better ways to handle the situation, especially when you want to be taken seriously. I think I'll just -1 and take my leave.

No? I asked who he was because i didn't know who he was. Can someone please explain? did you even read what i wrote to him? saying that his -1 is valid and that he is probably a great member? I can't believe that every word that i type or comes out of my mouth people always seem to deem it's disrespectful.

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So, I believe it's time to make an ever so slightly positive/negative comment on this request.


I believe we have all noticed that in the past Vector has perhaps been a bit... Over the top when it comes to arguements and solving issues on the servers, which we should all know about and agree on, honestly if you don't believe this then you're either new or retarded.


Before you can just blast in and go 'BLIRHIRU +1 CUZ HES KOOL' or '-1 he's a faggot.' These things are to be taken account of even if he is re-applying: The current staff HAVE to take note on the past events before +1/-1, if not then you're clearly already doing something wrong.


(+1/-1 because you're their friend or you hate them is possibly the dumbest thing a staff member/normal member could possibly do, you clearly can't think for yourself if you do these.)


What I am saying is you should ALL be looking into their background as a previous staff member, such things would be:


·Attitude towards other Staff/Members/Players

·How they enforced rules

-Did they follow the procedure correctly and give warnings followed by correct punishment?


You do not want a staff member who is: Disrespectful to staff, members and players because they share their opinions, don't like someone or because they hate you.


You don't want a staff member who is: Enforcing rules either... Too lightly or harshly (aka not really punishing or giving hard punishments.)


You don't want a staff member who is: Screwing the system over and just following it by their own ideals.

(An example could be if they just jump straight to kicks without mutes/gags for spam.)


I'm not even sure if I can +1/-1 but i'm staying neutral either way.



The moral of this wall of text is: Think for yourself, read their background and don't be dumb.


P.S I haven't even read what you guys wrote as I was informed there was a shitstorm with dumb posts: so I'm just commenting on this type of submission.

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It's not my fault if someone takes offense because nobody knows who they are. Credibility is a thing, and if you're going to stand up and voice your opinion, maybe you better be someone who is known by the community, or at least be ready to stand your ground and defend said opinion, instead of getting butt chapped when literally nobody knows who you are or if someone disagrees with you.

Metalslug has already said everything that i wanted to say, just wanted to quote this.

It's not our fault if somebody gets offended by being asked who they are. If they choose to leave over such a petty thing and start trying to make it sound like they're the victim, then it's for the better. We don't need people like that in this clan.


As for vector being staff in general, it seems some people don't know we all act rude sometimes, however when it comes to serious discussions with Vector, he gets straight to the point. No sugar coating it. However he is respectful and trustworthy, just take a look at his post when he tells him that he's probably a great member and shouldn't leave over something this stupid.


Also, to be honest, ohstopyou is clearly looking at this one-sidedly, not taking into account that what Tirisgarde said could also be taken offensively. He refused to give a simple answer (to who he was, or in a way "Which server do you normally play on, because i don't see you often") and instead just instigated this whole fight.

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Alright guys, this is honestly a hard decision.

Why I would -1 Vector:

~ Vector can be very disrespectful (for example telling people to kill themselfs etc)

Why I would +1 Vector:

~ He is very active

~ furthermore he knows the rules (regarding admin/mod stuff)

~ additionally he is experienced (regarding admin/mod stuff)

~ he's also more mature than the majority of our current staff members..

So that's why I came to the decision to +1 him! good luck

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I honestly don't know why you stay vector, if you hate half the people in this clan. I would left this clan if I hated more than half the people in this clan.

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I honestly don't know why you stay vector, if you hate half the people in this clan. I would left this clan if I hated more than half the people in this clan.

Because i have been in xG for over 2 years and been through so many divisions. I want to keep the group going even though i dislike so many people. There are still people here who are genuinely good people.

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Just read the thread. Before I go with a side, I'm going to judge all of you for not recognizing Tirisgarde. Kid's on pokemon literally all the time, step it up. Staff should know the regulars or something.


As for Vector, +1 for mod on a trial basis. I still have multiple people in my friends list who haven't come back since before vector lost powers. Being an asshole is fine, driving people away for good isn't. You followed the rules and protocols as your job was concerned, but how you treat people on the servers more often then not is inappropriate. You only get away with it because you're so irritating when you get upset that staff just lets you do it rather than hear you bitch about it. Give him mod on a trial period, god knows he's more capable than some of the staff we have now, but if he stays a complete asshole and keeps driving people away, take it away for good.

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Give him mod on a trial period, god knows he's more capable than some of the staff we have now, but if he stays a complete asshole and keeps driving people away, take it away for good.

I agree with keeping him on a VERY short leash.

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You only get away with it because you're so irritating when you get upset that staff just lets you do it rather than hear you bitch about it.

so it's never because i'm right? oh. also keep in mind, TGH was at an all time HIGH when i was admin, and you and others kept pushing the same attitude. And don't deny it because it was the same group of people who encouraged it.

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Summer 2013, before vector was admin- 32/32 20 hours a day


Summer 2014, vector is admin 15-25 during the three peak hours daily


Hub/hyrulening of 2014, partly vectors idea, he's still admin. 5-10 players during peak hours.


All time high? Don't lie to yourself mate.

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