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Bach - Team Fortress 2

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Ok then, I'll give you a reason.

1. He hacks on servers.

2. He BM's the fudge out of people.

3. He's the "fudgepost king" of the forums

1. When he did hack he was trying to show us something to help us do our jobs.

2. You've never BM'd people?

3. Fudgepost king? I mean we all fudgepost here and there, but there have been worse fudgeposters.

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Holy shit this thread. All I have seen is Kypari make completely valid points and you guys just shitting on him and putting :^) at the end. If Kypari has a problem with bach let him speak instead of being complete asshole and acting like 4 year Olds with responses. He might not be a member but the way you are treating him makes you guys look immature as hell.


I would say +1 for mod if bach can keep his shit posting to a minimum and bury hatchets he has with people. Admin is to much for now since he was recently demoted from mod.

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So 99% of our Staff don't know the first thing about being a staff member and it makes me cry. #BachForAdmin to teach these kids how it's really done.



I have NEVER once EVER seen you use powers to actually admin the servers, I've only ever seen you abuse your powers as DM or Mod doing things like spamming lenny faces, using setclass and btg for ammo and health that you then use to exploit deathrun, or respawn yourself after calling someone names when they "freekill" you.... I doubt you would be any better than the rest of the staff here.


I have not even seen you on the servers for like a month.... and you've said you dislike having to actually HELP the servers by responding to the calladmin bot...



In all seriousness I still don't fully know why I was promoted in the firstplace. Considering I hardly play on xG TF2 servers anymore. I was kinda seeing it coming tbh



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Oh, and also he's racist or whatever the word is when you make fun of other countries. Someone tell me the word for it?


If he's *insert word here* to me, there's a chance that he will be like this to others on the servers. Just shows how mature of a staff member he is. Shitposter, racist or whatever the word is, BMs, abused powers, hacked on jailbreak without a reason.

I don't understand why people are +1'ing

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+1 He was one of the most active admins and he ACTUALLY DID HIS JOB :hail::hail::hail::hail::hail:

Weren't you banned when he was staff?

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+1 You're not even that active but you actually did your job better than most of our mods.


You're not even that active
SERIOUSLY??? You all should stop being such kissasses and actually think about what you're saying.... He hasn't even been active for several weeks, EVEN HE SAYS HE DOESN'T PLAY ON THE xG TF2 SERVERS!!!

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I'll +1 it. I know it as fact that the only reason Bach has become the Turd Ferguson of our clan over the past few days is to get a rile out of people that would be easy to get a rile out of, and it's been quite effective as far as I can tell.


To anyone who actually thinks this dude really means the shit he says, I don't know what to say. But, what we are looking at here is his merit in doing his job.


When he was DM, Bach was commendable and kept things as they should be. He knows the rules, can uphold them, and has proven himself time after time again. When he wants to be mature and get a job done, he is mature and gets the job done.


And to anyone trying to take jabs at him, claiming that he is a hacker, you should know that the ONE INSTANCE where he did such things, he had my direct approval to do so. So if you consider his "hacking" an offense, you can consider me an accomplice. But that's not what's happened, because he had PERMISSION to do so.



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