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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/14 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Tmi thread

    inb4 i get banned or anyone gets banned @Yuuki @Colorparty @GreyIgnis @Hachi @Yatagarasu @Kart @RinAoi @Christian @Thunder @kbraszzz @p0s3s3dh0b0 @Snipes @Tomahawk
  2. 2 points

    Tmi thread

    #TMI erm I don't know what to say I guess erm Im 5 foot? Idk anymore
  3. 2 points


    Yea speaking I never left cause I realized I'd never get 20 +1s Okay therefore I just gotta come inactive for this. -1 You left cause you didn't get DM.... *cough mature*
  4. 1 point

    Moderator Applications

    Submit your moderator application here. This needs to be done on our forums because everyone has the right to post an protest an ban. All applications not using this format will be declined, you may ask for clarification. The deadline has been extended indefinitely for posting these. All applications will be reviewed in January of the following year. Moderator Application Format Steam Name: Your Steam Name. Steam Profile Link: Private is fine. Time: How long have you played on our server for? Frequency: How often can you spend on the server per week? At-least one hour is recommended, short term leaves are allowed. Are you available to be come on immediately when online, if stickz is offline. Experience: Any previous moderating experience you have. Vouchers: Who do I know that can vouch for you? (multiples are recommended) Explanation: What would make you an good moderator? Sample Moderator Application Steam Name: Stickz Steam Profile Link: Steam Community :: ᵡᴳḽᴰ >>Stickz<< Frequency: I can spend three hours per weak on the server. I may occasionally miss a few weeks however. I'll gladly join the server when my steam status is online if required for a few minutes. Time: Three Years. (notice the proper grammar) Experience: I have moderated gmod morbus for almost four months now. Vouchers: Name one, Name two, Name three. Explanation: As an moderator I am generally very relaxed. I ignore unimportant things such as swearing (so long as it causes no offense to anyone) and stand firm on the big things such as; selling out spawns to force an round end and players who are harassing one anther. I understand that offenders may say negative things about me, but never take it personal. I never dramatically increase the sentence when they do this, but do use it as an weight factor within reason. I never drop the ban when people start begging or post rudely on the forums, due to the fact they learn nothing from it. My goal is for people to learn from their mistakes and not commit anther offensive. If offenders take the time to nicely make an protest on the forums and acknowledge what they did wrong, I'm more than willing to reduce an major sentence or drop an minor sentence.
  5. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    #TMI I brutally murdered @Yuuki a week ago. I took a bread knife and forced it into his chest. Blood swam out of his body as he looked up to me, horrified; scared. A smirk on my face slowly formed as I saw him fall to the ground - his face dropped. 5 minutes later I missed him so I revived him using magical powers
  6. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    TMI Thread. AKA. Get everyone to hate you, the game.
  7. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    people think im thunder but no one thinks thunder is tomahawk? #TMI
  8. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    #TMI I acted as Thunder and everyone in xG believed it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    #TMI I'm still a virgin :C
  10. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    #TMI I ate someone before ;-;
  11. 1 point


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: ☠ Captain Jack Sparrow ☠ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:9718282 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 14 Further Information: I Have Been on this server for 1 month now and I have decided I wanted to become a member. I have read and followed the rules, and I have made some friends out of the server. Thank You For Taking Your Time And reading This ;)
  12. 1 point

    Coolycooly - team fortress 2

    The Interview wasn't half bad... Was pretty good except I can see why North Korea wanted it to be taken down... Even thought by creating this drama @BelloWaldi has become the Dictator of XenoGamers. HAIL.
  13. 1 point


    +1 Fun to play with and active. M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  14. 1 point

    Mains in ssb3ds

    Ness, bowser, bowser jr, pakistan and Ike
  15. 1 point


    Member's Name: DrLee Member's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33738893 Information: He ghosted. Proof: xG:M | Dr.Lee : he has 1 hp
  16. 0 points

    Tmi thread

    I cummed blood while playing with @ChickenPanda
  17. 0 points

    Coolycooly - team fortress 2

    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Admiral Samit Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55254684 Information: Your a meanie to snipsies >:c
  18. 0 points

    Colorparty TF2

    Hey, well, yea, this is a goodbye thread. I'll just explain how I feel first, and why i'm doing this. I had the best of times on the Saxton hale server, I made friends that I have made best memories with. Then, the server broke, well, after that, it was never really active again. Then, DR was my favorite for the longest time, I met many friends on that as well, Gold, Priggles, Smitty, much more. Then the whole hard drive dying happened, when it got fixed, I no longer knew anyone on the DR server, and it seemed as if it was dying as well..The trade server for me was fun at first, but, quickly boring as I do not trade often. All the other servers were dead as well really, the only other one was Jailbreak, it too was also fun in the beginning. But it slowly became more of a job than a game, you would be called over so much for rule breakers, either way you did it, someone would be mad, you would always be wrong as well..The mass disrespect was a problem for me too, I know, I'm an admin, and disrespect is against the rules to admins, but, it happens so often, it just becomes annoying, so...There isn't really a place for me in xG anymore. I know there are different servers for our clan on other games, but, jail break is the most popular most likely. And, people I have known in this group have changed. They aren't as they used to be, and some others, I don't think they deserve their position..I will not throw names, I'm sure you know where you stand in my book...Or list...Friends...Thingies Muhjigs.. I've made best friends my time here, it's been a good year getting to know you guys. I certainly do not regret my brother telling me about the Saxton server and spending hours on the server. It was fun with Ecko, Wolfy, Doctor. And many others. If xG ever goes back to the way it was, with the Saxton and such, I would most likely be more than happy to join back, but, for now, I can't stay active in Jailbreak, or any other servers really...Most the people in jailbreaks are dicks, but, some are not, my point is, I can't deal with people like them, no offense, but, as I have said before, you know where you stand in the Thingi Muhjig. Thanks for the good year, hopefully that doesn't mean the friends that I have made will stop talking/playing with me.
  19. -1 points


    xG plays Town of Salem no wait.... Dino D-day
  20. -1 points

    Rip css servers

    Super secret project? nah man #fastgamedivision but rly that game's eating him alive. RIP csgo Kappa not serious pls no h8 b8 m8erino
  21. -1 points


    Feeling that dyslexia, switchin the A and M ratings on accident, my bad. A:7.5 M:9
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