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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/13 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Alright, finally I'm home from my trip. I would like to start out by saying that it's a little bit ridiculous that you guys are voting downs on each others post just because you disagree. If you want your opinion to be taken seriously, as all should, at least show an attempt to be unbiased in what you are saying. Now, let's look at the facts of what happened. Jacob started saying things that clearly offended Darkwolf and as seen, he was kicked. There are several things to consider: Why was the punishment given? Was it justified? Was the proper process used in giving the punishment? 1. The punishment was given, as said by Darkwolf, because of spamming. There are people who are arguing a disrespect case which, regardless of whether it is true or not, does not matter. The reason given for the punishment was spamming. 2. As far as I can see there are not any clear guidelines among spamming directly listed in rules, but the accepted reasoning has been if the 3 of the same text is posted right away, it can be considered as spam. I have seen Darkwolf himself acknowledge and use this rule. There are special cases, but as far as I can see from the text, there are fairly long intervals between each posting. The most I see are two lines put together. I personally can't count this as spamming at all, but if it is, he should be gagged. 3. The simple answer is no. A gag should always be given before a kick. It seems to me that Jacob struck a nerve and Darkwolf kicked him right away. Jacob is in no way in the right here, he was purposely edging Darkwolf on and has a previous history of trolling. But regardless of his history, everyone is entitled to the same level of treatment. Division managers should, in my opinion, keep their emotions in check especially when admining and provide an unbiased moderation of the server.
  2. 5 points
  3. 3 points

    halfbaked - Left 4 Dead 2

    Division: Left 4 Dead 2 In-Game Name: halfbaked Offender's Steam ID: hacker Rules Broken: he likes to hack Evidence:-1
  4. 3 points
    I find it funny how that has NOTHING to do with this? I do agree GREATLY with others and what I said which is this has been THROWN out of proportion. Jacob disrespected and was obviously asked to stop doing this before and he went on. That is why I think DARKWOLF should NOT be punished. It does not MATTER at this point that darkwolf missed a step, Jacob foiled his own thread by being an idiot and disrespecting. With this being said we should just wait for a co-leader decision and stop making us hate eachother T-T isn't that what you said about the image of deathgod saying "nigger" in the other thread, then were proven completely wrong? It has everything to do with this. this is the nth thread now on darkwolf, and it is under the same exact reason, not following a strict procedure when giving out punishments. please, think before you post. said thread sums up all the others, and includes a lot of the banter between sides
  5. 3 points

    xG vs HG scrimmage

    Thank you. Thats the first good luck I've had all day! I would like to thank my mom, and my dad for helping me get this far. Also my cat for keeping me company in the times for no good luck. My blanket for keeping me warm at night. My comb for keeping my hair sexy. I would also like to thank all the water bottles I've used for hydrating myself. Thank you so fucking much. Lastly, I would like to thank you, for wishing us a good luck! shouldn't you also thank your cat for typing smite @all and pressing enter for you too?
  6. 3 points

