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  1. Winner
    Aegean reacted to Jacob in Green Text   
    >wake up, down 8oz glass of Smirnoff to start day
    >make bowl of cereal for breakfast using Smirnoff instead of milk
    >brush teeth, wash mouth with Smirnoff
    >read fiction book about the Armenian genocide
    >gobble gobble
    >cyka blyat
  2. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Jacob in Green Text   
    >Viktor is poor
  3. Agree
    Aegean reacted to MinerTeddy in Green Text   
    >Parachuter Tim soaring through the sky
    >"Oh shit, I'm about to die"
    >Into the rock he went
    >His ass got bent
  4. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Green Text   
    >EU wants poems
    >Haiku is what he shall get
    >Jacob is better
  5. Like
    Aegean reacted to MinerTeddy in Green Text   
    >Albi had a date to the prom
    >"Her booty looked bomb."
    >He wanted a kiss
    >But to his dismay she gave a hiss
    >As the night went on, they left the prom
    >He took her home, and to the bed they went
    >He went blindfolded, and he got bent
    >As it turned out, she was a dom
    >And so, he stopped going on dates with his mom
  6. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in It's Burger But Brgr For Short   
    Welcome BRGR!
  7. Optimistic
    Aegean got a reaction from Tatost in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    Oh shit I completely forgot! Sorry I haven't been on the ball lately @Forest, I'll make Promo Demos, Feb Update and a guide for new users before Friday. Thanks again for the reminder dude
  8. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from virr in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Jesp apparently doesn't want anything to do with the clan anymore, so I didn't promote him.
  9. RIP
    Aegean got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Jesp apparently doesn't want anything to do with the clan anymore, so I didn't promote him.
  10. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Forest in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    Oh shit I completely forgot! Sorry I haven't been on the ball lately @Forest, I'll make Promo Demos, Feb Update and a guide for new users before Friday. Thanks again for the reminder dude
  11. Smelly
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Scrim Server   
    More like a ttt server where you must drink a shot every time you get innocent. Get the meme? Every body will be dead within an hour xD
  12. Like
    Aegean reacted to Rhododendron in Suggestion For Unban Challenge   
  13. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Tf2 Highlander Event!   
    Can someone record the games for me please? Even if it's only games you play, as long as you don't lag! I want to start working on our youtube channel, and if you guys think you can get highlights or funny moments (via voicecomms) feel free to send it to me.
  14. Bad Spelling
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Cya   
    Take care pham, enjoy didno woorl
  15. Agree
    Aegean reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in The Bad Joke Thread   
    @Jacob top lane gp with the lowest damage.
  16. Optimistic
    Aegean reacted to Jacob in The Bad Joke Thread   
    @Aegean's sex life
  17. Salty
    Aegean got a reaction from Jacob in The Bad Joke Thread   
    @Jacob in mid lane
  18. Like
    Aegean reacted to Sora_ in Sora's Shitpost Drawings   
    Why not dump all my drawings here? I can never get hair or eyes right and also weeb.

  19. Boring
    Aegean got a reaction from Rabid in The Legend Of Zelda - The Ocarina Of Time   
    Game Name:
    The Legend of Zelda - The Ocarina of Time
    Nintendo 64
    Time Spent:
    50~ Hours.
    Do you recommend?
    Yes 100%.
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Initial Thoughts:
    I played this as a child and watched my brother play it when it first came out, and I was blown away by how different the game was compared to things I was used to at that time. (i.e. super mario brothers)
    The game is about a kid named Link (hidden in the Kokiri Forest and taken care of from the great Deku Tree) who has to save Hyrule from the antagonist Ganondorf; The king of the Gerudo Thieves.

    Music - an incredible soundtrack surrounds this game that really complements the unique locations throughout the world. Unique music for boss fights, dungeons, mobs, shops, and side characters. The music is iconic now and given respect throughout the Zelda series time to time with small iterations to make them stand out. Shout out to Gerudo Valley!
    Open World - For the most part, you can travel to everywhere you see as long as you have the necessary items. There is a ton of secrets and side missions you can do that is not forced upon you, and these places are not always near your main destinations so it really encourages you to explore and try to figure out the puzzles.
    Difficulty (Medium) - It's not a very hard game, but it's not something that is super linear that babysits you to progress forward like games nowadays. You will get stuck time to time, and you really need to listen to the clues throughout the world if you play through it the first time. The clues throughout the game are given very creatively and subtlety through the use of Navi (your fairy), unique objects, and important NPC's.


    Glitches - This is a double edged sword as this game is super bugged in terms of how much you can glitch this game but it also makes it one of the most watched games that get speedrun on Twitch. Ocarina of Time generally (a full run through, not 100%) would take you about 10ish hours normally to finish, but with the help of glitches (nothing third party) you can finish the game in under 20 minutes. Some glitches do potentially crash the game as well, but as long as you aren't aiming to do glitches the game runs fine.
    Combat (Easy) - Once you understand the mechanics of defending and how to deal the most damage via jump slashing, you can usually 1-2 cycle boss fights and dying pretty much becomes impossible.

