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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    did you not abuse your power as well? gg can't trust you. might as well resign your mod now.
  2. 3 points

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    Um. I know quite a few who do that. Just saying. Me included. But usually only at night when no one gives a fuck. So if that's a valid reason for not having mod I know a ton of people in need of demoting. But I don't think it is.
  3. 3 points

    Scrim server rules/explantions

    Ill show you guys how to really scrim - first come, last served. - scrim matches are played as a 32v32 - first team to 1 round wins, win the match - when the round wins total to ½ the first half has ended and you will need to manually to switch teams to carry on the rest of the match - also no one will need to keep track of the score. - if you are late lets say be the 65th person to join the server you can sit in spec and act as a ghoster just in case someone needs to know where the other team is. - ghosting is allowed and encouraged. process of choosing teams and the map members of each team will be shooting their enemies until there is only 2 people left on each team on the shoot round you may not knife anyone if you died in the shoot round you will need to reconnect and use auto-assign. once it has come down to the last 2 for each team one must die to restart the round so each person has 100hp it will be a 2v2 mp5 round for either first pick of ghoster or for the map and side that they will play on. the loser will either get permanently sourcebanned or will always have 1 hp during the match
  4. 2 points


    most useful thread 2013
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points

    I be back

    tf2 sucks css pls
  7. 2 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    you banned all the fun people
  8. 1 point


    sorry, you are not old enough
  9. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    Evidence helps ya' know. and how does watching anime have anything to do with this? #Butthurtlikecrazeh
  10. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@DerpO_o @@Uryuu_Minene You dont need evidence for every ban, you need evidence for something like perm bans for hacking. Also, what does people watching anime have to do with your ban? From my knowledge darkwolf and his friends dont even watch anime (I do). You and Minecrack were getting mad since we kept extending the map, and you started breaking rules because of it. Stop trying to find excuses to get unbanned, because none of them are working. Still think its funny that you edited in "Also, why don't you get some people beside anime kids and your furry friends to back you up if you're the white knight who is never wrong?" when you are having minecrack back you up because he's your friend @@DarkWolf6052 You should just close this
  11. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    uh............ you kids are butthurt like crazy, +/-0 neither side has given any conclusive evidence. will change once sufficient evidence is given
  12. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    the lets "borrow" the idea and make our own little thing from it?
  13. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Though I do agree with you, HG is several times the size of xG. Srsly tho m8, we need some kind of store and quick, or the CS:S div will die, and very soon. This weekend is easily one of the least populated I've seen the Jailbreak server ever, which is the only server that is really keeping CS:S alive at all.
  14. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    we need DM's and a Div leader that does things to improve the server and not just maintain it.
  15. 1 point
    You don't need to donate to become mod. You only donate if you want to apply for mod but the DL and DM can choose you and you dont have to donate
  16. 1 point

    Scrim server rules/explantions

    worst internet 2014 goes to turdwig
  17. 1 point

    I be back

    Nope, Canadia left to play LoL with his bitch ass friends.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point

    Random Games/Days

    Sharks and Minows: CSGO Version: Tested, used, implemented and works. Ts are sent to a diving board, and warden chooses 1-2 CTs to go in the water. (my variation to it for fairness here in this line) trivia question is asked, and the first 2 Ts to answer correctly "sit out" and are the last to go. assuming someone does not make it across, they compete in a different game for LR. if someone does, then they must make it across as well. Ts are sent 1-2 at a time. you must choose based on # of CTs in water. 1CT 1T, 2CTs 2Ts. Admins may approve of 2 CTs to 1T ration in water (it was actually better this way, and more difficult but still possible for Ts.) Must swim from 1 side to other and exit, may not exit on the side, must exit at other end.
  20. 1 point


    atleast i don't have aspbergers am i right i think im right
  21. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    How about when Hub is released we unban EVEEEERYOOOONEEEEEE
  22. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    On the day xG is getting shut down we should just unban everyone who's ever been banned. #UnbanTowelie #UnbanNetex #UnbanTarin #Unban@All
  23. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    I'd say JB on CSS will be dead within the year of 2014 if nobody does something soon.
  24. 1 point