    Quit Smoking Death God

    I think we have to worry about his habit of stealing cakes
  7. 2 points
    Holy shit, I go away for a day and fucking 9 pages of this shit ? Damn. Looks like i gotta stop having a life and stay home all day just to keep up with this community.. I'll post my decision in the morning, i was out with my girlfriend all day and i'm fucking dead tired.
  8. 2 points
    I just searched your name on the JB rank site, and unless I searched wrong you never even played JB to know what he does, leaving me to assume you are his friend, and replying because of that, as are many other certain people.
  9. 2 points
    The only reason WHY im -1'ing this is because you disrespecting in your bind. I say stuff like that all the time to everyone, and I removed the bind right after this happened. Why did you have it in the first place? To start shit, so how bout you dont do that and none of this would happen
  10. 2 points
    To be quite honest I'm very sick of all this. all the butthurt kiddies that got demoted for whatever reason, or applied for mod and didn't get it are ganging up on Darkwolf. every time a little thing happens you pick at him like vultures on carrion. this is stupid, immature, and it's causing drama on the clan that we do not need. every time Darkwolf free kills me, or does something on accident, he apologizes to me for what he did wrong either via steam or in Teamspeak, and I get on with my life. dark is probably the best thing that CSS has right now, he is active, honest, and is a real leader/teamplayer. I disagree with this protest. -1 or whatever.
  11. 2 points
    Everything that surrounds Darkwolf escalates to un-comprehendable levels
  12. 2 points
    Why is everyone so mad? He is your friend warrior, and you have clearly blindly supported him, as evident in your first post here, as well as in the other threads. it is clear as day, however for EVERYONE friend or not of darkwolf, there is no reason to call people autistic, downsyndrome, retarded, etc.
  13. 2 points
    I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob @@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it... @@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first. @@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll
  14. 2 points
    Hiding, why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point.
  15. 2 points
    That isn't really an excuse to skip the necessary steps in punishing someone. Also, what was seen here can't really be considered spam. Every time Jacob put the fake bind in (except for one time) there was sufficient space in-between. I'll repost the screenshot I took just to clarify this further. Entries 1 and 2 were nearly a minute apart, so that's clearly not spam. Entries 3 and 4 were only 1 second apart and could have been considered spam if Jacob had posted it 1 or more times, but since he only typed it out twice, it can't be considered spam. Lastly, entries 5 and 6 were also just about a minute apart, which cannot be considered spam. This made me laugh. +1 that was pretty good :D Needless to say, just because he forgot one simple step should not mean his demotion. If someone was constantly saying something like "Oh you fuck children you pedo" would you be pissed if you were going to get demoted from a high rank just because you accidentally missed a step? As I said, this should only be a warning and not his last strike. Yet he had been warned before, several times actually. You all are looking at this as either a personal dislike for him as the reason for the abuse thread, or an isolated issue. It is neither. 1) I posted the proof, because I'm not going to lie for a friend. He abused, and he did it clearly in the proof. But he has been warned already and failed to follow the warning. I have no dislike for him, I'm just not afraid to point out wrongdoings. 2) Already been warned, let's emotions get in the way and kicks people without reason. He then lied to me about it.
  16. 2 points
    Matsi, please take some time to look at Hiding's demo. Also, this thread should probably be closed before it turns into a major shit storm.
  17. 2 points
    ^^^ It already happened
  18. 2 points
    ***ATTENTION*** : WARNING - FLAME WAR IMMINENT. PLEASE EVACUATE THE AREA. wait...is that... OH SHIT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H91rPIq2mN4
  19. 1 point
    Have you been on the server recently? After I was perm banned once, I started to make a change. If you didn't see my appeal thread, then you should go read it. I MEANT EVERY WORD I SAID. The past 2-3 days i've been un banned i've been nothing but respectful to everyone and tried to help out the admins as much as possible. If you have not been on to see this, then hop on some time and see for yourself. You +1'd my appeal thread, but it looks as if you didn't even read it. I'd appreciate it if you kept my name out your mouth if you haven't seen the recent me. Ok thanks.
  20. 1 point
    I'm not -1 ng you, I just have to get to know you before giving my opinion
  21. 1 point
    +1 One of the more active players and has a fun attitude. M: 8 A: 8
  22. 1 point
    Last ban and discussion about his spamming was July 7th, I think a month time is more than enough between situations to warrant dark to follow the correct steps. I can understand if its a week or two after, but when its been this long of time then he should warn him, or at minimum gag.
  23. 1 point
    The only reason WHY im -1'ing this is because you disrespecting in your bind. I say stuff like that all the time to everyone, and I removed the bind right after this happened. Based on that I'm going to presume you have serious personal problems.
  24. 1 point
    I say stuff like that all the time to everyone, and I removed the bind right after this happened. Why did you have it in the first place? To start shit, so how bout you dont do that and none of this would happen Thank you!
  25. 1 point
    -1 based of of your opinion rather then reading the evidence, makes sense -1 your -1 of audibles -1 because he makes some good points.
  26. 1 point

    xG Michael - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 terrible clan member
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Alright, although the steps were skipped, I feel that any previous offenders that have offended offensively within the past x amount of time should be exempt from said rules. Someone who spams is put on the radar for most of the staff and when they act up they are punished immediately, and that makes sense to me. If he was doing this to new players constantly, that is an issue, but for someone who has a history of spamming and DarkWolf not dealing with his crap early on, it seems that it's more justified then anything. Push for change in the handbook for frequent offenders. Then threads like this can die down. -1 for abuse
  29. 1 point
    +1 active. knows what he is doing m 9/10 a 9/10
  30. 1 point
    nobody can explain it. Im confused too. Everything in xG is escalated to shit.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Alright so I need to cover a few things first: 1) Do not disrespect, call people stupid, say people have downs or anything of the sort. 2) Keep it on track, this isn't about how Shadow did this wrong and whatever you all are going on about. This is about Darkwolf, keep it on topic. Now I would like those who are disagreeing to answer the following questions: -Did Jacob spam, you may refer to the demo and screenshots for help? -Did darkwolf warn Jacob with a gag, or in anyway through chat tell him that what he was saying was spamming or disrespectful? -If darkwolf did not warn him or gag him prior to kicking jacob, did he or did he not skip a step in punishment? -What is spamming? -Has darkwolf had prior warning about situations like this, including being biased when making decisions? ______________________________________________________________________________________ I dont know where you all are getting confused in this thread, you are stating that this is just one little thing that lead to a kick in which someone can just rejoin right away. Abuse is abuse, if I kick somebody for fun I can't use the excuse well its just a 10 second hindrance on you; its still abuse no matter what way you slice it. So put yourselves in this same exact scenario, stop covering for each other and be realistic.
  33. 1 point

