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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    lol man these ban protests get stranger and stranger each week. if someone kisses ass they get unbanned like that "oh he didnt mean too" "hes a changed person" but the second someone talks back to someone or questions something "oh they disrespected members of the authority" bitch you didnt even know one of your staff members when you tried to make that long ass post "get off your high horse" isnt an insult, its an observation. take a step back, look at the big picture, whats the harm for unbanning him? your pride gets hurt? you didnt get your way? grow up.
  2. 2 points

    CS:S is dead

    the real mencae.
  3. 2 points
    Haha stupid kid.
  4. 2 points
    -1. You are worthless. You think you're cool mass freekilling like a twat then think you can just go play CS:GO and no one would give a fuck. I wish they'd just ban you from all servers. Your attitude fucking sucks. Get a grip on reality kid.
  5. 2 points

    CS:S is dead

    csgo jailbreak is going fine, everyone join. css isnt really managed also, there are those stupid molotovs.
  6. 2 points
    If don't understand why you would want mass freekill on the CSS server and make yourself look bad for doing so and then come on the same clan's csgo servers. Anyway, I think the ban should be reduced to a week or so for the csgo servers since you purposefully freekilled because you were leaving the div. There's no guarantee you wouldn't do it again.
  7. 1 point


    JAILBREAK IS FIXED FOR ME NOW WOOOOOOO....too bad late night jailbreak is dead now, effectively making the fix useless....
  8. 1 point
    Yeah I definitely regret it. I do stupid shit when I'm tired. On the note of the racism I think that was the day I tore something in my leg and was generally in a ignorant mood. Also uncalled for.
  9. 1 point
    I guess I'll give my input on this, but I don't want it to count as a Staff Member's vouch. As of yesterday, I stepped down. (The following is an honest and complete opinion that is definitely worth the read) Alright, pertaining to the thread. I have no idea what's been going on with MineCrack that warranted this sort of attitude or action to be completely honest. A few weeks ago he was still the chill player who was fun to hang around or joke with. As of recent, there has been a clear issue in regards to his attitude on the CS:S servers that is certainly questionable. For instance, a few days ago I had to server ban him for continued use of Racism after multiple warnings. This wasn't accidental either, it was blatant racism (spoken via public chat And Admin Chat) which even resulted in him changing his name to further provoke me ("YouWereToldToSuckMe xG"). Not only was this a childish display ingame, but because he was wearing the xG tag, it further undermines the title of being an xG member. Now, I don't know if he was acting out due to stress or whatever, but it does not mean he can ignore Staff Member warnings and make us look bad in the eyes of other players. (I'm not trying to instigate any sort of flame war with the following) What I'm honestly seeing here is legitimate disrespect toward the CS:S Division, and of course our Div Managers would be upset about it. MineCrack decided that he would act out on our server just because he would be able to switch to another Server, which is completely wrong, especially for a member of xG. In a real life scenario, it's no different then going into another province/state, committing a crime, then going over to your home province/state and expecting no consequences. Just because you won't be going onto that Server again, does not give you the right to do as you please, especially when it's a part of the XenoGamers community. It doesn't matter how you feel about the Server or it's players (or even Staff Members). It certainly does not mean you can get away scot free for doing so. Clearly you don't find being CT banned as a punishment on our CS:S Division since you'll never be there again. So in that case, maybe you should take the time to think about your actions before acting out on it if you're CT banned on all of our servers. Unfair? Maybe so, but as a Member of XenoGamers, I do not condone blatant disrespect toward other Divisions, even if other Members do it as well. If anyone disapproves of what I've said, tough luck, because it's what I believe is justified. I will not be replying to anyone who is replying to this, so don't waste your time. +/-0 because I'm neither for or against this ban protest. I just want @@MineCrack to at least take the time to read this and understand that what he did was uncalled for. Luv ya bicboi. - Dat guy, Forest (Bane of TL;DR)
  10. 1 point
    *mtown is a mod
  11. 1 point
    Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers Compare those to these: Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers what do I see on the first set? multiple permanent or week long bans that get unbanned before they run their time. what do I see on the second set? i see a few bans from servers for a day or so, the one major ban being when he was "DoSing" (IG?). move to his CT Bans. What do you see now? the only perm is the one this is for, are there other bans? yes that he gave himself for freekilling etc. and a few couple day ones prior to his mod. from trifnegro. and btdubs, those posting in here -1 because he has a bad attitude and didn't show "any respect" making his ban protest, well some of you were the ones +1ing ban protests from others like shadow towlie peppermint etc. in threads he showed pretty much 0 respect for anyone. not even the people posting a 0 instead of a -1 and telling them how they could improve. did shadow improve? yes. did peppermint? no did towlie? no. did they get unbanned from perms? yes. did minecrack ever get unbanned from a perm? no. he never had a perm. did he show respect? actually yes, he was asking your thoughts in here, he states that maybe you should show him where you feel disrespected and then work from there, @@John but you were as he said attacking him, when all he did was post a ban protest. Where do I stand on this? +1 why? because everyone has to blow off some steam somewhere and after being in here so long as well as helping staff the servers for a long time (even though we had our differences [i am still pissed off at your comment you made that got you forum banned for a bit] from time to time) you need to just go in there and do something break a rule of sorts and just get it out of your system. other threads: JakeEnglish - Counter-Strike: Source PapiChulo Un-teamban McNeo Unban Request Lemme quote from the second thread Did Minecrack not give a lot to xG in the form of staffing the servers for over a year, and donations? as well as being beyond active and populating especially later in the day/earlier in the morning, general server suggestions? Currently the only real major negative attitude i see is in this thread coming from john with statements like "you are worthless" etc.
  12. 1 point
    The reason that people get unbanned after they intentionally mass is because they show a little respect when they put up their request. You've posted less than respectful replies to those who are part of the CS:S division, you be disrespectful to one person and you affect everyone. It was a bad idea to argue with John, Gkoo, and Darkwolf; there's no way now that you will get unbanned. I'm sure that the four of us will make sure it doesn't happen. -1
  13. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    Well what can you expect, it is an older game. The fact that CSGO is out doesn't help. But regardless, it will pick up speed during the summer like always.
  14. 1 point
    Stalking you on threads? I saw your thread for an unban. I read it. If it would have been an ACCIDENT I would have +1'd you. Accidents happen. However, you INTENTIONALLY Mass freekilled. Unfortunately, CT Bans do carry over. We can not unban you for the simple fact of you'd be getting away with an intentional mass freekill and could potentially do it again. Also, I never had a problem with you until you got on your high horse and talked down to everyone. Including the Division Managers of CS:S. It doesn't matter if you have been here longer, or who you know. Show some respect to people and maybe they would help you out. I give to people what they deserve, you haven't earned my respect. You don't deserve it. A little disclaimer, I would have -1'd anyone who intentionally mass freekilled. I have before. This isn't all about you. I don't follow you around threads. I just come across threads that you happen to comment in and generally what you have to say is negative in some way. Just like that day in CS:S when you ran your mouth to me.
  15. 1 point
    +1 #freecrack #purpgang
  16. 1 point
    -1 if it carries over to CS:S. You knew what you were doing, and still had an attitude after.
  17. 1 point

