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Lets Talk About Minecraft Xg

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So as Owl and Mince have stepped down, they worked really hard on the foundations of the server, now it's time for us to fix some stuff up and put up a server. Right now it's gonna be only Pepper and myself working on the server, and I would like to know if you guys would rather a


  • Townie Server (with PVP arena)
  • Minigames (Hunger games along with other popular modes)
  • Factions PVP
  • Something Else


We will focus on one thing at a time, and I really want a minecraft server up for you guys. Please leave any ideas or suggestions here, and we can discuss as a community.



Edited by Aegean (see edit history)

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Me and Owl already looked into minigames and servers that have minigames. Would not recommend having minigames for more than an event (especially hg/sg as it is not as popular compared to newer gamemodes).


The biggest issue is population. Low population can create boring and slow gameplay that minigames is not meant to have. Not only that, you need enough players that are willing to play the same gamemode. If we look at the recent hunger games event xG held, with 10-20 players, anyone who died early found themselves sitting in a waiting room for 5 to 10+ minutes. That is not very fun at all considering you don't have anything meaningful to do in game during the hang time. The large minigame servers have a big enough population to allow players to get into a new game within seconds. There's a reason there is only two big minigame servers.


Other than that you have to worry about the following:

  • Plugin configuration and compatibility.
  • Lack of uniqueness from out-of-the-box gamemode plugins.
  • Anti-cheat
  • Teaming in solo gamemodes (and all of the loopholing people will pull).
  • Incentive to play on the server (this applies to every type of server, but some more so than others).

Factions/Townie would be the way to go with the current foundation. However, the gamemode chosen should be the sole focus until the server is operational.

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Since as of late I've been playing a bit of Minecraft with a small group of friends of mine, I do quite enjoy Towny as it does have a nice co-op feel to it. I don't really enjoy PvP myself though, I can see why others would like it.

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Towny and a survival server would be a good idea since people can actually hang out with their friends etc. Like Vexx said, it's got that nice co-op feel to it. Skywars was always a favorite of mine as well as parkour.

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towny is the obvious choice for a fresh MC server, and later down the line you could change it to a multi-world and have towny be the standard option, then have another option be factions etc. maybe even throwing in a minigames queue via chat command.

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There are plugins that allow skyblock plots where you can invite others to build on it. Any minigame that requires player count should not be immediately implemented. An exception would be parkour or a pvp arena.

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There are plugins that allow skyblock plots where you can invite others to build on it. Any minigame that requires player count should not be immediately implemented. An exception would be parkour or a pvp arena.

I'm fixing HG so it can be run w/o and admin being on and just give guests the ability to /sg start so if a group of members want to play a game they can

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I'm fixing HG so it can be run w/o and admin being on and just give guests the ability to /sg start so if a group of members want to play a game they can

Not only will that be abused, what is even the point of having it?

Are you using a custom made map?

Do you have custom classes for hg (or even classes in general)?

Are the chests still filled with wood gear and very limited armor outside of wood (such as gold and iron, which whoever got that would mammoth everyone)?


The state of HG when I played during the event was pretty bad. You couldn't break blocks and all the chests had really bad gear and occasionally gear that absolutely wrecks the common gear (as apposed to today's standards where servers avoid that). This was the kind of HG that was popular 4-5 years ago. Let's look at the time now.


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Not only will that be abused, what is even the point of having it?

Are you using a custom made map?

Do you have custom classes for hg (or even classes in general)?

Are the chests still filled with wood gear and very limited armor outside of wood (such as gold and iron, which whoever got that would mammoth everyone)?


The state of HG when I played during the event was pretty bad. You couldn't break blocks and all the chests had really bad gear and occasionally gear that absolutely wrecks the common gear (as apposed to today's standards where servers avoid that). This was the kind of HG that was popular 4-5 years ago. Let's look at the time now.


On more populated servers, HG will start once the lobby is full. I do not expect that kind of activity anytime soon so the alternative is to allow whoever is on to start the game themselves once everyone is on. This won't start the game immediately it will give a 30 second grace period for more people to join in case someone does try to be scum. Yes the chests were shit (ex. @MinerTeddy always seemed to have more bows than arrows). Me and owl did not have the full understanding of how they chests worked and I am going to be testing it to try and find a good item ratio. I am not going to make it so you can break blocks. That would make it too easy to scum. You dig yourself into a hole and cover it up and hold shift? Yeah no. We know HG is not as popular as it was before so that is why it is not the main gamemode that'll bring people to the server. Just something people can come on and play for fun.


If you have any other issues or concerns about HG just come talk to me on Teamspeak

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I have talked to Owl, and after talking to members on teamspeak and seeing the feedback on the forums that Towny Survival is the best way to go.


HG will not be priority, but it is gonna be worked on. Owl has said he will help me with Towny and our main goal will be to have a functional towny server, I just don't know yet if we want to implement some forms of MCMMO (disabling the combat forms to not make it unfair in the PVP arena and also prevent the possibility of abuse).


Please keep giving us your input!!!

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You can make it so you can break, and not place :confused:

Whats to stop someone from digging a hole and hiding there the whole game? Thats not something I want to happen. What other purpose would being allowed to break blocks be used for? I could see getting into buildings but this could still be used to create some really cheap hiding spots that I don't think are good for HG

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