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Reputation Activity

  1. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from jaygoki in Cleverbot   
  2. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Deathrun Is Buggy And Dead.   
    I coded Deathrun and it's our custom plugin. I can fix all these issues this weekend :)
  3. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Izanagi in Deathrun Is Buggy And Dead.   
    I coded Deathrun and it's our custom plugin. I can fix all these issues this weekend :)
  4. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Matsi in Error Creating Thread   
    @Rhododendron Here's a word document with the entire post (i copied it there so i had a copy in case something bad happened when i tried to post it lolol)
    Dropbox - guide.rtf
    The thread title was the same as it is now: "Donator Perks Guide"
  5. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in Ribbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    Updated the post yo.

    You like @Forest ?
  6. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Vector in Ribbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    Updated the post yo.

    You like @Forest ?
  7. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DrLee in Ribbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    Updated the post yo.

    You like @Forest ?
  8. Friendly
    Rhododendron reacted to Forge in It's Time, Goodbye.   
    Well, I feel like it's time despite me being here such a short time, I have no reason for leaving only these words I write below.
    I'll start with the thanks and farewells.
    @kbraszzz Probably one of my best friends in xG, God speed you magnificent bastard.
    @CoolyCooly You're one silly bastard, I have to say that you're a highlight in the hours of teamspeak.
    @Muzzle You're the one reason I was noticed in xG, you practically introduced me into xG by being the first person who met me on the forums, thanks alot.
    @Izanagi You're a great guy, definately someone I'm going to continue talking to, I wish you a happy life.
    @Rhododendron Yep, even you're here, we've had some good conversations and it was fun talking to you, I hope you do well in college.
    @Vector I didn't think I'd tag you but hey, I have and I'm going to start by apologising for being a complete twat for no reason, I know we have our differences and this is me saying I'm sorry, good luck with Trade Gaming.
    @Snipes You're one of my best friends in xG, Maybe one day you'll finally get to Gamestop.
    @Bryan We've had good times and I gotta say you're one lucky bastard.
    @Jpie112 You're a great guy, I hope you finally get through those Doctor Who series.
    @Nope.avi I hope you have a great time back in xG.
    @BelloWaldi You basically got me in xG, thanks a bunch pal.
    I can't say formal farewells to everyone so I'll tag others for one farewell.
    @Kypari @Dr.Lee @Rejects @Insane @StarmiX @KendrickLlama @ShockeDeel
    (Sorry if I didn't tag someone important)
    For those with no formal farewell, thank you for making xG a great place for me to stay at, keep it up. Goodbye everyone.
  9. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Sora_ in Xeno Gamers Logo   
    That's awesome, but it doesn't fit with our general theme :(
    We need something clean and easily readable.
  10. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Sora_ in Xeno Gamers Logo   
    I saw the above. Howabout this? (new here; I have no idea what to do)

  11. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Tomahawk in Xg Strange Level Up Server?   
    Actually I was gonna code this a while ago. A day ago I was testing with a CS:GO StatTrak upgrader and ran into some issues but I think I can do this successfully for TF2.
    It would modify shooting rates so you can upgrade insanely fast and whatnot.
  12. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Kittylicious in Trade_hyrule_oot3d_alpha_3 Released!   
    I'm uploading it :) Should be on there in an hour!
  13. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Izanagi in Something Needs To Change With Tgh Restarts.   
    I'll look into it later tonight.
  14. Friendly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from SuperMaddud in What Happened To Xg?   
    Honestly, I would blame me for many of the issues. Life hit hard and I'm struggling to motivate myself, simple as that. Hopefully I can get out of this slump :(
    But if anything we aren't going anywhere!
  15. Optimistic
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in What Happened To Xg?   
    Honestly, I would blame me for many of the issues. Life hit hard and I'm struggling to motivate myself, simple as that. Hopefully I can get out of this slump :(
    But if anything we aren't going anywhere!
  16. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Egossi in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  17. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Kypari in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  18. Funny
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in Shoutbox Not Working For Me? (been Like This For Months)   
    I think I banned him.
  19. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Shoutbox Not Working For Me? (been Like This For Months)   
    I think I banned him.
  20. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from StarmiX in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  21. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Muzzle in Thunderbolt565 - Team Fortress 2   
    Doesn't counter strike have a shift walk. I remember playing on a CS:S JB and that was an order
  22. Drunk
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGStumpy in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  23. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  24. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from diabeetus in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  25. Not Funny
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Muzzle in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed