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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/13 in Posts

  1. 5 points


    div lead input @@PapiChulo @@BillyMays @@KingJ @@Jihad
  2. 4 points

    well its that time

    i'm da best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVUyyHYkBHk
  3. 3 points


    Member's Name: MagicalPurple Member's Steam ID: idk Information: This kid needs to learn his lesson, all he does is shit post, troll, and disrespects everyone. he doesn't care for the clan at all and has now become nothing more than a problem child of the clan. Every word out of purple's mouth turns into an argument or is something offensive. Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting (This one is someone looking for an actual reason help and only decides to ignore it) Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting http://puu.sh/3UNXP.jpg http://puu.sh/3UO0d.jpg http://puu.sh/3UOaj.jpg
  4. 3 points

    MagicalPurple - Garry's Mod

    -1, calling people fags? calling them shit admins? you should be THANKING the admins for not banning you for longer then 5 hours, seriously the time will do you some good and for you to cool off. now @@SkitZoFrenzly. @@Fuzz please close this joke of a thread
  5. 2 points


    You've already given your opinion, sure he's most likely "Done" but atleast keep it to yourself, it's just rude to say that.
  6. 2 points


    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice.
  7. 2 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 you shit cunt hidingmaster is A WHORE!
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point

    Veteran MajorB reporting in!!!

    Hello fellow xG clan members, its the one and only Veteran MajorB here stopping in to check on you guys, and make sure you are staying in line and not acting like a "Goat Fucker" . Missed you guys while I've been away hope ya feel the same. Look for me in game on CS in the next day or so. On a side note I'm glad to see some of the current higher-ups are still active. It's good to see the xG clan in good hands
  10. 1 point


    you're right, my apologies for ma attitude
  11. 1 point


    Corvo ( @@Cloud ) that attitude is very similar to the attitude of the person in question here, keep it up and I will push that this member protest be on you too. My input: Other than the fact that he is very annoying (spams sounds on soundboard [if he isn't silenced] and spams people in other ways) there is really not MUCH of a problem, he has attitude but clearly other members do as well, just as bad.
  12. 1 point

    Future community night(s)?

    I think 8 pm eastern should be fair for anyone pacific time Jailbreak shouldn't be included, if so do it all the way at the end. Imo community night are for having fun, but also populating the less used servers. I think that it should be Deathrun, minigames, gungame, sliderace, then RPG Surf/ Jailbreak. I can backup cohost, unless you don't get enough normal ones. If hub is to be released this month as said, then we should do it the day it's released.
  13. 1 point


    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice. most dont care about your voice as much as what you say, the actions you make, and your terrible additude
  14. 1 point

    Pokémon X & Y Discussion

    the game looks nasty! i seriously can't wait. Chespin +1
  15. 1 point

    Future community night(s)?

    ZE was pretty awful with half the maps glitched or something going wrong. Would love to play what ever the first server was last time and minigames again.
  16. 1 point


    Complete troll, constant shitposting, he even says he only stays to annoy people. I might come back later to give this a more in depth description of a day with playing with purple, but its probably not worth it. +1
  17. 1 point


    Honestly, nobody cares.
  18. 1 point

    Pokémon X & Y Discussion

    Even if it does turn out like that, I'll be content, I really like foxes I might get it. Depends on if I have a job or not to get a 3Ds
  19. 1 point


    Just silence him on the forums too. #solved
  20. 1 point

    MagicalPurple - Garry's Mod

    I dont see where you gave these 3 text warnings
  21. 1 point

    MagicalPurple - Garry's Mod

    Give a reason fag you're purple i dont need to give a reason without already knowing that your posts are a waste of space and are arbitrary. Good day son
  22. 1 point
    There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it. I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have. I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills. 2 freekills = Day teamban 1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day. For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety
  23. 1 point
    Fucking javascript errors making me triple post
  24. 1 point


    How does one even break a charger? Aren't they fucking humongous?
  25. 1 point


    [xG] 24/ 7 Arma 1 Jailbreak [RankMe|Tazer|PopA|Mollys|I'mSweatin'|RTV|Nomination|Guns|Grenades|Walking|Running|Microsoft|NoMacSupport]
  26. 1 point

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    I just wasted fucking 15 minutes of loading and fucing 3 minutes to notice !hub isnt active...I thought we were friends DICK!
  27. 1 point

    Happy Birthday to meh

    thats what im talkin about. mah nigga bigga. happy b day bro
  28. 1 point

    back and....

