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Summer Antics.

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What have you done this summer so far?


This summer so far I have...


Played video games

I went to the beach

I said bye to my brother going to basic training

I almost got arrested for underage alcohol

I almost got arrested for having underage... hmhmhm....

I stayed in North Carolina

I RKO'ed a kid on concrete (RIP)

I flew a confederate flag around town to protest ignorance :^)

I stopped having hmhmhm...with hmahahum...

I had to go to summer class

I had to deal with crazy females from past... experiences

I saw fireworks

I got sick forever

I found out an old friend of mine was gay (I fucking knew it. He always ate pop-tarts without frosting.)

I found out a friend of mine got pregnant from some younger kid .-.

I flew in a tiny ass plane to a state below mine .-.

I began to miss having hmhmhm...with hmahahum...wijwkqgqhajabv

I smoked 3 grams of whofuckinggivesashit and didn't get high .-.

I didn't get a job

I threw an ongoing party at my house for 3 days

I regretted it

I went fishing


...Then I had to dedicate the rest of my summer to studying, working, and weeping (btw this is also my inactivity thread:dank:)



But who gives a shit.

What did you do?

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100% of people will say video games as one of their things.


Have gotten slammed alot.

Blazed it for black jesus.

Worked because I need the $$$.

Street raced some of these punks.

Gotten swole.

Watch muh animus.

Started talking to this chick. (Realized she was 16 and I turned around and act like nothing happened)

Duck taped roman candles onto my friends car and drove around with them.

Took a massive dump and flushed.

Played those vidya games.

Played music with my friends at some local places.


Yeah, pretty much work, getting drunk, and doing stupid shit. Also, 3 grams and nothing? That fucking sucks. @Goblin

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I almost got arrested for having underage... hmhmhm....

Started talking to this chick. (Realized she was 16 and I turned around and act like nothing happened)

Ayyy Saaaame! Ahahah...ahah...

It's pretty bad...

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video games...


finding out that spiders live in bananas. what else? ah yea

doing shots

forgetting that someone needed some love

write a story about nothing

tried using a phone (ha)

stocking up on meat

finding out the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel is 666

finding out that there are 30 million accounts on facebook of people who have already died

also finding out that Light doesn’t necessarily travel at the speed of light. The slowest it's ever recorded is at 38 mph

reading that powerful earthquakes can permanently shorten the length of earth's day, by moving the spin of the Earth’s axis. The 2011 Japan earthquake knocked 1.8 microseconds off our days. The 2004 Sumatra quake cost us around 6.8 microseconds. (at least we are going to see the sun rise faster)

i forgot what i wanted to write...i'll just end it here

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-First day of the summer girlfriend broke up with me

-Went to band camp the 2nd week of summer (band camp means standing up for 7 hours starting at 7:30 AM and playing the same 5 things over and over again)

-Broke my phone case

-Duct taped it back together because I'm too poor to get a new one

-Helped my dad's redneck buddy who lives in the middle of buttfuck nowhere make a hand cannon (firework mortar tube screwed onto a pistol grip handle the redneck dude made out of a spare 2x4) which cut his hand pretty badly when it went off

-Played waaay too many video games

-Got a falchion knife (which nobody likes for whatever reason)

-Learned very very simple Java and C++

-Got back into WoW private servers because I'm a fucking nerd

-Plumbers had to punch 2 holes in my bedroom wall to redo pipes to my bathroom, at like 6:00 AM

-Memorized 8 pages of vibraphone music for band camp

-Took my 360 apart because I spilled wax into the vent on the side

-Reserved my copy of Windows 10

I also took 13 vitamin chews at like 11:00, so I don't know what's going to happen in the morning...

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As a internet moderator and a intern with the cyber police, If i found out any of you youngins are getting drunk, doing the "marijuana" as kids like to say. I will have no choice but to take you into Citizens arrest until my boss with the cyber police can come and scoop you up in 3-5months and throw you into juvenile detention for 3months or make you serve community service for 200 hours. So keep your memes clean and your body safe. Have a great rest of the summer.

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Well let's see, so far I've:


-Done nothing

That about covers it, hope the rest of the year goes as well as summer has thus far

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