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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean

    Mashups Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT3l5HN6GvA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq_DlAo5koA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsoYTyJSttA
  2. So as Owl and Mince have stepped down, they worked really hard on the foundations of the server, now it's time for us to fix some stuff up and put up a server. Right now it's gonna be only Pepper and myself working on the server, and I would like to know if you guys would rather a Townie Server (with PVP arena) Minigames (Hunger games along with other popular modes) Factions PVP Something Else We will focus on one thing at a time, and I really want a minecraft server up for you guys. Please leave any ideas or suggestions here, and we can discuss as a community. Thanks!
  3. As you guys might have noticed, we are having our official terraria server out in less than an hour and a half, just wanted to direct you guys to the rules: Terraria server rules It will be a fresh start for everyone, the only thing is we had 2 members work on the spawn to make it look nice and ready. None of the things in the house are allowed to be looted, and progression will be as a group for the most part. If you have any questions, feel free to ask @CappyCappy as he is in charge of the Terraria server. It is 20 slots, and it can be increased if demand is there. Hope you guys enjoy, and please follow the rules!! Anyone breaking rules or trolling will not only be banned from the server but not allowed to join any future events. Thanks guys, Happy Gaming! ~Aegean
  4. Good to hear @Stickz, I want to focus on minecraft right now anyways after terraria is out on friday, but I will definitely keep updated with you and if I don't find staff for GMOD TTT or Cinema then I'll help set it up if there's enough interest and we can go from there
  5. Enter our new raffle, members only! https://xenogamers.com/index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=18
  6. I'm one of the OG redditors, nice to meet you buddy
  7. https://xenogamers.com/threads/39356/ Promo and Demo
  8. Promotions TF2 @YeEternalTuna from Member to Moderator @ThunderLimes from Member to Moderator @Tatost from Probationary Moderator to Moderator CS:GO @Randy_Orton from Member to Probationary Moderator @Stevenn from Probationary Moderator to Moderator @BullseyeX from Probationary Moderator to Moderator @Sizz from Probationary Moderator to Moderator Demotions Staff @kbraszzz from Community Manager to Member (Stepped Down) @Owl from Division Leader of Minecraft to Member (Stepped Down, still has Division Manager on CS:GO) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible. Planning to do something special for the future Promotions and Demotions by the way so stay tuned!
  9. One of the most active players on CS:GO, I told him to start posting on Forums to make a mod app since he isn't active on TS but make sure to not spam, he's not super productive forum wise, but regardless I think he would be a good CS:GO moderator due to his knowledge of rules and activity. +1
  10. I understand some of the concerns, the reason why I'm not too worried is because right now with the server populations as it is, and how it is not summer, it is not easy to get the amount of vouches, especially from a D+ as they have their own lives, and can not get on servers to be that 1 extra vouch for that person who might need it. I think it's fine as our process to get mod is significantly harder than it was a few years ago, and is heavily discussed between many staff behind the scenes on top of getting community feedback. On top of this, we want people who are active on the servers to be members so they can help us improve, the harder it is for them to obtain membership, the less likely they will stay in a place they feel "unwanted" if you will. Members who do not represent the community well can easily be removed as well. We do promise to not sell staff anymore so we do have the advantage of good quality staff at all times in our servers compared to other more populated but pay to staff servers. If we want to compete and constantly improve, we unfortunately need more eyes on our servers and we believed that this would be a good start. Please feel free to continue giving feedback as discussion is important with issues like this.
  11. @TheSupremePatriot I believe silence doesn't really like the functionality of it, but i'll discuss with him today after work :)
  12. Ask around including your friends and see how many people who like to play GTA online, if you do want to manage a crew named xG or Xeno Gamers feel free, just remember you are representing your community :)
  13. Always good to take a little break, your position on CS:GO will stay until you return and thanks for letting us know :) Hope you enjoy your break fammm
  14. I 100% think we should give him a chance as mod on CS:GO, we've had people staff of multiple servers in the past, and as he earned admin on TF2, he definitely has what it takes for mod of CS:GO
  15. We do not, but I'm not familiar with GTA online so I don't know exactly to what extent you can use xG as a name, if you have any questions about using the name feel free to ask :) Pretty much if you use xG in any way, please make sure you are representing your clan in a proper way. This means no cheating/hacking/doxing etc. Hope this answers your question :)
  16. @Forest Absolutely we will be focusing on social media once our servers are looked at a little more carefully :) One thing as well is we will start giving credits for active users of teamspeak! @Chrono It's all automated, but it's public information to see who recruits who, so if we think someone is abusing (it's 250 a referral anyways) we will take it up when it comes to that.
  17. @Bello Next raffle will be member only, and I think anyone can recruit others to join the forums. I personally don't think it's enough credits that anyone will abuse, and we can see as well who invites who just in case we do suspect there might be abusing just to get credits.
  18. https://xenogamers.com/threads/39302/#post-272105
    1. Thorax_


      u broke the chain
  19. As our servers and infrastructure are constantly getting upgraded, we want to make it easier for CS:GO members to get into our community to increase our player base and make our servers more enjoyable for everyone. This means we are reducing the member application vouch requirements to 4 +1's and you do not need a div+ to vouch on it. We are also going to start dedicated "operation populate" times for the different servers and put them on our events, that way if someone really wants to play Minigames for example, they can see that on fridays at X time that we have an event already scheduled if they can't manage to populate it at their current time. We will be having a sale on credits from the 21st to 25th for thanksgiving as well, and are planning to add more seasonal forum/server stuff for hub. Any questions or feedback please let me know! ONE LAST CHANGE, If you get someone to register on the forums, you get 250 credits! https://xenogamers.com/account/invitations to get started! Happy Gaming! ~Aegean!
  20. Aegean


    The best way to meet others and find out what everyone is up to is joining our teamspeak "ip: voice.xenogamers.com" and checking forums daily on anything going on in and beyond our servers.
  21. spaghetti and
    1. virr
    2. Egossi


      not even close babyy!!
  22. The teamspeak purge is complete, your government thanks you for your participation.
  23. Lol I think this clan is slowly giving Bello sever brain damage.
  24. Feel free to meme or post about your opinions, no arguing or flaming though or I will just lock the thread. We don't really allow political discussions on forums but we're making an exception for such a case.