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QuangTang's application.

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Edit: I feel I should add some detail. I feel I meet the requirements and I provide other benefits to the server.


I'm available in peak times and off times, this is important because people tend to only listen to xG and at 4am when there aren't any members on people don't care about the rules and it goes to shit.


I understand the rules and I do my best to enforce them and inform others in a clear and concise manner.


I think that I am generally well received by both xG and normal members, I can't think of anyone I have severely wronged or offended.


The main reason I am applying for xG is so I can more easily communicate with the community in game (people tend to listen to xG) and out of game (TS3). Being part of a large community of people with similar interests is always nice too.


Also I attached a funny picture.


Edit2: I realise I should stop posting at 3:30am when everyone is asleep.


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He's done some very.. very disturbing things to me in JB.. I feel verbally and sexually violated because of him. I have no pity for his JB life and I do not condone his very existence. His demise will be by my hand and he shall reap what he has sowed. Quang has injured me in my moments of convalescense to the point where I became apathetic and do not empathize human emotions.. If words could express my sentiments regarding the animosity I have towards him, a normal person would quiver in fear. I hope QuangTang lives in dystopia because of me in JB and understand the consequences of undermining and aggravating my pour angelic soul. He has not only done this to me but other well beings of this fair and eloquent society of xG gamers and players of JB itself, we're I a simpleton I would have ignored it. I am of the few who has noticed his vile, nefarious behavior.. He is profligate, wasteful and holds no sympathy as he is apathetic and does not believe in a state of equilibrium where members are either purged or acquitted for the actions they have committed.. He is a force of reckoning and must be stopped..


Epic of Nova; A insurrectionist in disguise.


This guy is active, fun to play with, would definitely be a good addition to the xG team. +1

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