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Sirflash - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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Ban Type:

Server Ban


Ok so heres how it went

So i was swing my pan as scout and i didnt even swing it 15 times and then Avenger, who was warden told me to stop pan spaming so then i swung it like once more right after he said it, not on purpose though. So then like 5 seconds later I swung it, only once. OhStopYou then shoots me so then say "swinging it once is not spamming" so then he said "you are just swinging it slower" so then i said "swinging it once is not spamming" so he then says "you are loopholeing so hard right now" which he then says "my name is OhStopYou, so just stop". I then say "so then stop complaining" which i followed up with "*Lenny*/", exactly that. Then he said "I'm done" then banned me. I do not believe that, that is a justifiable reason for a permament ban. And so do Caleb956, ^xG^ Jänal, [xG|Rep]Swag

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so then i said "swinging it once is not spamming"


That's a summation of the exact reason why you are being banned. Loopholing is against the rules, you literally just admitted to it as well. In your ban protest. The fact of the matter is you are arguing against a staff member, like the other million times before now. You were long warranted for punishment long before this. -1 for unban

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What I heard from OhStop is that you began to keep swinging your pan a bit slower. Then OhStop told you that you had to stop that as well, you complained and argued, and then boom you was banned dawg. So, idk what truly went on, but good luck.

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That's a summation of the exact reason why you are being banned. Loopholing is against the rules, you literally just admitted to it as well. In your ban protest. The fact of the matter is you are arguing against a staff member, like the other million times before now. You were long warranted for punishment long before this. -1 for unban


-1 4 unban

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You gave solid proof of arguing with an admin in your Ban protest. I mean when I've gotten on to deal with issues You've had no issue going up to staff telling them they are doing their job wrong and so even before I was staff you've done this with other staff. Clearly you've gotten into some serious trouble with OhStopYou To attract the Attention of a DL.... The Admins Mods and So on even other members have put up with your constant disrespect for so long. Seems Ohstop finally had enough and now its being put to an end. Multiple staff members have admitted that you've given them issues. All the ones that have been on Jailbreak when you were on have had an issue with you. I'm going to admit You have played on the server a lot you took charge on the server. But when staff get on to handle a situation and you give them hell is not going well on your reputation every bit of hell you've given staff is going to go against you here. Truthfully, in my opinion like I said before you admitted to it you have sealed your own fate for arguing with a DL. Not a mod, nor admin. You gave solid proof of arguing with a DL. -1 For unban.

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Alright, this is going to be a longgg explanation. I'll just start from the beginning so that everyone can have a refresh on what has been/is going on.


This all started six months ago, back in July/August, when I had been getting more active on Jailbreak. Rules were changed, new plugins were added, etc. Normally this wouldn't be a problem for people because I don't grill everyone for not knowing the rules/changes, and I give people time to acclimate or learn them. Since work had begun on the servers (and even before that if you check source comms), Sirflash has been nothing but a nuisance, troll, and instigator. Over the past six months he has consistently fought with staff (myself included), tried to loophole rules, trash talked other players, and numerous other things. That was, until around 2-3 months ago, when I gave him an ultimatum. I told him, and I quote:


"If I ever catch you loopholing, fighting with staff about anything, trolling, instigating arguments, or anything that would be detrimental to our playerbase or servers, YOU WILL BE BANNED FOREVER."

Nearly every single staff member that has played on Jailbreak has reported having a problem with him. You can see that he has had a mute or gag nearly every single week for the past SIX MONTHS:




I have even had to come on the server numerous times to solve disputes between him and my staff. So, enough is enough. I have been overly gentle with you for the longest time. I have asked you easily over 100 times to stop acting like a child and just play the game, yet here we are, three months later, and you still continue to fight with staff and loophole rules. I have had enough of the constant fighting, and I will not tolerate it anymore. -1


I'm going to be tagging staff and ex-staff that have had to deal with him in the past. I want you to put any staff related problems with him on the record so we can finally end this constant conflict. @Rejects @Marceline @Diamonde @Dethman @Kart @Liekos @Hachi @ChickenPanda @Matsi @lik202 @Fiery8022

@kbraszzz Has been aware of these problems for this entire time.



P.S. - The proof you provided only shows that you were loopholing the rules and fighting with me again.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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i know im not in tf2 div but if hes been such a "problem" why does he only have one server ban? Xeno Gamers



just saying should probly ban him for ya know a day week month then go to a perm if he keeps it up not warn him once and then go right to perm ban when hes what it seems like only been muted so far as a punishment.

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Even though I may not be a member, I'm pretty sure I can still vouch and say you're quite an issue. Pretty much everyone else has gave the reason why you're banned. There was no mistake in the action. Seeing that Ohstop had banned you makes it even more justifiable.


Pro-tip: Don't argue with the people who make the rules. They know them a lot more than you do.


i know im not in tf2 div but if hes been such a "problem" why does he only have one server ban? Xeno Gamers


just saying should probly ban him for ya know a day week month then go to a perm if he keeps it up not warn him once and then go right to perm ban when hes what it seems like only been muted so far as a punishment.


The fact that he has so many mutes/gags should be more than enough information for one to infer that he is an issue on the server. Everyone who has replied this thread has -1'd him. If they were to ban him for a day/week/month, he would come back and act the same as if nothing happened.

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The fact that he has so many mutes/gags should be more than enough information for one to infer that he is an issue on the server. Everyone who has replied this thread has -1'd him. If they were to ban him for a day/week/month, he would come back and act the same as if nothing happened.


oh no he was muted but still allowed to play on the server SUCH A PUNISHMENT. maybe instead making it so he cant play the servers at all instead of jumping from ONY TEMP MUTES to PERM BAN thats like telling somebody to stop talkin in class then out right expelling them from school instead of removing them for a period of time to MAYBE learn a leason to stop doing what hes doing. @Hidingmaster @metalslug53 @kbraszzz


Its not justified imho. instead of a perm give him a week off and if he still does i a month then perm dont just jump to a perm from server mutes.

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oh no he was muted but still allowed to play on the server SUCH A PUNISHMENT. maybe instead making it so he cant play the servers at all instead of jumping from ONY TEMP MUTES to PERM BAN thats like telling somebody to stop talkin in class then out right expelling them from school instead of removing them for a period of time to MAYBE learn a leason to stop doing what hes doing. @Hidingmaster @metalslug53 @kbraszzz


Its not justified imho. instead of a perm give him a week off and if he still does i a month then perm dont just jump to a perm from server mutes.


See that's what im trying to say, I do not thing that it should have went straight to a permanent ban

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User is not being unbanned.


This isn't some "Let's see how far we can toe the line" contest. You constantly push buttons. You constantly receive gags and mutes. You constantly antagonize. Putting my foot down and we're not taking it anymore.


And this isn't some "Oh, he was talking in class and wouldn't be quiet, so we're gonna expel him" kind of issue either. It's more along the lines of constantly harassing and disrespecting the teachers, arguing with them at every given moment, constantly disrupting the lessons, constantly giving the administration shit, and constantly finding ways to break the rules without any consequence. Sure, the kid never gets into a fight and gets suspended for it, but being a constant disruption in a classroom is warrant for arrest. As in, legal arrest. As in, put in the back of a police cruiser and being detained.


Source: I'm a goddamn teacher.


Perhaps you should have realized you're a nuisance when you had the multiple chances. Then, we may not be where we are now.


Thread closed.

Edited by Scootaloo (see edit history)

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