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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. I confused what pepper said and made a mistake on the post, it's fixed now :)
  2. Bad Rats Giveaway gogogo https://xenogamers.com/index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=10
    1. Egossi
    2. Jadow


      I have a copy of bit dungeon+ if you want to giveaway that as well :D
    3. Jadow


      and i gave it to pepper cause he wanted it
  3. Promotions CS:GO @BlackWidow from Moderator to Administrator Minecraft @DrPepperPhreak from Moderator to Division Manager (Will keep CS:GO Administrator) Demotions CS:GO @Cristo from Administrator to Moderator (Inactive) @ThePenguin from Administrator to Moderator (Inactive) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  4. Good CT, follows rules from what I've seen and is pretty active! A:8 M:9 +1
  5. We should be starting on the 21st of October, I'll make a post detailing anything people should have downloaded and ready
  6. Absolutely no issues with having to take a little break cuz of school and other life tasks, hope everything is going well!
  7. We are not handing out channels rofl, a few members have paid 25 dollars for channels and we aren't going to be unfair to them.
  8. Updated the guide Teamspeak Rules 4 subchannel limit, and November 1st is the deadline to claim a community channel before it gets deleted.
  10. https://xenogamers.com/guides/1/ read the updated rules about community channels and claim your TS3 channel if you have one!
    1. Tomahawk


      am I allowed to claim bach's channel for him? because he aint coming back.
  11. Feel free to pm me next time you wanna do a raffle I have full control over it now (:
  12. I will most likely do a combination of limiting sub channels of parent channels in the community section to like 4, and also remove channels that aren't claimed/in use. Making a forum thread that notes who owns what channel would be a great idea and I'll make it today @Dethman (: Please keep up the discussion, if anyone else has input they'd like to share please don't be shy!
  13. It's a night where we watch a movie or some kind of content together on a website dedicated to watching videos with multiple people. It's an easier way than everyone going to the same youtube video and pressing play at the exact same time
  14. https://xenogamers.com/threads/38842/
  15. So a thing I'd like to discuss is our gigantic volume of teamspeak channels and mainly their sub channels. I would like to reduce the amount of channels we have, and mainly make it so any community channel can have max 1-3 sub channels. This thread is open for discussion, and I would like to hear the input from people who use the community channels.
  16. Edit: So the whole thing stemmed from the issue of Egossi not removing his tags or making it obvious he's TF2 staff and not listening to Virr / Pepper when they asked to make it clear, and Egossi's defense was he didn't think it was a legit issue as there is no rule for staff to remove tags on other division's servers. After discussing with both parties, All 3 admit they can handle it better. In the end, I think @Egossi needs to show a little more respect and understand when staff of another division are asking for tags to be removed, to understand their point of view and if he doesn't comply to ask for a higher up's opinion. And the other 2 @virr and @DrPepperPhreak can talk to higher ups to help with clarification on rules that aren't really written down if there's a dispute, and to show respect. Remember, it's a gaming community, you guys do not need to be on each others necks over such issues.
  17. If we do reset your password you might be kicked out of your forum account, so add @Rhododendron on steam and go from there :) If there's any issues, feel free to dm me
  18. We can reset your password if you'd like, but I would definitely suggest trying out some of your passwords just to make sure you didn't try the wrong one
  19. If you do ever want to play ranked, a thing that helps quite a lot of people is to type /mute @all at the beginning of the game. Prevents you from seeing other people's comments and allows you to focus on your own gameplay. I personally don't do it but I see the benefits for either option
  20. He's one of the most active people on teamspeak, and has a great first name! If he does work on his activity I'm all for giving him mod on CS:GO +1
  21. No more room in Hell, Cry of Fear and The Hidden are some of the games we are thinking of, but we will look at more!
  22. Mince Klure and I were gonna look at some games this weekend, feel free to suggest anything that we might enjoy :) And @Squid It's basically where we go on teamspeak and use a site where we can watch a video all at once, we'll stream either a movie or some sort of content and have a spooky ole time.
  23. https://xenogamers.com/threads/38803/
  24. Hello Xeno Gamers! The scariest update since the Monica crisis of 2011! Staff Staff, you guys are the backbone of our community and we wanted to give back to you guys, so from now on, all staff (Moderators and Admins included) get visible status on Forums and Teamspeak. On top of that, you will all be getting bonus credits on the Forums, CS:GO and TF2 (the respective division you are staff in) servers the more active you are. This change was a long time coming, and we hope you enjoy and keep up the great work! Upcoming Events A few things that we will be doing in the next few weeks: Scary Movie night Community Horror Games Credit giveaways A Minecraft Event And a super secret spooky update.... What we want to hear from you guys is ideas on what movie(s) or content we should watch, and which multiplayer games we can play aside from our current games and servers. Any implemented ideas will be rewarded with some sweet sweet credits! We hope you guys enjoy the upcoming stuff! Oh and Happy thanksgiving to the fellow Canadians :D! Happy Gaming! ~Aegean