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Kypari - Team Fortress 2

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In this situation to me it feels like you are being extremely bias. You simply dismissed Brian's over the top bm and OBVIOUS RACISM as something to just shrug off your shoulders but are claiming that Kypari needs to be convicted of a ban in a situation where his bm was not at all as severe as Rabid or Brian. You KNOW this. Additionally, Kypari and Tekage WERE the victims because this all started because of Brian's racism thread aka "British Humor Thread". You also KNOW that no conflict would ever have happened if Rabid and Brian didn't begin with their instigation on Kypari and Tekage. Now, mind you, I don't really like their personalities and am not really friends with them, but its clear to me that you are being biased because you are chummy with Rabid and don't like young kids in xG.


@diabeetus @DrLee @ThePenguin @CommunityLeaders ( @Forest )

Maybe I'm too old for this place, but what do you mean by chummy?



You want the truth. People are gonna be against banning certain older members because.. Theyve been here a long time. Brian was a big deal a few years back, its like saying let's ban forest for something. (Essentially banning a well known and popular friend). There are pockets of major biasness in the clan, nobody can deny it.


What do I think personally should happen?


1) Rabid banned. Which he is permed right now, but I do feel bad for doing it meaning it could be changed since I'm getting pressured by other people to get it lessened.


2) Kypari gets a warning since he has never been a problem before.


3) Brian gets a week ban, plus a final warning since it has happened before.


Just my 2 cents, but it'll come down to who has more friends. I promise I'm not trying to be passive aggressive or rude about it, but from my long experience here that's how most stuff goes down.

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Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.



Should the about us be changed at the bottom then?

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I don't think this warrants a removal of powers, or should even apply to his server powers, so -1 on removal of powers.


I will also say that a forum warning or short ban is founded in this case.



Since we're all being open and honest now though, I will say the concerns in this thread are valid. @Kypari , some of these issues do affect you and how you do your job on the servers. You have always done a good job as a moderator, and have never given me, or the previous tf2 higher ups, any reason to remove your powers. Still though, you've been mod for probably longer than any of our other mods, and still haven't been promoted. You do your job as mod well, but these attitude issues, most minor, some major, are the reason you've stayed just mod. You have a chance for improvement here, it doesn't help you, the division, or the clan if you disregard the valid criticisms in this thread.

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I don't think this warrants a removal of powers, or should even apply to his server powers, so -1 on removal of powers.


I will also say that a forum warning or short ban is founded in this case.



Since we're all being open and honest now though, I will say the concerns in this thread are valid. @Kypari , some of these issues do affect you and how you do your job on the servers. You have always done a good job as a moderator, and have never given me, or the previous tf2 higher ups, any reason to remove your powers. Still though, you've been mod for probably longer than any of our other mods, and still haven't been promoted. You do your job as mod well, but these attitude issues, most minor, some major, are the reason you've stayed just mod. You have a chance for improvement here, it doesn't help you, the division, or the clan if you disregard the valid criticisms in this thread.



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With that said, because of the nature of this thread, I would also like that any content within this thread not be used maliciously against anyone. This means for Ban Requests, Member Protests, etc. Reason being that most of the content in this thread is based on opinion and criticism, and therefore makes it an inadequate source of incriminating evidence, and should thereby not be used against anyone.

Remind me to mention this in the OP the next time I make a thread like that.


My opinion on this whole cluster cuss is much like any of the others mentioned in this thread, so I won't make some well-thought out and wordy post. Long story short, my opinion is that both parties are in the wrong (like 99.9% of any other disputes here) and both should be punished accordingly.

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as for the reason this is a report abuse: some of you newer kids may not know this, but back in the day (when we were group banned from hellsgamers and a serious competition against them for players) it used to be if you were staff, you were held to a much higher standard. none of this second, third, fourth warning, then 2-5 chances shit. if you fucked up even in the slightest, did something worthy of a ban, not only were you banned. you were immediately demoted. not a demotion from say admin to moderator. you went from admin to member, received the ban (plus a slight increase in the length) and it was very hard to earn trust enough back to become even just a mod again.


That's why this is an abuse report. that is why I am going hard on this. you want to clean up xG? you don't start by trying to clean the non-members and members. you start by cleaning the staff. If staff do something worthy of a ban, or aren't living up to their expectations, then they should not be staff. If you really want this place to be better, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and get ready to get dirty, demoting your friends may be hard, but it is probably what needs done. If they truly deserve it, they would stay instead of rage quitting after a demotion like most others do, and earn that trust back slowly. not in a week or 2, but over months.

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as for the reason this is a report abuse: some of you newer kids may not know this, but back in the day (when we were group banned from hellsgamers and a serious competition against them for players) it used to be if you were staff, you were held to a much higher standard. none of this second, third, fourth warning, then 2-5 chances fudge. if you fricked up even in the slightest, did something worthy of a ban, not only were you banned. you were immediately demoted. not a demotion from say admin to moderator. you went from admin to member, received the ban (plus a slight increase in the length) and it was very hard to earn trust enough back to become even just a mod again.


