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In-Game Name:

It's Trump

Active Division:


Previously a Member in xG:


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Reasons for Joining:

I have been playing jail break a lot and it is a lot of fun. I was recommended to apply for member by a friend. I have fun playing and it would be really cool to be a official member for my favorite sever.

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+1 see him on almost all the time he knows the rules he hasn't caused any problems that i know of and when he freekills or think he freekilled he slays him self without being asked

a 10

m 9

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-1 He freekills, plays like he knows the rules (wich he doesnt cause he didnt know what oddman out was), spams, gets angry when someone doesnt follow the rules (toxic) and overall pretty annoying. I wish i could give more -1's. Im sorry Trump you just not getting it from me


Not gving a -1 for the second time, but he lied about his age. In the server (because his voice is squeeky) we asked his age and he said 12. Adn u should be 13 to apply for member


And puts (xG fan) in his name


edited so no multiposts -owl

Edited by Owl (see edit history)

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Trump is in fact 13 and Imalso believe some people told him to change his age to even higher than 13 so he could make his member app. I don't support trump but I support this Trump.

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+1 From what I've seen of him on the servers, he wouldnt be the worst person to be accepted into xG from the CSGO div.... @Stevenn

As to lying about his age, he told the truth in the end, who the fuck cares. There's been others that have done it in the past and came out about it, and have been fine.




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+1 wouldn't be the worst person accepted into xg csgo div... @Stevenn

Suprised you're only 13 tbh thought you were at least 14 since you're pretty mature.



(@Charles go jump into a fucking ceiling fan)

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+1 this kid gets a lot of shit from people and made fun of a lot... and from what i've seen he pretty much just ignores it instead of talking a lot of shit back.




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I honestly don't see why people are making a big deal about him "lying" about his age, even if it says 15 on his profile he said he's 13. So many people have lied about their age when they first got member..*cough cough @xGShadowSpy cough cough*, also @Complex you can edit your post so you don't have to post a bunch in a row.

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Knows rules, active on server, and screw the fact that he was believed to be "Lying" about his age.

People saw a bit of hate towards him at first but seemed to be relieved.


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