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Moderator Submission -GanjaMonster

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I played as a guy named Jay Jay Jefferson yesterday, and I clearly saw you run into surf. Then, you appeared as first place. After 5 minutes of denying it, I tazed you, and you complained in admin chat that I kept free-tazing, when you had obviously rebelled. The orders were to complete climb, not surf.


I don't really like this. If you throw a fit over something this small, I'd hate to see what you would do over something larger.

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From what i've seen in the last few days, i've seen mostly good things. Though, I would recommend taking the occasional peek at MOTD every few days as a refresher. It's extremely important that mods and aspiring mods know the MOTD inside and out.


So I'll say +1.

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Decision: -1

Activity :9/10

Maturity: 6/10

Reason: Ganja your a good player and all, You know MOTD, but i think you need to up your attitude toward other players and towards some of the admins/mods. My case being whenever someone breaks a rule, you go on and on about it preaching to us how mods don't do anything, you spam admin chat to get your point across. I called you out on your preaching as you have plenty of times broken rules, tarping , freetazing and such, but nothing ever too serious. You started to disrespect me and i neither gaged you or kicked you, because i was at fault also for calling you out. If it was any other mod they would have done both. Your a Veteran like most of the mods in JB and i would gladly +1 you but only if you stop with the preaching, and can calmly tell us the situations. Mods arent godlike figures, we have to see the deed be done or have enough evidence. Once you [bLINK]CALM YOUR TITS[/bLINK] I will +1 you

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D: -1

W: needs to calm down and stop raging and going on about some1 breaking rules mods/admins cant do anythnig unless we see then do it maybe in the future..




if you change ill see about changing it from -1 to +1

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Sorry Ganja, got to lay down the hammer.

D: -1

W: Has anger issues and accuses people of hacking when he gets killed by little kids on scrimmages. You need to change your ways Ganja. You don't want mod so you can take any situation into your own hands. You're very active and mature other than that. Though, your anger issue is a big deal. xG can't have admin abuse against anyone. It rarely happens, and when it does it's obviously dealt with severely. Now, if you were to become moderator and you abuse, you ruin your time put into xG.

Think over that and re-apply. Maybe in two weeks when there is more Promos/Demos you can change now and actually give us reasons that make you stand out as a member of xG.

Activity: 9/10

Maturity: 7/10

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+1, he seems like a really nice guy- and iv'e seen him on a couple times and he seems like he'd be a good mod.


M: 8

A: 9

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