That's why this is an abuse report. that is why I am going hard on this. you want to clean up xG? you don't start by trying to clean the non-members and members. you start by cleaning the staff. If staff do something worthy of a ban, or aren't living up to their expectations, then they should not be staff. If you really want this place to be better, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and get ready to get dirty, demoting your friends may be hard, but it is probably what needs done. If they truly deserve it, they would stay instead of rage quitting after a demotion like most others do, and earn that trust back slowly. not in a week or 2, but over months.

How many times do we have to say?

Kypari is a very good moderator for TF2 and if he got demoted it would literally just cause problems.

Yeah, you say "back in the day" but this is NOW. Not the past.

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How many times do we have to say?

Kypari is a very good moderator for TF2 and if he got demoted it would literally just cause problems.

Yeah, you say "back in the day" but this is NOW. Not the past.

you can't use the excuse that he is good on the server when he is bad on the forums. you have to be good on both especially as staff. and there is actual evidence of this behavior.

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you can't use the excuse that he is good on the server when he is bad on the forums. you have to be good on both especially as staff. and there is actual evidence of this behavior.

And how many times have I been bad on the forums? This is my first offense, and it's minor. You're making such a little thing into a massive problem, even though it isn't that big of a deal. You're just trying to serve equal punishment, but that's not how it should work.

Here's an example:

Two people are trolling on the server. One person has a history of bans, the other one is new. You warn the new troll and you ban the other troll. If they're being disrespectful, you gag or mute them (being the warning) and if they proceed, then you act. If one person has a history of disrespect, then they'll be banned longer than the other person.

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This doesn't warrant a TF2 demotion whatsoever.

This is how the punishments go in the TF2 division, not sure about here:

Warn > Gag/Mute > Kick < Ban


So if Asock was warned multiple times and banned before, then it's natural for him to get permed.

However, Kypari would only be on the 1st stage: Warning.

I fail to see how banning him would be fair, and see it more as you getting angry about Asock, your friend's, ban. That's how it seems.

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Let's start. You say that you are mainly an issue on the forums and not in-game. Do you realize that if you were to be demoted, it's more of a judge or character, rather than two different platforms. That's like saying you committed hate crimes in on part of the country but not the other, so you shouldn't have it documented on one side. That's not how this works. Part of being a moderator is having the same mentality on and off the field. You can't act one way to make sure you cover your own ass, then behave like an absolute moron someplace else and expect no to be punished. That's not how the real world works. You messed on on the forums, so @Chrono is making a judge of character.




We don't need this person as a mod. You can't act like you're right or higher up than you actually are by trying to get me and rabid banned from the forums just because we have a difference in opinion, or because of the way I say that opinion. That's not the sign of maturity, but rather of ignorance. I don't need another ignorant moderator telling me what I can and can't do, because it "might hurt somebody's feelings." And even if I mess up, you don't automatically need to ban me just because I messed up once.


This is directed not only @Kypari, but at most of the TF2 Division that has a problem with me. So far, from this so called "community" I have been called the following.

  • Racist
  • Troll
  • Bigoted

And for what? Because I don't sugar coat it and make you feel better? You do realize that most of the stuff I say is because I actually care about the clan, and the circlejerk that has been created is obviously ruining it, right?

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Okay, this thread seems to be going in a circle.


I do believe that Kypari should get a punishmemt on the forum. Not as extensive as the punishmemt Asock recieved, but something less severe. The thread was about criticism. The wording Asock put was offensive, but Kypari took the bait and retaliated. Two wrongs don't make a right. Overall, I think you're over reacting to a CRTICISM thread. And to find evidence to support your request, Chrono, just go through Kypari's forum posts and get what you need.


That's just my two cents on this merry go round.


Note: wrote this from mobile. Will fix spelling mistakes once I get on my PC.

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Let's start. You say that you are mainly an issue on the forums and not in-game. Do you realize that if you were to be demoted, it's more of a judge or character, rather than two different platforms. That's like saying you committed hate crimes in on part of the country but not the other, so you shouldn't have it documented on one side. That's not how this works. Part of being a moderator is having the same mentality on and off the field. You can't act one way to make sure you cover your own butt, then behave like an absolute moron someplace else and expect no to be punished. That's not how the real world works. You messed on on the forums, so @Chrono is making a judge of character.




We don't need this person as a mod. You can't act like you're right or higher up than you actually are by trying to get me and rabid banned from the forums just because we have a difference in opinion, or because of the way I say that opinion. That's not the sign of maturity, but rather of ignorance. I don't need another ignorant moderator telling me what I can and can't do, because it "might hurt somebody's feelings." And even if I mess up, you don't automatically need to ban me just because I messed up once.


This is directed not only @Kypari, but at most of the TF2 Division that has a problem with me. So far, from this so called "community" I have been called the following.

  • Racist
  • Troll
  • Bigoted

And for what? Because I don't sugar coat it and make you feel better? You do realize that most of the stuff I say is because I actually care about the clan, and the circlejerk that has been created is obviously ruining it, right?


"Not sugar coating" things doesn't mean being racist. Ironically, your phrase "difference in opinion" is sugar coating your hostility and racism towards them. There is never an ok time to be seriously racist. I'm pretty sure this whole conflict started because you were attacking them because you didn't like young kids in the clan and then when they retaliated, you called it off as being a "joke" and saying they don't have any humor, using their race as a medium.

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