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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Hope you get better Baba <3 Enjoy your vacation
  2. https://xenogamers.com/threads/39870/
  3. Aegean

    Christmas Sale Begins!

    Until the 31st of December, we have a 30% discount on credits! https://xenogamers.com/credits/packages We will also change the odds values so you get more for guessing the right team before E-sports matches! https://xenogamers.com/odds/ Happy Holidays everyone!
  4. I am happy to stand behind the decisions of the staff on whatever they decide, I personally have given many chances to people in the past to people who claimed that they have "changed' but just revert back to their true self after a short while. I do agree with Rhodo that someone who wants to come back after 2 years deserves another chance (depending on the level of their ban reason). As long as the TF2 staff are okay with it then I'm a +1 as well.
  5. Thanks everyone for coming to Nipperhouse, we'll do another event soon! Over 5k in credits are given out to trivia winners
  6. Nipperhouse event scheduled today for 8 pm EST!
  7. Please for the time being stop posting long #'s as you are giving issues to some members on their mobile device. Thanks
  8. From logs and your history on our server I will -1 the appeal, I think the staff handled it well.
  9. We'll have one for nipperhouse again soon, we had a 5 dollar giveaway last time, so we might do credits or something again.
  10. Credits will be going on sale soon, a special christmas discount and the date will be announced asap!
    1. Vertex


      Make gmod credits go on sale aswell.
  11. Credits given out, thanks everyone!
  12. Minecraft Update https://xenogamers.com/threads/39609/
  13. There's one that adds a ton more songs onto the diamond radio with songs that are in similar style to the original songs in the game, very great mod!
  14. #leavebritneyalone
  15. We don't all have a moose here in Canada...
  16. "but I've first joined xG servers 6 years ago today." @Seth Not signed up on forums you plebian
  17. A few questions, 1: How comfortable are you with Facebook and Twitter? 2: What are some ways you are planning to generate traffic on our Facebook + Twitter page? 3: Will you be able to do the bare minimum and constantly post huge updates on our facebook+twitter within a good time frame?
  18. https://xenogamers.com/threads/39725/ December update is finally out!
  19. Hello Xeno Gamers! Time for the last update of the year! Hold on to your JonTron memes! Events Winter Brawl!! We have a tournament coming up for Brawlhalla (PC Smash brothers), if you're interested and for more information click here: Winter Brawl! [brawlhalla Event] Sponsors The guide is officially out, our sponsor system is now similar to our TF2 Donator perks! For all the changes to our sponsorship tiers and reward system, click here: Sponsorship And The Reward Tiers A new raffle will be coming out soon so if you want some extra raffle entries be sure to become a sponsor! Minecraft This will be the official thread for all the updates on minecraft. I will not give an exact date for when MCMMO Towny will be available, but I will say that it is getting VERY CLOSE to being released. Thanks to everyone who has been stepping up and wanting to get involved but we are in very good hands now that @SuperMaddud is back. Minecraft Update Thread What are the Odds? You can now bet on E-sports games with credits! This is not a feature that will stay for sure, we are only experimenting with it. Any feedback about this can be messaged to me by starting a conversation on forums, or just feel free to start a thread in General. https://xenogamers.com/odds/ CS:GO 24/7 NIPPERHOUSE IS BACK BABY! We will set up another event on it soon, so stay tuned! Server info: Credits Credits will be going on sale soon, a special christmas discount and the date will be announced asap! I just wanna thank you guys for a great year, I've only been back since August, but I've first joined xG servers 6 years ago today. There has been serious progress since I've returned and it definitely shows. This progress is due to the amazing work from all our staff members who constantly try to improve xG infrastructure, maintain leadership and keep servers fun. It's also due to the huge effort from everyone who has put the time in to populate our servers and constantly provide feedback on the forums and our teamspeak. We have huge plans for 2017, and I hope you guys stay for the journey. We have made it this far due to all of you, so the least we can do is to make next year a great year for all of you in return. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! ~Aegean
  20. Hello Xeno Gamers! Time for the last update of the year! Hold on to your JonTron memes! Events Winter Brawl!! We have a tournament coming up for Brawlhalla (PC Smash brothers), if you're interested and for more information click here: Winter Brawl! [brawlhalla Event] Sponsors The guide is officially out, our sponsor system is now similar to our TF2 Donator perks! For all the changes to our sponsorship tiers and reward system, click here: Sponsorship And The Reward Tiers A new raffle will be coming out soon so if you want some extra raffle entries be sure to become a sponsor! Minecraft This will be the official thread for all the updates on minecraft. I will not give an exact date for when MCMMO Towny will be available, but I will say that it is getting VERY CLOSE to being released. Thanks to everyone who has been stepping up and wanting to get involved but we are in very good hands now that @SuperMaddud is back. Minecraft Update Thread What are the Odds? You can now bet on E-sports games with credits! This is not a feature that will stay for sure, we are only experimenting with it. Any feedback about this can be messaged to me by starting a conversation on forums, or just feel free to start a thread in General. https://xenogamers.com/odds/ CS:GO 24/7 NIPPERHOUSE IS BACK BABY! We will set up another event on it soon, so stay tuned! Server info: I just wanna thank you guys for a great year, I've only been back since August, but I've first joined xG servers 6 years ago today. There has been serious progress since I've returned and it definitely shows. This progress is due to the amazing work from all our staff members who constantly try to improve xG infrastructure, maintain leadership and keep servers fun. It's also due to the huge effort from everyone who has put the time in to populate our servers and constantly provide feedback on the forums and our teamspeak. We have huge plans for 2017, and I hope you guys stay for the journey. We have made it this far due to all of you, so the least we can do is to make next year a great year for all of you in return. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! ~Aegean
  21. Listen dude, regardless of this being an observation, it's completely unnecessary to post something like this in a thread after things are starting to cooldown. I gave a warning to Caleb recently for starting shit for no reason, I know your intent isn't to do that, but after the initial comments on the promo/demo and the responses to them, everything was settling and you posting that does not contribute one bit and in fact just gets people agitated. tl;dr stop dank memeing
  22. https://xenogamers.com/guides/77/ The new sponsorship reward tier guide, not finalized yet but close to it! December update within 24 hours
  23. I understand your reasoning behind the activity thing, I believe there is more to them getting promoted than their activity on servers as I see them on teamspeak, forums and contributing a lot to community discussions. Regardless, this was discussed with the TF2 staff and I'm sure you'll get a statement about it soon enough. Remember, things are not set in stone, and any issues that may happen can easily be remedied and reverted if need be. I have a lot of faith in Bello's judgement over TF2 and so do the rest of the higher ups, I would like you guys to give him the benefit of the doubt as well.