    Final Thoughts:
    One of the childhood classics, a game most deemed as the greatest of all time.
    Definitely revolutionary for its era, and easily in my top 5 favorite games. It's single player, but the Zelda Titles (aside from the Four Swords) are meant to be single player games and they do it really well. This game lasts a good long time, minimum 10 hours game time before you finish a play through for the first time if you aren't familiar with the puzzles, but there is a ton of secrets and puzzles that easily add 5+ hours if you want to potentially 100% the game or get close to it.
    With Breath of the Wild coming out soon for the Nintendo Switch as the launch title, there is a lot of hope that this is the Zelda game that is worth the hype as the previous wii titles were not as well made as the previous titles (Majora's Mask + The Windwaker). Until the game comes out, we can only hold our breath and hope for the best.
  20. Not Funny
    Aegean got a reaction from Jacob in Team Fortress 2   
    Go into detail on why the pros are pros, and cons are cons.
  21. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Tatost in Tf2 Highlander Event!   
    Yeah that sounds good to me
  22. Like
    Aegean reacted to Vector in Persona 3 Fes   
    Game Name:
    Persona 3 FES

    PS3 (Virtual Console)
    Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it)
    63 hours in 1 playthrough
    90 hours in total
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game: (1 to 10)
    Initial Thoughts:
    I was always curious about the persona series. I have never been a big JRPG fan even though i had tried multiple times playing the likes of Final Fantasy 4, 7, 13, 15, Golden Sun, the Dragon Quest series to get into the genre but they have never clicked for me. So i was cautious and so i decided to purchase Persona 3 FES (FES being the enhanced port of the original) which was only 10 dollars.
    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    First of all, the combat is fantastic. Like most of the popular JRPG games, it's combat is turnbased where the Characters use their persona's abilities to deal damage, buff opponents or debuff enemies. Most enemies and allies included have weaknesses that can be exploited for another turn.
    Perhaps the biggest reason for it's popularity, is it's characters. The main protagonist has no voice lines however his diloug choices are up to the player's discretion. Your allies and side characters are all very interesting and you can get to know them via social links. Social links are these events you can do to A. get to know the characters more and B. When you reach rank 10 the social links, you get a persona for their respective Socal link. Example: Getting Ranked 10 with the Magician Social link, gives you the opportunity to fuse certain demons and create Surt (one of the most overpowered persona in the game). down below is each of the social links that you can rank up throughout the game (some level up only through the story mode).

    The music in this game is phenomenal. I understand music is subjective and people won't like everything i like but i find it hard to believe that anyone can actually actively dislike a very unique soundtrack.
    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    If you want to max EVERY single social link you may have to follow a VERY strict schedule with a guide. While it is much easier to do with FES than it is to do with the original, it's still a real pain. That means exploring Tartarus ( the games dungeon) only once or twice a month. For this reason i recommend playing on easy if you wish to go this route, so you do not get overwhelmed by some of the bosses.
    Another minor negative is Tartarus its self. You will be scaling a 200+ floor building and the floors don't have much change of scenary to them. This isn't a very major point, especially if you plan on doing all the side missions and scaling to the next road block in a single night or two but after playing persona 4 (which i will probably review later) it at times can get mind numbing seeing the same layout.

    My only negative of the game is FES's 'The Answer' story. It's an extra of 10 to 30 hours of just fighting very frustrating enemies because fans of the original 2 persona and shin megami tensei series thought the game was too easy. It takes place after the game and that's all i will say about it because it's major spoilers. There's not much story and in my opinion just very boring. DO NOT LOOK UP ANYTHING ABOUT THE ANSWER UNTIL AFTER YOU BEAT THE ORIGINAL GAME.
    Final Thoughts:
    This review might look like there are some more negatives than positives, but that is NOT the case at all. There is just so much good about persona 3 that made me fall in love with the series, as well as got me to try multiple other Atlus JRPG series such as Shin Megami Tensei and its spin offs. Demon fusion is very confusing and overwhelming at first, but you start to feel like a total bad ass, when you get more and more persona. The voice acting is actually top-notch. I'm not sure why everyone has such a problem with Fuuka's voice acting. Some have said that she just sounds so bored and tired, but i didn't really get that feeling. Now there are multiple versions of Persona 3, the PSP version of persona 3 which i have not played but it comes with a female route, so instead of a male protagonist, you can choose a female route that changes some things about the game. Some major actually. Persona 3 FES is just persona 3 but better. you can look up some of the changes but anyone will tell you, to get FES because it adds some more content, social links are easier to complete and it's 10 dollars on PS3.
    I hope you all enjoyed reading this review and if you have any questions about persona 3 or anything about persona just ask in this thread or add me.

  23. RIP
    Aegean got a reaction from Igorekvup in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    I'll make a post about it on the February update :)
  24. Like
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in How Do I Code   
    First you need to learn authenticate Japanese to communicate fluently with Japanese Java.
  25. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Charles in The Surf Server   
    I'm here because I have nothing better to do at 2:00 in the morning.
    It appears that skill surf server's chat is screwed up entirely.
    Essentially, if you've ever gone on a skill surf server, you'd know that if you beat maps/bonuses, you get points. Those points attribute to your rank, and as you get different ranks, you get different chat colors/tags.
    Now this was all fine and dandy, till you guys introduced the chat colors/tags plugin. I've told both DM's, @Owl and @virr , about this bug, and it has yet to be addressed. I even messaged @Lithium about it today and he didn't even know there was a bug.
    The bug is that if you don't own any chat colors/tags, when you type in chat, you will essentially just type as a CT/T. The colors are just default. But the bug isn't the only reason for this thread, these plugins, I feel, completely ruin the server. The whole point of going on that server is so that they can rank up, and get rewarded for doing so. But people just being able have their own custom colors/tags makes this completely obsolete. There is no reward in getting "The Nuts" and that pink chat color when you could just buy it off of the store.
    But that's just my observation, and I've been to 90% of the NA CKSurf servers out there, literally none of them that have population use this shit. I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to add it.
    I feel like this is to blame for the server's low population. I can provide screenshots tommorow if you're too lazy to go on server.