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  • In-Game Name
    xG | Ernest
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  • Ban Type
    Server Ban
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    so this story goes back. The other night polar and I were bhopping on another server and I was using my hyper scroll mouse and I got banned... because apparantly hyper scroll mice are against the rules (this was on another server) I learned that they are also banned on this server so I immediately stopped using it and even switched my mouse to ensure I did not on accident! Come today, I am playing with mwheelup to jump and hella scrolling and I get banned not even while bhopping??? I'm incredibly confused and looking for more details about what to do next. I can send any files or information but I am actually so confused.

    Hope you can help me sort this out



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Ight mate lets get this started [SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Banned player "xG | Ernest" for 129600 minutes (reason: Scroll macro (highn)).[SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Banned player "xG | Ernest" for 129600 minutes (reason: Scroll macro (highn)).[SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Banned player "xG | Ernest" for 129600 minutes (reason: Scroll macro (highn)). NICE MEME^^^^^^^ also What the fuck do you think that a fucking macro is going to be any fucking different than a hyper scroll lemme just explain word for word what a macro literally does A MACRO FUCKING SPAMS YOUR JUMP INPUTS let's explain what a hyper scroll would do if you had mousewheelup bounded to jump IT WOULD FUCKING SPAM YOUR JUMP INPUT Lets put it also this way. I'ma assume you've played comp since everyone knows your supreme or some shit Macros are considered cheats in comp and you can be banned for them. What kind of a fucking retard actually believes that hyperscrolling and macros are legitimate it's LITERALLY GIVES YOU AN ADVANTAGE TO GET BETTER HOPS THAN OTHERS (P.S Please never fucking tell me you're better than me at bhopping when you fucking cheat retard) If i need to add more input i will

(p.s i'm toxic from having this fuck trash talk me in bhop for a few hours fucking retard)

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Lets also Go back to state where you said you were using mouse wheel but you were also using spacebar??? wtf mate make your fucking mind up 

36 minutes ago, Ernest said:

was unaware I cant spam the space bar with a macro and that was against the rules


1 hour ago, Ernest said:

I am playing with mwheelup to jump and hella scrolling

C'mon ernie i didn't know you were actually fucking mentally retarded

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