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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. @Egossi look at the gamebanana pictures hehehe Anyways it looks good to me +1
  2. +1 Terrible at trivia and his dad isn't 100+ years old. A:8 M:8
  3. https://xenogamers.com/threads/39010/#post-269983
  4. Hey guys and gals, so our Halloween event is starting this week on Thursday the 27th and here's a list of games you should have downloaded if you want to participate in them. CS:GO (Minigames) TF2 (TBA) Cry of Fear (On steam and it's free) Minecraft (PVP Event) Town of Salem (Make an account for free on BlankMediaGames | Town of Salem , it's pretty much mafia if you've ever played it before with a twist) I have already given out close to 2000 credits to people just for being active on servers and answering random trivia, and we will be giving much more credits on the days of the events. I hope you guys can make time and hang out! Ps. Still debating on what we should watch as a group, doesn't have to be a movie, we can watch scary or paranormal stuff from youtube. Feel free to give any suggestions. Teamspeak and Hub So for teamspeak, reminder to everyone that the rules will be in place on November 1st, which means only 4 subchannels per parent channel in the community room (subchannels of subchannels still count towards the max limit) and if you didn't claim a channel that you own that you claim it soon or else they will be PURGED. For hub if you guys have noticed that you can now stylize your names again and it lasts forever, BUT you can only do it once. I will not give a refund yet if people made a mistake, I will see if I can make it so people get 1 free edit or something, stay tuned on that! Last thing, I will make a post about Content Creation for xG, the benefits for you and how to get involved. I'll be bringing it up when Halloween is over, so I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Hope you guys have having a good month, and happy gaming! ~Aegean
  5. -1 Constantly tests the limits of the moderation. Happy birthday <3
  6. Aegean

    Clash Royal Xg?

    Yeah feel free to name it XenoGamers
  7. Okay can you say in your own words then what you did that was admin abuse which got you a perm ban in the first place?
  8. Aegean

    Clash Royal Xg?

    If you want to name it xG go for it, just don't do anything racist or something that can bite our community in the ass.
  9. I'm gonna be honest, despite the fact it's been 4 years since it happened, I'm really hesitant on unbanning you as the precedent has been to decline people who abused as a final goodbye on their part. I will say that I am leaning more towards a +1 than a -1 since majority of the people from back then who might have been affected are not even here. I would like to hear other people's point of view first, but right now I am a 0.
  10. Honestly don't be a stranger, voice your opinion or just hang out whenever you'd like. I wasn't here for majority of the your time in xG, but I know the TF2 division and Xeno Gamers in general owe you a lot. Have fun with any new games you try out, and hopefully we'll see you around (:
  11. @Tsuchikure Look through all my news posts on the home page or general when I talk about something new or changed or even just asking for feedback. The bare minimum CM's can do is comment opinions, read feedback or respond to other's feedback. There is a lot of things for CM's to do, doing nothing is not an excuse as xG has multiple dead servers, teamspeak not being populated as much as it can be, and forums not being lively. Figure out ways to promote activity, show activity yourself OR even just ask other staff or members if they need help with anything. We will talk with the higher staff and figure out a good way to utilize CM's but right now if they don't do ANYTHING that's not a problem with them not having a clear role, it's more them not taking initiative in the first place. @Rhododendron or Myself don't tell @Lithium or @Bleed what to do for CS:GO, they constantly figure out or listen to other staff/members on ideas or issues that are taking place. I'm not saying all CM's need to know how to program either, @Bello is another example of someone who is extremely active not only on forums but always letting me know if any issues or ideas that tf2 has, just to hear my opinion or see if I can get him help if there's something he can't solve. Just showing initiative goes a LONG way in a community that is full of people who are willing to help improve xG and this is truly the bare minimum a CM should be doing until we get their rank proper responsibilities.
  12. CM's should literally be active in discussions with the community as a number 1. This means being on servers, forums and teamspeak occasionally and actually managing the community lol. Make threads, share ideas, ask for ideas etc. It's always better to have more than 1 person to start these kinds of discussions every once in a while so we don't remain stale.
  13. As TF2 is your forte @Scootaloo, and you are willing to be active and work on stuff, I would honestly suggest talking to your div leaders and managers in TF2 and figure out ways not only to populate it, but address any issues that arise from the community. Make a post, explain the situation and ask them what they would like from us as xG. Communicating with your staff, members and always improving the servers is the best way to contribute to xG, and I have no doubt that you truly to care about the community. If you'd like to talk to myself or the TF2 staff, please don't hesitate and let's get more stuff done around here. Also if you do want to focus only on TF2, we can always just put you back as TF2 Division staff depending on the response from the current Division leaders/managers.
  14. My post wasn't directed towards you, it was towards Vector. He said you or anyone else who feels this way as a community can come up with a list for them to do, and I was just saying lately it's been Bleed and Lithium who have done things that would be on that list not only for CS:GO but for TF2, the same issues that our CM's in question could help with.
  15. To be fair for TF2, @Lithium and @Bleed in the past 2 months have tried helping them out with any issues that arise that the TF2 divs can't solve, so things like that for example would be great to get dealt with by other CM's as well so it isn't always dumped on their shoulders. I know now that @Nomulous is back that TF2 is in good hands along with the rest of the TF2 divs, but I want to know what Scoot and Kb think about this situation regarding their activity and contributions to the community as of late.
  16. Shoutout to Alice for gifting Blank Civ 6
  17. [ATTACH]6687[/ATTACH] CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn it! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  18. Aegean

    Admin What-now?

    Yeah no worries dude I understand where you're coming from, if the changes I make aren't satisfactory we can discuss it as a community next week (:
  19. Aegean

    Admin What-now?

    Well hacking and advertising are already perms as far as we did things, trolling and harrassing would have to be case by case basis. Regardless, I'll try to go through the rules and see what I can work out that makes sense for everyone
  20. Aegean

    Admin What-now?

    Personally I see pros and cons to both, if the originally ban is not a severe enough punishment that deserves a perm, I don't think ban evasion deserves a perm in response to it. Maybe a slightly longer ban but as of now I think just giving him an equal punishment on the alt is punishment enough as perm is a little excessive.
  21. Aegean

    Admin What-now?

    I'll go through the rules and make changes this week on rules that need to be updated. I'll also talk to the staff about it for anything specific that might be controversial.
  22. Aegean

    Admin What-now?

    I completely understand your point of view @Forest and I did agree with you at first, but when I thought about how some rules really need to be considered on a case by case basis to even judge a valid punishment would make a universal guide so hard to write up and decide. The guidelines were made back when we only had CS:S servers (which was jailbreak and surf #neverforget) but although it got updated last in 2014, I think making universal rules for all our servers for all the possible scenarios would be unneccesary. I think just having general rules to base things off of would be enough, and the Admin Handbook could get simplified alongside our general rules in our guides already written. I appreciate your opinion on issues such as this, and any comments that feel like it might contribute to the discussion from anyone (staff or members) please don't hesitate.
  23. No there was just nothing for TF2 this week