    rip csgo 2013

    Populate it. +1
  34. 1 point
    Because locking the thread before a shitstorm is too mainstream.
  35. 1 point
    Your point....? Darkwolf was still given a warning after each of those abuse reports, and should have received the message not to mess up any more loud and clear. This has been said so many times I don't understand how you still fail to comprehend this.
  36. 1 point
    he got kicked for trying to undermine a DM , gg he got kicked omg don't burn down the fucking house because he wasn't slapped on the wrist before being kicked. you have downs shadowspyfaggot
  37. 1 point

    xG vs HG scrimmage

    I'll be a sub if needed
  38. 1 point
    @@Warriorsfury Jacob was punished (the wrong way, though), Darkwolf wasn't. Darkwolf was warned for this MANY times. Minor or not, it adds up. @@Matsi You're being VERY mature about this, joined the JB TS calling us retarded about the thread then leaving it. Jacob had 1-2 minutes between the set of time he typed it, There is no exact time for it, but it wasnt CONSTANT to be considered spam. Also, If some other admin came to you after you disrespected and kicked you without gag or warning, I HIGHLY DOUBT you wouldn't be mad/complain @@diabeetus What jacob did was disrespect, MAJOR disrespect? No, but thats not the point, darkwolf didn't handle it right (as you know). @@Chrono 3 times by now.
  39. 1 point
    jesus, I play payday 2 for 1 night and it gets almost as fun as my thread! lol Not writing a response to everything (I just skimmed!) but from my understanding, darkwolf claims that he had typed out the gag, and it didn't go through. great, semi-believeable, but then you still missed a step where you tell them why you gagged them which makes your statement lose all credibility, considering you have been warned how many times now? (i lost track) of how to follow the admin handbook as it is clearly written out for you to tell people why you gag them. [i highly recommend you don't try the "I pressed A and my gag reason got deleted too" excuse.] #addingflametothefire #yolo #presentinginfo #youmighthaveoverlookedthis @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest
  40. 1 point
    I do find it funny though, Jacob is saying that bind and then cries because he got kicked? The servers today are full of children.
  41. 1 point
    Why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point. Yes dark wolf let his emotions get the beßt of him but let's not forget who Jacob is. Acorn new day is not a fresh start on jailbreak. He knows exactly what he's doi. But you're ignoring the fact he did not spam. Show me what rule he broke. When did I say he's spamming? He's disrespecting dark wolf, clearly he doesn't like what's being said about him. I don't see the point of a mute/gag, Jacob knows what he's doing to upset dark wolf. Muting/gagging will just give him time to laugh about it with his friends.
  42. 1 point
    Why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point. Yes dark wolf let his emotions get the beßt of him but let's not forget who Jacob is. Acorn new day is not a fresh start on jailbreak. He knows exactly what he's doi. But you're ignoring the fact he did not spam. Show me what rule he broke.
  43. 1 point
    He continues it daily...
  44. 1 point


    delete teamspeak and never go back on. problem solved. +1
  45. 1 point
    Since nobody wants to tag him, making him all lonely @@Gkoo
  46. 1 point
    +1 He is very active, doesn't troll which is always welcomed, and knows the rules. A:8/10 M:8/10
  47. 1 point
    +1, Active, mature, has a good attitude, knows the rules A:7 M:8
  48. 1 point
    btw you guys need to be giving reasons for your +1 and -1 s. not just "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -1"
  49. 1 point
    Because Jesus cannot lie, I was recording the entire time and went through both the demo and console for chat to see if there were any warning given prior to his kick. The follow 7 picutres show where he posted the bind, and #6 shows Dark saying "Nice fake bind Jacob", which unfortunately is not a warning. They go in numerical order with relationship to progressing time. MediaFire Here is the demo that was taken and shows the entire situation. The relevant stuff begins right around the 15000 tick and lasts until 32000. august12.dem Pay attention to a couple things in the demo: 1) No gag or warning was issued. 2) There was in fact no part where he did "spam", I believe all instances had sufficient time between them. 3) Dark did not ask him at any point to stop, nor did he say in anyway that he did not appreciate the bind. 4) There is 1 time he said it prior to 15000, but for some reason I can't find it, but it is included as the #1 photo. Chat log on rank.xenogamers.com showing the times he said it: jacob8.png Notice that there is no set of 3+ consecutive times of him saying it. There is more than enough time between most of them. Now, in no way am I saying that what Jacob said was perfectly fine and respectful because obviously it was in bad taste; but as we all know, there is a very strict set of procedures we have for punishing people and Darkwolf did not follow this. I hate to have to post this, but I don't think its fair to everyone if I hide stuff because I want to protect friends. And if for some reason I am missing something by all means tell me, but as far as I saw everything I stated it the truth. @@Rhoukar @@Superkiller67 @@Jacob @@IAmLegend @@John @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest
  50. 1 point
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