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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Staff Award

    My name is Rhododendron giving out the first Granny Award! The staff award will go to any xG Mod, Admin, Division Manager, Division Leader in XenoGamers This Month's award goes to @Serb Serbian has been very very disorderly ever since she got his powers. Literally 24/7. He's never on. Not only has this person been very inactive, she tends to do his job with minimum effort for all she's been on. Serbian is truly an inspiration to all members trying to get banned. He's shown the integrity, courage, and optimism of a true asshole. Here's Your Award
  2. 3 points

    Best Songs

  3. 2 points

    Staff Award

    You killed it.
  4. 2 points

    Staff Award

  5. 2 points

    Tiger - Counter-Strike: Source

    >Implying Tiger does anything besides play CS:S
  6. 2 points

    Staff Award

    lol totally.... nah, I don't need anyone to tell me how great of an admin I am. :) I also learned a long time ago not to trust the opinion of a brony :p and a brony that is rainbowdashie.... I mean that's like double crazy... And then it's like some random award like... "ganja you win my random I wanna suck your dick award!" At least make it involve more than one person's opinion
  7. 1 point

    Staff Award

    My name is RainbowDashie giving out the first Staff Award! The staff award will go to any xG Mod, Admin, Division Manager, Division Leader in Css xenoGamers. This Month's award goes to @@GanjaMonster GanjaMonster has been very very active since he's gotten his powers. Literally 24/7. He's on everytime I play Not only has this person been very active, he tends to do his job full time throughout all he's been on. GanjaMonster is truly an inspiration to all members trying to get moderator. He's shown the integrity, courage, and optimism of a true moderator. Here's Your Award
  8. 1 point

    Done for now

    I'm gonna skip my life story, I've had an awesome time on the servers with you guys. All of you. Its been an awesome ride since I've joined up but for now I'm just moving on to different stuff and am not really interested in the the servers anymore. I'll probably log on here and then for a bit but probably not often. I'll miss you all. <3
  9. 1 point

    Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1. He knows the rules and is mature as hell, Not a squeaker and rebels at every chance he gets also a nice person who makes sprays for other people. M:8 A:8
  10. 1 point


    Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: JJonic Steam ID: Steam Community :: Error Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 15 Further Information: I wanna join xG because I've always wanted to feel like I'm part of something bigger. I really want to have some good friends and thought this would be a great way to do it.
  11. 1 point

    Staff Award

    A property used to determine color?
  12. 1 point

    Tiger - Counter-Strike: Source

    Just gotta wait 24 hours now.
  13. 1 point

    My time has come.

    you didn't have to leave lool, could just be super inactive but regardless, goodluck on everything that's coming.
  14. 1 point


    Still gonna bump this shit its like the tf2 div only has 8 members
  15. 1 point

    Staff Award

  16. 1 point

    Staff Award

    @@Rhododendron Where's my Brony Teamspeak tag? :D
  17. 1 point

    Best Songs

    I listen to this when Im trying to sleep. Really relaxing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S8ynIDYyG4
  18. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    He's too fat, smells, and whenever he talks his chins slap themselves together like how you would flip pages on a book in rapid succession. Jk. But I'm just going to say 0 for now, he's a little immature, tarps a lot, and gets on my nerves more than once when he wardens. A:9 M:4
  19. 1 point

    Tiger - Counter-Strike: Source

    His previous name was V3tis if anyone doesn't recognize this name +1, active, mature, fun player who knows the rules, Doesn't smell like @@Leotekk Or @@Eden. A:8 (Because 10/10 means hes on every second of every day, them baddies doing 10/10) M:9
  20. 1 point

    MS Paint Commissions.

    @@diabeetus how much for a portrait of old,fat shadowspy?
  21. 1 point

    Staff Award

    Ok, then who was involved in this award? You can't just say that you did and not provide any other names lel.
  22. 1 point

    Done for now

    Lol I remember that conversation. Good luck syrjirk, hope you find something to interest you.
  23. 1 point

    Some Pictures I drew - Pretty Sick

  24. 1 point

    Done for now

  25. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    So if you knew that the Gx tag is clearly just xG backwards, why would you even make the claim that he's double clanning? Seems like you're just trying to manipulate others' decisions.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point


    Member's Name: iRpx Member's Steam ID: find it yourself Information: he's ugly. insert various evidence here. also, this chick said he has a small dick so idk
  28. 1 point


    bye -sealed away in the last great time war
  29. 1 point


    Yeah. We should watch my little pony together one day.
  30. 1 point

    charmander414 - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@charmander414 The reason the last member application was closed is because you are too young to join xG. Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) We can not allow you to join xG. That doesn't mean that you can't play on the servers with us and have fun. -Closing.
  31. 1 point
    +1 He is a fag. Or am i think of diabeetus ._.?
  32. 1 point

    GTA5 Crew?

