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Matsi - Counter-strike

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Since Nova and Tchief were DL? :)




Moderated stuff for over 15 years




Just sick of calling @Warriorsfury and @Rabid on to deal with stupid people.

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Apart from his childish side, I think Matsi makes create decisions and would make an great addition to staff. Might I mention that he was Admin on TF2. I'd say we should give him a go on the CSGO servers :D


P.S. @Warriorsfury no need to get so up tight, not like he is stealing ur job or anything. Trust me it's nice to have some extra help. I would highly recommended rethinking ur negative rating. I feel like u took offense to what was said in the application. From what I can tell is that he dose not mean to offend you he is just stating that he can help.

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Oh boy this thread is gonna be great. Anyway, here are my 2 cents.


You were demoted for being inactive, unfit for the position and for being confrontational (PROMO/DEMO - Promotions And Demotions #147). After your demotion you threw a hissy fit, said fuck you to the entire tf2 division and stepped down completely. Instead of just leaving it at that, you started borderline harassing a certain tf2 staff member, who you for some reason want crucified because he merely disagrees with you on certain things. You constantly argue and instigate shit with other staff/members in shoutbox, through threads on the forums and in game.


Staff members need to steer clear of any drama that might erupt, not start drama by making baity threads. You have not changed a single bit since your demotion 2~ months ago. -1

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You were demoted for being inactive, unfit for the position and for being confrontational (PROMO/DEMO - Promotions And Demotions #147).

Yet the only thing Bello and Rejects would talk about was "idling" and how I was afk, with no proof other than screenshots of me not on a team.


After your demotion you threw a hissy fit, said frick you to the entire tf2 division and stepped down completely.


Yes, I stepped down because I was sick of the bias in the division and how certain staff and even DM/DLs didn't know the MOTD. I don't know where you're getting the "threw a hissy fit and told TF2 to fuck off" because that didn't happen at all, I was actually happy to be rid of the responsibilities of dealing with the drama in that division, being able to play without certain people yelling at me for not slaying someone that "freekilled them" and such things.... until more things started happening which I will elaborate next


Instead of just leaving it at that, you started borderline harassing a certain tf2 staff member, who you for some reason want crucified because he merely disagrees with you on certain things.


If you're talking about Bello, I merely talked about him to people that asked about what happened, that's not harassing, that's explaining my side of the story to someone who asks... And I made a status mocking his because it was exactly the thing he banned me for doing.


The only other "certain staff member" I can think of that you're referring was armin, who ended up trying to get me in trouble for having fun in the form of going HHH during a warday and not attacking anyone, as per the rule in the MOTD that was there for several months stating you could behhh or bemerasmus as long as you didnt rebel... this was made worse by the acusations that I did in fact attack people while HHH, which simply was not true and that I had to provide proof that I didn't do or risk getting in trouble... which made me salty and I talked about it for a few weeks because I felt that a staff member shouldn't lie about something like that. This incident caused one of the fun things I liked doing to be changed because it "caused issues".


You constantly argue and instigate fudge with other staff/members in shoutbox, through threads on the forums and in game.

Yes I argue, I don't agree with what certain people are doing in this clan so I state my opinion about it, people assume some of my statuses or threads/posts are about certain people and sort of instigate things themselves by misinterpreting things. I will admit that I have made a few statuses that sort of instigated things but so do the other peoples. I don't believe I have done such things in threads/posts other than a few talking about how the TF2 servers are less filled with people, which is true.... and the similar one about Overwatch not killing tf2 because tf2 was already dead.

I am not sure where you're getting the in game part from, because that simply doesn't happen.

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+1, although you often get involved in drama, most of which(from what ive seen in my experience around him) is from others causing or atleast instigating it, youve always been capable of staff from the css days. Worst case put him on trial mod. He knows the rules and he constantly tries to get staff on when there are problems (im always on competitive when he calls me though T-T), he records demos when he cant get staff, and can be helpful to staff on the server.



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-1 may be helpful with recording demo and getting staff on but is a brick wall when it comes to anything he doesnt like, has shown in the tf2 his unwillingness to try and change and just stops posting on forums cause he cannot handle not causing problems with others such as bello. mocks higher ups because he believes are wrong rather then try to see if from their point.

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I geniunely don't believe that giving staff powers to someone who has no trace of using common sense, and someone who gets so pissed about being demoted to the point where he HARASSES the people who decided to demote him

the biggest -1 I'll ever be giving to anyone

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Not gonna give a +1 or -1. All i'm gonna say is that you gotta let shit go matsi, recognize the faults you made so it can make you a better person. I'm sure you can be a great staff member, your problem is you take stuff incredibly seriously and when confronted with criticism or anything similar you proceed to blow a gasket as this is evident with recent events in the TF2 div. I'm afraid if something goes south in the CSGO div then you will fall back in the same problem you had with TF2. I haven't seen him on CSGO so i'm not gonna vouch i just hope he understands the people -1's point of view. Good luck with the thread.

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your problem is you take stuff incredibly seriously and when confronted with criticism or anything similar you proceed to blow a gasket as this is evident with recent events in the TF2 div.

Except I don't, I am not the one that is banning people because of emoticons. I am not the one saying that saying "Joke = TF2 Div" during a joke day is "slander"

If anything it's other people that take things too seriously.

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He blacklists people for absolutely disrespectful reasons.


I really don't feel blacklisting someone on a teamspeak channel that someone paid for, should prevent them from getting staff. I feel if you think this is disrespectful to the point where he should be punished / it should be changed, you should possibly review your general outlook on how teamspeak works.


He also refuses to conform to social norms.


What the fuck even is this? Like what?

I don't care for the little battles you all have with each other, but these two things just make me take a step back and say "what"?


All i'm gonna say is that you gotta let fudge go matsi, recognize the faults you made so it can make you a better person.


I do agree with this.



As for my vote, i'm not voting.

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I'm going to add my input. I think you would be a moderate staff member, but your attitude and behavior toward members of this community are horrible. From what I can tell(I have asked multiple members of the tf2 divisions, not just bello and others mentioned in this thread) you don't let things drop and you constantly argue with higher ups. After you were demoted from tf2, you immediately came to csgo div. once I saw you had become active, I called, in ts, that you would want staff. My problem with all of that is that you never tried to go back to tf2 and play on that div. after you were demoted you said it was crap and I think you said that because u were demoted. The whole point I'm trying to make is that you act like a baby when you don't get your way, and when u were demoted, you didn't even try to gain that back or even apologize to the people you wronged. You, then, came to people that you haven't wronged yet for the sole reason just to get staff. You do not care about the division and you just want to( I believe) run it in bellos and other tf2 high ups that you got staff in csgo.


I do not believe that bleed and lithium want someone like you, that causes so much drama, a part of the csgo div staff. I am not going to speak for them, they can decide themselves, but I think this is the way that they are leaning.


I am voting -1 because of the sole reason you cause to much drama and that I feel you do not care about the division.

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-1 Not gonna go into much detail because most of it has been explained already but Matsi is extremely confrontational, unable to admit fault, holds grudges for an inordinate amount of time, and I do not feel his is fit for a position here. Many people of the community have lost respect for Matsi and staff members need to be respected members of the community.

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