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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    xG Nostalgia Thread!

    Dr.Strangelove Hub When warrior was treated worse than abraham Abraham
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point


    Follows the rules and a pro spy, an all around fungi (hahaha not funny) but seriously he should be part of xG +1 Good luck Bradah
  4. 1 point

    remove the engy class

    That's the point, engi can give metal and is mainy useless in JB, I mean, the sentry doesn't even attack unless you have a wrangler and 50% of the time the bullets hit everyone around the rebel
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    You can be the crazy guy
  7. 1 point

    xG Nostalgia Thread!

    tarin +1
  8. 1 point

    xG Nostalgia Thread!

    Never-ending battles of passing Warden (before the plugin) Karaoke days Thunder Doug > Thunderdome Becoming a Member. EDIT: Poking Teezar's fat self Late night "Draw My Thing" sessions
  9. 1 point
    Can I be Buffalo Bill?
  10. 1 point
    Eh, Pistol isn't horrible. Just try to mature a bit and keep your cool. COOL GUY +1 M: 7/10 A: 8/10
  11. 1 point

    GustavKozlov - Counter-Strike: Source

    This was that guy... he came back almost 2 weeks later and when he tried to go CT he found out for the first time that he was CT banned.... He's also an Illeist and I just find it annoying when people practice Illeism unless it's M/s. Here's the perm server ban hella did on the guy for massing that was unbanned/switched to CT ban by Serbian: https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:33706316&Submit=
  12. 1 point

    Free Game

    i submitted my vote and made an account but when i get my verification email to get my code, it just tells me i haven't voted..
  13. 1 point

    Jarate considered as baiting ?

    I believe his name was krekt or something and he legit had it Ctrl C + Ctrl V ^.^
  14. 1 point
    when i recently came back on, you were acting immature. Improve your maturity and I'll reconsider
  15. 1 point

    Here's a cheap Gaming PC

    Dat gravedig tho
  16. 1 point


  17. 1 point

    GustavKozlov - Counter-Strike: Source

    You were banned 10 days ago, That "punishment in the past" was a permanent ban. Yesterday has nothing to do with it other than you had just found out you were still banned. Massing = never be able to join CT again unless you successfully protest it
  18. 1 point


  19. 1 point

    GustavKozlov - Counter-Strike: Source

    I remember you. You were attempting to mass freekill all of the Terrorists during orders but were slain (by myself) before you could kill 3, so I week CT banned you. That was months ago. If Serb perm'd you from CT for mass freekiling, then I don't doubt that you did, however; for the sake of needing factual information I'd like to hear serb's side of the story.
  20. 1 point

    Jarate considered as baiting ?

    voteslay muffin +1
  21. 1 point

    The Status of TF2 JB

    I fully agree. The amount of children and freekillers on these servers are too damn high! It's just so hard to regulate because we've all seen the kids get screamed at without actually having someone explain to them what they're doing wrong.
  22. 1 point

    The Status of TF2 JB

    @@Priggles @@solidsnake1171 This thread was created to point out and address the issues of tf2 jailbreak. Keep arguments to PMs or steam messages.
  23. 1 point

    The Status of TF2 JB

    I know but do you other admins ever on other than kbrazz or you. Most members in our clan are really just plus one people they don't even know and are taking their word for it. They aren't really trying to get to know people before they plus one them.
  24. 1 point

    The Status of TF2 JB

    We are trying our best over here, we only have 12 staff members to moderate 8 servers. 6 of the 8 are usually filled, so it is hard to watch them all. We are trying our best to bring in members, but it is hard as hell when not many apply. We need active people, so we won't just promote some guy that comes on once or twice a week for 10 minutes. Although, there has been a recent spike in TF2 applications and I think we now can start getting on track to promoting more members. To get it, you can do multiple things. You can be active in our Team Fortress 2 servers, as well as the teamspeak server. Activity on the forums isn't as important as those two, but it is encouraged. You could also donate a small amount of money to apply for mod, or you can donate more money to buy moderator or admin for life (or until you get demoted). To get more moderators, we need more members. Once we have a large amount of members, we can start getting these servers moderated for most of the day. Let's just hope we keep getting people to apply...
  25. 0 points
  26. 0 points

    GustavKozlov - Counter-Strike: Source

    Alright well I don't remember perming someone recently except for one person. This person free killed either 2-3 people and in the process was slain. "Then kicked by an unknown mods name I don't remember" me thinking he left trying to avoid punishment I permed him. Mod comes forward saying he kicked him which shouldn't have happened. I told the mod to tell a higher up to unban him and then CT ban him instead. IF this is that guy then there ya go. Im gonna go lie down ba bye.
  27. 0 points


    You asshole!
  28. 0 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Exactly. Some of you guys want me to code something to save a dying game. That is complete nonsense. If Valve wanted the game to thrive they would update new stuff, and it seems that they rather have CS:GO in the frontline then a 10 year old game. Can you really blame them?
  29. -1 points

    The Status of TF2 JB

    Believe me, I know. I used to moderate the servers on CS:S and I found it pretty damn stressful (even for a thing that I volunteered for) to watch jailbreak. I left CS:S for that reason, but now jailbreak has come back to haunt me to this day and it's even worse than before.
  30. -1 points


    You're a turd :shitpost: Ily. Cool Guy Cool Guy Cool Guy @@Forest +1
  31. -1 points


  32. -1 points

    Darkness - Counter-Strike: Source

    you know what? fine. maybe xG doesnt need a member like me.
  33. -1 points

    Darkness - Counter-Strike: Source

  34. -1 points

    Hey who can hack a facebook.

    Im looking for someone to hack a friends facebook to scare the crap out of her lol.
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