    It's just Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Nothing about pc or next gen There has been some word that it will be coming to pc in the fall.
  33. 0 points
    Hey So the div leaders and some other people have thought up a new kind of contest to get more popularity on the server. This is Referrals and Activity. Referral The Referral contest will go like this; Every time a new member joins, if they were referred to by someone already on the server, I will tally them up by 1. By the end of the month, whoever has the most tallies, will receive a prize (prize has not been decided) The tallies will be reset after a month. Activity Depending on how long you've been on the server over the past week, you will receive an in game cash prize of $1000 and 3 diamonds. 2nd and 3rd place will receive 1 diamond and $100 each. Thank you, and come on the server more guys :)
  34. 0 points

    GameCube's Original TTT Minigames

    You heard that right. I will post games that i have found that work and are fun. Such as.... Jihad hot potoa (fuck spelling) If you want to play get a t to buy a jihad bomb, get a group of freinds shout over mic or type in chat we are playing this game. So you aren't killed. To play you arm the jihad then press q as quickly as possible. The hot part that if you pick it up to fast it will go off. Just if it goes off when you pick it up it wont count towards you but the t who bought it( still needs to be tested). Forwarning dont be a fool and HOLD THE FUCKING THING IN YOUR HAND LIKE ITS A TEDDY BEAR. We are not liable for any deaths or injuries for someone holding the bomb. Knife throwing contest of death. You get a t and like a couple people and form a shape that has at least everyone 12 shotguns away from each other. The rules are that the person with the knife first throws it at someone. You can't move in this game only to pick up the knife thrown at you( ducking and jumping is allowed. People should throw the knife untill it finds itself in someone's ribs. If you like to rp there are many situtions(fuck spelling) suicide jumper on rooftops, hostage sitituions(fuck spelling) and many more fun rp'ing. I will be updateing this with more idea's. This is just to make the game funner.
  35. 0 points

    Important Poll please View

    Vote for Jimmy 2013
  36. 0 points

    Staff Award

    I did -.-
  37. 0 points

    Why To Quit Minecraft

  38. -1 points


    MagicalPurple is not my name -.- Its purple. it was already taken.
  39. -1 points

    Jok3r - Garrys Mod

    -1 I was watching you and kevin for 5 maps and called other admins in to confirm. 1. Kevin would call "live checks leaving out the names of people unconfirmed dead, who was the only person who could of known that person was missing you. Also over the rounds both of you would know who the t was when there were unconfirmed bodies everywhere. With one of you dead you the other would somehow know who the t was and find them, then just kill them. @@Bleed @@Cloud the one that everyone saw was the round that kevin was dead. The t dante killed one person and hadn't been seen by anyone not only were there still 2 people not tested you just stared at him telling him to get in the tester. Yet the other guy who could of been the t you didn't look at all you just kept looking at dante. BTW you guys break rules alot.
  40. -1 points

    Tunnel Snakes Rule

    You wanna see my Tunnel Snake diabeetus ;)
  41. -1 points


    i care
  42. -1 points

    Rebel Option in LR menu

    Then it must just be you guys, I have no problem with it because Ts usually run off to a safe area and rebel (Usually far off, but you can camp and wait for them to come out and then shoot them). If they actually choose to rebel right in front of you and you can't shoot them before they fully pull their gun out, Then that T usually has it carefully planned out, or i just don't even know what to say about you CTs.
  43. -1 points

    Rebel Option in LR menu

    It's inaccurate because people tend it spray it a LOT without aiming downwards. The only time i spray it is when there's a lot of enemies and i aim downwards. Other than that i barely spray at all and both ways of doing it are just accurate enough for me. Also.. I was talking about other people, if you didn't know.
  44. -1 points

    xG movie nights

    sure. Just give me the money USER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THIS POST
  45. -1 points

    Important Poll please View

    who @@DarkWolf6052
  46. -1 points

    Enjoy your lives

    There goes the joke flying over your head
  47. -1 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Inb4 flame war. Although I generally like to watch people too, Ganja did seem to have a personal vendetta against Jubens tonight. Almost like he was trying to find something to just ban him for. Jubens messes up sometimes yes, we all do. @@GanjaMonster Also, there is no evidence to any sort of abuse here. Although like I said Ganja did seem to have a vendetta against you which I don't think should happen. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo Closing this as there is no proof of anything happening.
  48. -1 points

    Staff Award

    The "Council": Twilight Sparkle Rarity Applejack Pinkie Pie Fluttershy Spike
  49. -1 points

    Done for now

    Why you leave me? :(
  50. -1 points

    Time to Get Outside More

    [MEDIA=imgur]12DfQms[/MEDIA] ...jk I'm just the best player on the server. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00