    Do I hear your phone ringing? cause i'm calling bull shit :)
  29. 1 point

    xG|M Haplessidiot - Team Fortress 2

    @@paperman we need the DLs opinion
  30. 1 point

    Happy Birthday to meh

    Nigguh, if you lived here I'd have a beer with you since 19 is the legal drinking age in BC. Happy b'day bud :wacky:
  31. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    You disobeyed direct orders not to do these sort of days/actions by Higher-Ups, and proceeded to do them; even when given a warning that a demotion may be in order should they continue. You're going on like a broken-record and just re-stating the same thing over and over. You're over thinking things way too much. This isn't entirely about breaking rules, and I don't think you are getting that. It's about the decision you made to carry on these sort of things when told not to. Instead of bringing it up with any other Higher-Up to discuss or even serbian for that matter, you acted irrationally and proceeded to do them, knowing full-well what the consequences may be because you believed it was within the boundaries. If I get a reply regarding the same exact thing you just posted throughout this thread, I won't even reply; and that's not because I won't listen. It's because you won't listen. You were not demoted strictly for rule breaking. You were demoted because you were not respecting what the Division Managers had warned you about and you acted irrationally by ignoring those warnings. I didn't say I did nothing wrong, all I said is you all went too far with the punishment, I'm reading what you say, I am listening. I did stuff wrong, I ignored you with the warday and trust day, once each time. Not once did I say I didn't ignore you. Now I would hope you ATLEAST answer me 1 question, I don't care if you disregard anything else I said here, just this ONE question. Did what I did, TRULY hurt the server, or even the players at the time, or is it something you guys are just going to say "Don't care, still ignored us" about?
  32. 1 point

    Going to be away..

    Cymru am byth Have fun in my motherland.
  33. 1 point


    Superkiller is banned for greifing.
  34. 1 point

    Staff Inactivity

    There is a reason we don't just hand out powers to people. Putting in a system like this would be horrendous. Yes, we could just remove it after any abuse/trolling, but I can see this having a very low usage and a very high potential for abuse. What if a rulebreaker decides to use this system to votekick/voteban someone who's calling them out on not knowing the rules? Remember, this would be used the most when no staff is on, so there would be really no one present to stop any potential abuse. It just doesn't seem like a logical thing to add in my opinion.
  35. 1 point

    Staff Inactivity

    But to be fair to the admins, when they are online, it is extremely difficult to play because they are constantly being bombarded with complaints. Most of the time they just have to sit in spectate, and even then they can't catch everything
  36. 1 point

    Staff Inactivity

    Hub is (hopefully) being released within the next few weeks, which should bring in a lot more players/staff wo have gotten bored of playing jailbreak all the time. Personally, I think we should try to find some people that are enthusiastic about the server and are also able to handle staff positions, instead of just quickly promoting lots of people to admin while only a few are promoted to mod. I'm seeing a lot of staff members as of recently who seem to be tired of having staff responsibility, which isn't a good sign.
  37. 0 points


    like 5 admins and 1 DL +1'd... you're done kid
  38. 0 points
    I think admins should take into account the number of times the player has been previously ct banned for freekills to determine their current ban length
  39. 0 points


    I win.
  40. 0 points

    xG|M Haplessidiot - Team Fortress 2

    Now that's an idea! too bad we don't have one
  41. 0 points

    Onward - Counter-Strike: Source

    WHO THE HELL IS THIS "MEGA" FAG!?!?!? gdfgsf. Also fixed.
  42. 0 points

    Staff Inactivity

    I think adding a Votekick or Voteban system would really help for when admins and mods aren't online. And any abuse of the system can warrant an immediate loss of privileges.
  43. 0 points
    I used to get that until I logged out.
  44. -1 points

    Why me

    Although what silence said was pretty harsh but they have a point Duckii. You are fully aware that people don't like you, while not everybody here agrees with silence's decision we have to respect it and Duckii not everybody here hates you. But when the leader of a clan says you can't come back I highly doubt there's anything we can do to change his mind. Like someone here said, a dog doesn't go back to it's master after that said master abused it. If you keep coming back you'll only going to get shot down again and again. So just give it up man, there are other servers and plenty of other games out there for you to enjoy. And to @@mtown81 thank you for giving me nightmares for that picture above. :sleep:
  45. -1 points


  46. -1 points


    MagicalPurple is not my name -.- Its purple. it was already taken.
  47. -1 points


    I want to see some Div leaders inputs. @@Bleed @@Chrono @@SkitZoFrenzly. @@Fuzz @@Microsoft @@Rhododendron
  48. -1 points


    This is why i troll and disrespect other members like you.
  49. -1 points


    why are you on if you are on vacation -.-? It's a joke. I just don't care. Wait, so are you on vacation?
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