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Constantly an issue on servers from what i've heard from other staff members, really hostile towards staff and other members, racism, name calling. I'm sure others can fill in as well.


They added me today and was pretty upset about staff "abusing" and not doing their jobs. After getting insulted for about an hour i just lost my patience. logs attached below.


Contains bad words, nsfw language. The conversation continues but im sure you get the plot.


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+1 From what I've seen Nights has been extremely rude towards various other people and staff for not getting his way in everything. I definitely do not want this guy representing this clan in any way.

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+1 what has already been said. I would like to add on to this just a little bit, though.

Nights strikes me as the kind of guy who gets easily offended thus his constant toxic behavior. To protect himself from the shit he deserves for being toxic he pulls the race card (as @Kypari said) to try and get off clean. I believe I speak for everyone here that if @NiGHTS is to bear our tags and represent our community he needs to have a serious attitude change.

And just an FYI for those who are reading this and think "nights is kind of right, staff should answer every call admin that comes in!!!!" I would like to point out the fact that shocker staff isn't always available to meet your needs. Now, if staff was actually on and you have them added or have some way to get to them without using the bot then that is also a valid option. Don't complain to community managers because one of the many reports given to staff aren't taken care of. Unless you have sufficient evidence that the "offender" rules you can't just say "ban this guy he did a bad thing and I am mad." The staff member has to actually see what they have done, because of the problem with honesty and banning people for things they didn't do.

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+1 As was said, can be incredibly toxic. Nights has extreme issues with insulting and harassing people when they either disagree with him or don't do what he expressively wishes. He acts condescending in relation to just about everything and seemingly places himself on a pedestal above others. In servers nights can be fairly mellow, but when he gets upset over something his behavior just takes a turn for the worst.

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+1 A ton has already been said. He can get incredibly pissy when people disagree or go along with him. I've also heard a lot about several uncool comments he's made in the past regarding other topics while on the servers.


He's also explicitly begged for items from friends several times, which is reaaaaal nice to add on top of this whole situation; really shows how mature he actually is.

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Jesus Christ.

The offender appears to be a very irrational person and should not be given any compensation at all.

Additionally, despite claiming people were racist towards him, he constantly insulted white people, which makes him racist. He even added “No white people, unless you are verry respective and not racist towards other races“ to his profile. Just imagine if any of our staff members asked specifically black people not to add them - the outrage would be huge and they’d get demoted eventually.

Furthermore, I have to add that I haven’t seen him on the servers and I’m merely basing this of the substantiated evidence.


Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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+1 From my own experience with him and the evidence provided he is a racist punk that we don't need in our community. At the end of the day no one gives 2 fucks if you're black, white, a god damn cat on a keyboard. We judge you on how you behave and if you can't hold yourself reasonably with your fellow peers we don't want you around.

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@NiGHTS a.k.a. pk used to be my friend in around 2014 (idk how he found xG as i believe i never introduced him here)

and at the time i remember having a conversation with him where he was extremely unnecessarily rude, racist and I actually remember him making legitimate arguments about why hitler was a good person etc.

i removed him at the time after a very long argument and have never seen his name up until now, +1 for a permanent ban if possible

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Good god I almost thought the chat history was a joke, but this is serious. I'm unsure how this user even got membership in the first place acting like that, but that behavior will not be tolerated. +1 Get him out of here, honestly wish I could push for a ban but since that chat history is from steam, there is nothing that can be done.

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This is absolutly insane. Not sure how this (and i use this word loosely) MAN got member. This has got to be some of the most toxic behavior I've ever seen. +1 to get him out. We can't have him rep our tag with this behavior.

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Not sure where he got the idea that people are "racist" against him.. in my experience I've only ever seen AT MOST a few people be rude to others due to their race/color.. +1 to get him out of the clan, if he wants to act that way and be rude to so many of the staff members and put words in people's mouths without providing any amount of proof , then he should not be allowed to represent our clan at all.

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+1 Probably unnecessary, but given his track record and the given logs, it's pretty clear that this kind of person shouldn't be a member of xG.

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This was because he was arguing for another player. I'd be happy to push this to a ban.

Xeno Gamers


I also love how he calls people peasants when he can't even spell it himself and he is poor. Just shows another example of him being as arrogant and selfish as he gives off.


There are many other examples of this that I can testify you, which lead to the gag in the first place.


also can someone please add this guy to tell him there's no apostrophe in want for the love of god it hurts

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