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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. New promo demo https://xenogamers.com/threads/39702
  2. Promotions TF2 @BlankuChan from Administrator to Division Manager @Egossi from Administrator to Division Manager Late Promo: @Vector from Member to Moderator CS:GO @SavageLime from Member to Probationary Moderator @JuannabeGod from Member to Probationary Moderator Minecraft @SuperMaddud from Member to Division Leader Demotions TF2 @Goblins from Division Manager to Member (Stepped Down) @ArminArmout from Moderator to Member (Stepped Down) @TheSupremePatriot from Moderator to Member (confidential reasons) CS:GO @Firewolf from Moderator to Member (Stepped Down) @Cristo from Moderator to Member (Deported) @ThePenguin from Moderator to Member (Deported) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  3. Due to your situation, I don't think another demotion is necessary. I hope everything works out man and things turn for the better, keep us updated!
  4. Just to be clear, this is just you stepping down from Moderator right?
  5. Uhhh I would have preferred this to be discussed beforehand, but I'm fine with providing credits for winners if there's enough interest. Post here if you're interested in the Brawlhalla event
  6. Totally understand the reasoning Goblins, I didn't have too many interactions with you, but I know the work you've put into xG and I can't thank you enough. Glad you're sticking as a member :)
  7. I'll move this to gallery tomorrow after most of the people who might be interested in this sees it.
  8. Sorry to hear man, I'm always super careful of third party sites, and I'm really sad this happened to you, especially before Christmas. Let us know if there's anything we can do for you.
  9. [MEDIA=imgur]a/aUZ6I[/MEDIA] Medieval Themed 3 Exits out of town spawn area: North, East, and West Exits 2 Fountains Giant Keep (initial spawn + where rules are written) Guard Towers, no pvp or building/breaking in the town area 150~ radius outside castle for PVP but no Building/breaking Shops spread out in the castle for their selective areas (I.E. purchasing wood from lumber mill, ores/ingots from blacksmith etc.) MCMMO Vote Chests Minigames sub-section (to be released after towny is fully functional
  10. I tagged you because his app has been going on longer than a month but no one closed it in your division, so I thought there might be a reason for it and didn't close it baba
  11. He has xG tags on his name already if that steam ID is actually him, i don't know if he's just memeing but regardless he just needs an admin+ vouch and he's in. Unless TF2 Divs decide to close his app for later, it seems like he's good enough for community. @Bello
  12. December News Update coming soon!!
  13. Welcome back dude, glad to see ya again!
  14. Minecraft is progressing well, will post update pics soon ^_^
  15. It will be a Towny server, we will expand on that next week on if people want MCMMO or not and to what extent.
  16. Don't starve together raffle ends in 18 hours and 45 minutes, last chance to enter!!
    1. Jadow


      I want to starve
    2. realBelloWaldi
    3. Jadow


      I'm going to win that raffle and just keep starving c:
  17. Take care dude, you're always welcome here :)
  18. I really hope to have minecraft ready next month, and if @Lithium and @Bleed want to have a nipperhouse server, or nipperhouse event (which is a christmas map on CS:GO) we can definitely discuss that. I'll look into unturned, and any ideas for the next event besides unturned or reasons for unturned are greatly appreciated!