    Busy, busy, busy

    I think we should let him keep his admin powers[Admin, not DivisionManager], but its understandable. If he's inactive and plans to be inactive for a long period of time, it would be better to move him down to Moderator rather than waiting long enough for inactivity to be demoted from Admin to Mod, then you'd have to demote him from that rank to that rank. See you around Forest. I might end up going inactive over the summer as well if I get a job. Doubted. Lel. Me get a job.
  18. 1 point
    I wasn't aware it carried over from CS:S to CS:GO, at least the CT bans. Honestly, could care less to ever have you unbanned from CS:S CT. You decided to mass freekill on CS:S, why should the CS:GO Staff allow you to be unbanned? What makes it different that you won't mass freekill over on their server? -1
  19. 1 point

    Permission to rebel hunt?

    @Gkoo @PiNoYPsYcHo @DarkWolf6052 @diabeetus @snakeboyeric @TheAlpha31 @DeathGod @Unit12p @Chrono@ShdowSpy @Cristo @Gawd @Trente @Sporky @orangejuice @ItsAaron @lEcho @arvelez @JINGS @Vector @Mythic @Wing@Kirito @John @Jordozombie@Phantom @TheLostCause @Black_Rock @Hidingmaster @SuperNarwhal@Superkiller67 @Sarcast1cninja @@Warriorsfury "A CT may Rebel Hunt under a reasonable assumption that a Terrorist has Rebelled or is missing (IE. Head count, hearing vents being broken). Before Rebel Hunting, the CT MUST let the other Guards and Warden know what they will be doing through Public Chat or Team Chat." This will be implemented into the MoTD Rules shortly, so keep this in mind. If I forgot any Staff Members for the CS:S Division, please spread the word.
  20. 1 point


    I will end you.
  21. 1 point


    Do what i do, try to find secrets. Dont stop until you find all of them. Once you find them, perfect them to do it quickly while rebelling. Then tell chrono that he broke the bridge.
  22. 1 point

    roflmao61 - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 he is pretty active on teamspeak, fun to play with (if you know what i mean huehuehuehue ;) and know the rules pretty damn well. xG material. A 8/10 M8/10 Minecrack is a baddie.
  23. 1 point

    Busy, busy, busy

    Well it is spring, and a forest has to blossom! *that was lame*
  24. 0 points


    Chrono you dont have to be so maddddd :P
  25. -1 points

    roflmao61 - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Freekills me on jailbreak, low quality repulsive liar. A: 7/10 M: 3/10
  26. -1 points

    Scrim Servers

    anyone need any snacks, beverages? yolo?
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