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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Hello Everyone!

    i am cringe! I am new here and ready to have some fun posting. Just wanted to say hello to everyone before hand. To start off here is a picture of one of my favorite artists: L'A Capone. RIP:(
  2. 2 points

    Rule Clarifications For Jailbreak

    Hello, I wanted to have some discussion over the current rules for Jailbreak, and ask that we make a few things clear or at least in the open as there was debate between myself and the other Community leaders on how I used to have the rules to how they have them now. Silence agreed with me on the Tarping section, but I'd rather first get the community's opinion on how people prefer things to be. 1. Tarping: The current rule is Tarping - Giving orders that contradict or conflict with each other. Tarping is ONLY allowed after 3 minutes and 3 orders have gone by. Example: "Jumping is restricted, crouching is restricted, standing is restricted, wasd freeze. Now all of you go to big cage or be killed". Now, the reason tarping not being allowed in the first 3 minutes was implemented in the first place was because 4-5 years ago in CSS jailbreak, Warden would say "when cell doors open and I say Joe*, come out and afk freeze" but they would say Go and then kill everyone who came out for not "paying attention". The current rules would imply that CT's are completely allowed to do this because technically this is not a contradiction or conflict with any of the warden's rules because he said Joe is the safe word, but he used the word Go to "tarp" the T's into an early death. Similar situation in the Carceris(?) map when the Warden says "T's are not allowed to jump on boxes or ladder in pit" and then they tell the T's "please come out of the pit and freeze" pretty much killing every T who doesn't know there's one location in the pit you can jump up the wall. This is another example of "Tarp" that is completely fair game currently due to the rules in place. My problem lies with the fact that the rule against Tarping should prevent these situations, because the term Tarping originally came from the Warden's vocal "trap/trick" that would consistently kill off a majority of T's early in the round every map. The change I would like to see is: Tarping - Giving orders that contradict, conflict with each other, or trick the T's by wordplay or restrictions. Tarping is ONLY allowed after 3 minutes and minimum 3 orders have gone by. Only the Warden may tarp T's (I feel this is another good part to this rule due to not wanting to rebel against any CT giving CT's easy leverage for T's to listen, but we can debate that as well) Example: "All T's are not allowed to be on the boxes and ladders while you're in pit, feel free to run around" "Okay all T's please come out of pit and freeze" Example: "All T's when I say Go please come out of your cells and freeze" "Joe!" 2. LR's The two things I want to change, are Do not Rebel during your Last Request without using the option in the menu *and you may not Rebel at all after using LR once until the next round* The reason for this is apparently a lot of people still have the impressions that this is still a rule as it used to be in the past, but there's no clarification so I'd say to keep everyone happy to just add it into the MOTD. 2.You may not have a 'Custom Last Request', you must use the menu *unless the CT agrees to the conditions and it doesn't break any rules* Example: Map Games (Death Run, Climb, Soccer, Etc)* This is pretty self explanatory, some games in the maps are just never able to be utilized, so this gives the T's who have LR their choice (if the CT allows it) to play some of the map games as a reward for their survival. That's pretty much it, I feel like these changes will improve the server but I'm happy with discussion if there's good points against it. Thanks, ~Aegean
  3. 2 points

    Selfie Sunday

    Me on a Stagecoach bus at 2:30pm. @BelloWaldi @Rejects @Fiery8022 @Christian @Whyte @Bach @Thunder @ChickenPanda @Hachi @kbraszzz @Tomahawk @Liekos There I posted, an I cool now?
  4. 1 point

    Working On A New Map.

    yo, This weekend I started working on a new map, it's in very early stages but I'm gonna share the .bsp file here incase you guys want to check it out at some point. Please feel free to leave any suggestions. Like I said, the map is quite early at the moment, I've only added a few things. The main layout is set up but it will be expanded to accompany more games and utilities. The current name for the map will not be the one in the final release. Thanks, jb_octane.rar
  5. 1 point

    Rule Clarifications For Jailbreak

    Business Doing Pleasure With You c: I agree with the tarping +1
  6. 1 point

    Working On A New Map.

    Add all kinds of minigames and it'll be fun c: oh right and make sure it's even for both sides so like it's not like you can rebel at every corner or minigame, my idea is like it's hard to rebel but if you pull it off it's rewarding c: welp who knows it's your map
  7. 1 point

    Woodrow - Counter-strike

    You should try recording demos they are smaller file size and then you can just throw them in Dropbox and share them.... instead of the hours it takes to process and upload to youtube and then process more... just my 2 pennies @mobinblack
  8. 1 point

    Are You Fucking Serious

    in the mean time, play Melee, it's better for you
  9. 1 point


    Ok kids stop fighting before @Liekos has to hand out some bans. It's a member submission. People can leave their vouch. If you dot agree with it, that's fine. But don't dispute it. Ty fam
  10. 0 points


    This member submission has expired. You may re-apply in 30 days. ~ Closed
  11. -1 points

    Matsi Member Protest Companion Thread

    -1 I still get to vote, right? :P
  12. -1 points

    Operation Populate Jb2???????

    JB2 is cursed, it never gets populated for more than one day, I'm not even sure why we still have it. It would be much better if we just replaced it with a different gamemode to add to the TF2 Division.
  13. -1 points

    Name My P90 Death By Kitty :d

    No pity for the kitty
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