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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source

    chrono confirmed for hacker, perm him
  2. 2 points

    Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source

    BLEED CONFIRMED FOR BAD, darkrp 5min
  3. 2 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    I was there and can confirm it did happen. However, "lying to staff", is not a specific rule. Though obviously doing so will never lead to anything good, it shouldn't be considered as a factor in his punishment in my opinion. This was an isolated incident, and he hasn't acted up in a decent period of time. If he continues doing things in a reasonable period of time going forward, (not 8 months from now) then yes some punishment should be dealt.
  4. 2 points

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
    Hey guys, in case you haven't noticed this problem yet, we have a HUGE lack of staff members for the amount of people in the servers we have. We need all of our members that would like to become moderators in our servers to come on teamspeak often (a couple times a week for maybe an hour or more is good) and be active in our servers! If you would like to become a moderator, send me a friend request on steam at Steam Community :: xG-DM MuffinMonster and I can help you take the steps towards becoming a mod. Thanks for reading and have fun on our servers! Leave any comments or questions down below.
  7. 1 point


    does anyone think that voting on our servers could help. people on jb could vote kick free killers and rule breakers. With school coming in, theres mostly likely gonna be times where are no mods or admins on. I honestly think this could help.
  8. 1 point
    When will you give the all glorious paperman mod?
  9. 1 point
    cool ill try for mod #INSANE4MOD
  10. 1 point

    Random Games/Days

    Ye, I know Sharks and Minnows used to be played as Piranha, but adding it to the MoTD as a valid game will let people know it's something that may be considered.
  11. 1 point

    Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source

    Baddie unbanned him already. Thread is no longer necessary, and as such will now be #Closed. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  12. 1 point
    Well, first we need a div leader to make a working jb server.
  13. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    We need to implement Mass free kill days.
  14. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    I lost my mic. Also my will and interest in playing JB.
  15. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

    here's a real picture of @@Forest P.S. I could have done an image where I put a thumbnail in and when they enlarge it it showed an actual picture of you in there.
  16. 1 point

    remove the engy class

    I don't think the engi class would be missed THAT much. :llama:+1:llama:
  17. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    How about when Hub is released we unban EVEEEERYOOOONEEEEEE
  18. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

  19. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    I'd say JB on CSS will be dead within the year of 2014 if nobody does something soon.
  20. 1 point


    Diabeetus for DM of Fatties
  21. 1 point
    I slayed everyone because I wanted to the round to last longer, so I could continue testing the crits plugin. You were banned for being a smartass. You continued to complain for an entire hour after the server was up. I told you to stop, then you created a vote. I cancelled the vote, and said stop trying. It's gonna stay that way. You then continued to complain after the map changed, and started being a smartass. I banned you for a day, and you go ahead and make an abuse thread, plus a thread that says "worst division leader, along with a vote. And I'm supposed to take you seriously? toplel You could have confronted me more maturily instead of complaining constantly, even after I told you to stop. And I didn't tell you to only play on our servers. I just expected in the week I was gone that you would make some attempt at populating it. But instead, you go on other servers, even after I complain that the servers aren't getting filled. The last 3 times I told the community to vote on a server, they died after a week. - Freak Fortress 2 Dead - Saxtonizer Random Dead - Rotation Dead - Unusual Trade Dead - Prop Hunt (Before your time) Dead The servers I set up, like the n64 server, pokemon, deathrun and old freak fortress got populated fast and stayed populated, so I made another server. Stop complaining. You have Valve servers you can play on. Gyazo - 19a573a35f0006b2635c833bfa248608.png
  22. 0 points
    My understanding is that the skins have a chance to drop on any VAC secured server, right? If this is true they could drop in the jailbreak servers, couldn't they? Even if they do the problem is that on the jailbreak maps all the guns are laid out so you wouldn't be able to show off your skins... Could you perhaps replace all of the armories with buy zones and make all guns cost nothing, Or even just add buy zones in the armory so you can use your own skins instead of the preplaced weapons? I haven't fucked with a CS:GO server since this update came out so IDK if any of this would even work, but it would be cool to be able to use the skins in xGs servers
  23. 0 points

    Plue's Photoshop

    fuck you
  24. 0 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    the hub jokes are fun and all but it really [edited because im drunk and dont actually care]
  25. 0 points

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

    Go to hell.
  26. 0 points

    Random Games/Days

    +1 to first two games, the last two i have doubts about. The third: It has been tried before many times, but to no avail. The T and CT always go into a rumble since the T can have an advantage over the CT if they want to. (CT left-clicks, T right, T wins instantly since no escaping for anyone) which will usually always ruin the entire game for everyone and it won't be played the same again. Yes some people want to play the game but half of the Ts usually love to be dicks and ruin the fun for CTs (if any fun at all) even if it costs their lives. The fourth: It will be rather difficult in many ways, 1: having enough ammo. 2: actually figuring out the sizes of the letters (if it's not right it will look like fsdfsdf if you are trying to say peanuts.) Regardless, it can work with simpler words (i.e. LOL, etc.) 2: Shaping the picture, etc. Basically: 1: +1 2: +1 3: -1 4: +/-0
  27. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@MineCrack , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American] @@Matsi , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@MagicalPurple , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@Forest . WE'RE ALL [Civilized African Americans]!
  28. -1 points


    I think it is time for this. #Pepper4DM
  29. -1 points

    play osu with me

    counterstrike is ded.
  30. -1 points
  31. -1 points

    Plue's Photoshop

    lets see if you are as good as you think you are. put a dildo in his hand. make it look real. no bullshit.
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