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@Forest there are seemingly large amounts of different treatments for different people, I am posting here because someone brought up hella, John gave hella permission to use money giving to everyone, if they voted for it. they did, hella did it, he has an abuse report, closed later under "confusion". nothing happened. There was 1 complaint noted from the people on at the time of hella's "abuse" in this case, the server here agreed to the ban @all via vote as well, he did it. the server agreed. there was (by my understanding) 1 complaint about it, and he was demoted for it. in essence these are the same situation, infact i'd go so far as to say Aaron's situation is much less "server damaging" than john/hella's because Aaron's truly only gives effect to 1 round, where as theirs gives effect to multiple (30k cash can be a bomb per round until map change). IMO Aaron should receive his ORIGINAL admin powers back or John should be demoted (to member like Aaron), based on this conclusion. I say @@John because hella only acted on what John gave him permission to do, he was sort of the middle man. [it would basically be like john doing !cash @all without asking his higher ups, as aaron did ban @all without asking his.] {note this is what should have happened imo prior to john's resignation, as he is a poopy butt and i hate him now.} TL;DR your guys' logic in hella's thread suggests that Aaron should have retained his admin in the first place, otherwise you should find some sort of punishment for John.
  25. 0 points


    We wont burn you down this time ... Or will we?
  26. 0 points

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    If It gets excessive when they abuse admin chat etc. they can get demoted for it after being warned and stuff, but you get demoted instantly for something like !ban @all EDIT : YAY MY KEYBOARD IS MESSING UP! EDIT 2 : MY* and also, FIXED
  27. 0 points
    Fuck man, not my mod! I abused my power for a reason once, not to type !ban @all multiple times. Doesn't even phase me.
  28. 0 points
    Like I said, you don't have to donate, you can earn mod after maybe a month or so on teamspeak.
  29. 0 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    the hub jokes are fun and all but it really [edited because im drunk and dont actually care]
  30. 0 points

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    So then why was Aaron demoted while Hellafun wasn't? Aaron had never really had a problem with abusing powers in the past and apparently this instance was the only time at which Aaron could be confirmed to have used !ban @all. Hellafun on the other hand had received a warning as a result of his previous abuse thread (where he used !teamswap to get himself onto CT team even though there was no justifiable reason to do so) and we know he used the !cash @all 30000 command several times in that day alone (courtesy of some fine detective work from Matsi), yet he was once again given just a warning. Why are we only giving warnings to some people while straight up demoting other people who both abused in very similar ways?
  31. 0 points
    Thought he was really promoted. My bad.
  32. -1 points

    Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source

    Actually he said "Wow this fucking new mob is bad. Fucking freeslays" That isn't disrespect.... you're all fucking badmins! Fucking Freegags! If he found it to be disrespectful which it was, then he can gag. Also, not to mention the fact he started disrespecting more once the round started over voice chat. But once again, it's better to ask why they killed you rather than just slay them. Unless you are absolutely sure it was a freekill. If he found it to be "disrespectful" than he fails at being a mod because what halfbaked said is actually listed specifically as something that is NOT DISRESPECT: As Forest has stated... no shit he was pissed off and continued afterwords when the next round started... he just got freeslayed by a badmod that wasn't paying attention and then invalidly gagged... I would be pissed off too...
  33. -1 points

    Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source

    It wasn't worthy of a gag, especially after you freeslayed him... you were wrong.
  34. -1 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    #CSGO ?
  35. -1 points

    Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source

    awww @@xShadowSpyx
  36. -1 points

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    Didn't "add" it. It was on the server. I loaded the map cause people wanted to play old maps.
  37. -1 points
    I know, thats why we have a lot of shit staff -.-
  38. -1 points

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    After hearing that from the banning staff... -1 for unban, just wait a week.
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