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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. https://xenogamers.com/threads/39249/#post-271590
  2. Hello Xeno Gamers! At least the goats get a break... shout out to MajorB I hope you guys enjoyed the events in October, unfortunately we didn't watch a movie but we played Town of Salem, TF2, CS:GO (with spooky breaks and zombie chickens), and Hunger Games on Minecraft. I gave around 20000 credits to winners from random trivia and events while TF2 had random item giveaways! Please provide feedback so we can improve our events and bring them out more often! What's Going On This Month? Events As you guys might have seen, we now have an events tab and have our first event set up! Terraria is having a brand new update that is a crossover with Dungeon Defenders 2 so we will have a server up on the 18th for anyone interested! More info here: Terraria Update (crossover With Dungeon Defenders 2) Fresh Start! Raffle Brand new raffle again, this time it is for 10 TF2 keys, if you haven't signed up I recommend you do so now: https://xenogamers.com/index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=14 Reminder to any sponsors that you get 25 entries instead of 5! Next raffle prize is ready so stay tuned! Sponsors I'm going to be changing the sponsor system to reward tiers (Think kickstarter) but current sponsors will all be in the tier of whatever they paid for currently, and any reward added to any tier will automatically be granted to anyone who has donated the required amount. This means if you donated for sponsor twice (i.e. 40$) and we add a new reward for the 40$ tier then it means whoever donated in the past still gets those new rewards, even if it's months after they donated. More news on that this week! Member Applications We had discussed a few months ago about making it so member applications only need an Admin+ instead of Div+ for CS:GO (and possibly TF2) so we might make that change. I will get the thoughts of the div leaders and managers and let you all know if any changes occur! Content Creation I am looking for ideas on what people are willing to create for Xeno Gamers and how we can help you guys out in return. I will create a universal guide for it so feel free to inbox me or post in general any ideas you have for content creation. CS:GO We have reset the ranks due to a bug with GameMe on the Minigames server. (The bug was any TK gave you -50 points, even if the map encouraged it) We have also discussed a possibly of adding a script to the servers that gives an item to a random player from the bot that holds all the CS:GO items that people traded in for credits. We don't know the fine details yet but any ideas on ways to implement it are more than welcome! We are also starting a CS:GO team for xG. If you are interested in applying, read Cs:go Team! for more info. Thanks everyone for another great month, don't forget that we LOVE to hear feedback and ideas on how to improve xG and make it more enjoyable for you guys! Happy Gaming! ~Aegean
  3. Gave you the content creator rank btw for your work on our facebook cover photo :D
  4. Appreciate the topic being brought up, I did talk to sticks in the summer and from what I gather he said he would be busy due to school I believe. I do want to work on Gmod but right now as CS:GO is getting much better due to how much work our divs and staff are putting in, I want to work on Tf2 next and see what we can do about the dead servers, and also focus on working on the Minecraft server as well. If Minecraft does not go up before December than I will most likely take over or find someone experienced who will. I do want a Dark RP or TTT server but the biggest thing is finding someone who can and is willing do it. We aren't using too much resources on Gmod or ND2 so I think we're fine as it is currently and don't need to take it down.
  5. Should be possible, would definitely be more helpful than anything. I'll talk to him tomorrow if he doesn't have time to check forums
  6. Top fragger @Rabid Hehexd
  7. We have 2 I believe, 1 in Alterac Mountains (Alliance) and another one that the tf2 community plays on I believe. The Alliance one is pretty dead though as most of the xG kids got bored of the game, it's hard continuing a MMORPG guild when people don't stick to it enough.
  8. I have absolutely no issue with us starting a team for CS:GO but please choose 5 people who will legit try to get better if you are paying them. I trust @Bleed and @Lithium with the final decision but this means people should at least try to Understand and learn basic strats (i.e. default, A/B execute) Practice and know smokes, mollies, flashes, nades, DM and watch pro players Play to improve, which may include watching replays I completely understand my knowledge in CS:GO is lacking, but I know what it takes to hit high elo in a competitive game, and you have to actually dedicate time and effort and try to learn instead of just meme. My reasoning for it as I said is because Rhodo is willing to fund it which is why I want to be strict about it. Just please take it seriously if you are considering it.
  9. Aegean


    We had hunger games up and running, but I think we will focus on a single world and try to get that running 24/7. I think @Owl and @DrPepperPhreak will make a post this week about their decision on their direction with the game.
  10. Big news update soon, sorry bout the wait. Meantime, terraria event soon so feel free to sign up :D
  11. Regardless of how it came to this, there is no doubt that you were a great staff member and xG was very lucky to have you for so many years helping out as much as you did. I hope all the best with everything going on in your life, and don't shy away from ever participating in something that interests you in xG if you have the time.
  12. @Vector Agree with you on the other points don't get me wrong, but as I said, our community has a LOT of room for growth, and anyone can help out if they put time into it. It just depends on people's willingness to help or look for ways to improve. It honestly isn't as hard as people think lol, providing things for giveaways, giving input on events we can have that people might enjoy, even recommending or giving feedback on a map to get added to our servers is helpful. Edited for clarity @Tsuchikure: Mentioned how KB should step down if he truly can't do what his position states, how he was always a fantastic mod and that his real life is hindering his abilities and judgement with xG. Also said how everyone wants to see this fantastic community grow, but to grow we need to be able to help each other even if we have problems with one another. The first part of his post was saying that we should come up with a list of CM's could do which is why I had showed him my two previous quotes of this thread
  13. Do you remember what the command was? It was also @Firewolf who banned you, I don't know if he'll remember the ban but hopefully we get some more details.
  14. Just a quick update, teamspeak community channels aren't getting deleted till the 6th, we are extending the deadline to claim your channel BUT on the 6th if your main channel has more then 4 subchannels, we will just delete the extras from the bottom up or just delete unclaimed channels. That is all for now, stay tuned for a news post on the home page (:
  15. Promotions TF2 @Vixen from Moderator to Administator @Tatost from Member to Probationary Moderator Demotions TF2 @Rejects from Division Leader to Administrator (inactive, can regain position once activity rises) @King_Zog (DonVitoCorleone) from Moderator to Member (Unfit for position) @Jon_N64 from Moderator to Member (inactive) @PyroBunny from Moderator to Member (inactive) Staff @Scootaloo from Community Manager to Member (Stepped Down) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  16. Looks awesome, I would definitely recommend a dodgeball-esque area as well, where T's have to dodge a box moving in random patterns or dodging balls being shot at them as it is always a popular game. If you ever need testers or feedback please don't hesitate to ask!
  17. Is that supposed to be a suicide vest costume?
  18. Impressive rainbow coloring!
  19. Reminder, tonights event is Town of Salem
  20. #gobackintimeforharambe
    1. Egossi


      you make me ashamed of my name
  21. He's very active, he's young but I think he follows rules and tries to not be as annoying as before. +1 A:9 M:7