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Thetrueunlocated - Counter-strike

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Steam ID is invalid, no such profile is showing up.


That being said, it's highly doubtful that you would be banned from our Servers if you weren't caught attempting to scam someone. @Chrono @Lithium @Bleed since they dealt the bans accordingly, though I imagine at this point it's sort of moot as we don't need scammers on our Servers.

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Throwback to JOLTEON. And yes he was a MEMBER who also scammed outside but scamming is still scamming, if you do it outside our servers, what guarantees our community that we won't have a future problem with you scamming one of the other players on xG servers. Also am I this only one who thinks this ban protest is wayyyyy too sus? Like not even reasons just like an "unban me plez" like pretty sure batting your eyes and saying please doesn't make us cave in too well ;)

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-1 I think there's a consequence to everything and if you really liked the server you wouldn't have scammed in the first place or even attempted to scam someone.

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Because you guys just keep linking his profile and not realizing it's getting filtered: Steam Community :: FaZe Faggot [6 Day Ban]


-1 You even admit you scammed someone, it doesn't matter if it wasn't on the server.... technically almost no scam happens ON the server as they would happen in a steam trade and/or steam IMs...

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To go further on Lithium's "not a chance"


There is a 0 tolerance policy in xg regarding cheating and scamming. i.e. the only way to be unbanned is the ridiculous challenge of mona pizza or whatever, and donating. but if your scam site is still up/you still scam you will literally be wasting money as if it is still there you will be re-banned.

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