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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. Most people who were here long ago are not as active anymore. I don't know if we ever met but I welcome you back and hope more people will decide to come back to *cough* @serbiansnaga

    Im busy with work so I don't have the time that I used to have to be on the computer, and I check on teamspeak every now and then but not enough people are on when I do

  2. to all those who are new or dont know who i am, im basically a big deal here in xG, literally and figuratively but ill let everyone bask in my greatness, on a related note, I was a former co-leader of xG, wayyyy back in the olden days, I was probably in xG when it was 4-5 months old? not sure tbh but it was young when i joined

  3. @DrPepperPhreak ya i might drop by sometime, not sure when but i'll see what i can do, working fulltime so i dont always have time available @Forest did you finally admit that you're from great britain and not british colombia as you claim to be (forgot if it was british colombia that you live at but its my best guess)?

  4. Well shit, @DrPepperPhreak holy shit I forgot how skinny I used to be haha, I'm nothing like that btw, hitting the gym a lot :p. @PiNoYPsYcHo You're god damn right, @Aegean you still going to the same college or you back in Ottawa? and you're probably the same since I last saw you, maybe a bit more of a hipster I guess? @Klure >anime lover >...... @Vector be calm my child for I have returned, @Owl que?


    WHAT?!?! A SWEAR FILTER?!?!?!

  5. if you're going to refer to yourself as a furfag and u embrace the title (for whatever reason u want, i dont care tbh) than don't be insulted or offended if someone calls you a furfag as an insult, you brought it on to yourself and you'll have to deal with the consequences of your actions. its like the people that say "JESUS IS THE ONE TRUE GOD HERP DERP" and then get offended when someone tells them to stop shoving their religion down their throat. its honestly the worst kind of person that there is aside from war criminals.


    I just don't understand how the furries that play on the server cry as soon as someone says something, where its the internet nothing is really going to hurt you, most people in the server just don't care if you call them an asshole or a homosexual, I would know. I was being an asshole when serbian was in mg was night and he didn't seem to care all that much. Adam,Dr. Feelgood, and I were just messing around like always and serbian didn't even mention one of the vulgar things we said that night.

    obviously i didnt give a shit cause that's your opinion, i'm not being psychologically traumatized from you being an asshole to me, nor do i care that someone offended me over the internet, even IRL id prob just laugh and walk away or say something witty and ignore you cause thats how much effort id want to put into something minuscule. as for the furries that embrace their furry self or whatever you call it, don't be a little bitch about others making fun of you for being a furry, you brought it on to yourself and you have to put up with it. keep your personal beliefs to yourself and no one will bother you, however if you're being flamboyant with your furryness by giving some furry name with a furry avatar and a furry description (like this retard shit right here [MEDIA=imgur]boFoHvO[/MEDIA] ) than expect to be hated upon. to reiterate my point, no one wants your personal life forced upon them and they sure as hell don't want to hear you talk about it (unless its a private convo than its fine, im referring to when you're talking publicly)


    now fuck off and stop being a little bitch about words spoken over the internet by 12 year olds hundreds of miles/kilometers away

  6. i havent been able to do co leader stuff cause of school and work since the summer started, and theres no point in me staying as co leader if i'm not doing anything with it. on top of that, i started my last university semester so i have to focus everything on school after which i would be working when i graduate which leaves me zero time for xg or even computer games if i become that busy.


    so im resigning as co leader and member of xg and i leave it in the capable hands of the division leaders and managers and to forest for what he and i have been planning these past couple of months, do what you feel is right forest, i wont be able to help u with it anymore, sorry buddy :( but i know ull do fine and that i trust your decision, best of luck silence.



  7. for the most part the division leaders will be focusing on their respective divisions, but there will be times when they have to get together and make a collective decision based on the community as a whole, in which case it would outrank their respective division cause it affects everyone rather than just a specific group. the division leaders still retain control over their respective areas, the council is just so we have a wider perspective of opinions rather than the opinion of one who can somehow trump everyone else (in this case being me).


    i brought up the idea of a council because i was not doing my duties, it was pretty obvious and im not denying it at all, i prioritized work and school over the community and as a result the community suffered and i wasn't willing to pick up on the slack that i left behind.


    the council was also made for this reason, so that i can step down and not have to deal with the community problems, as soon as this gets set up, i will revert my role to an adviser, yet ill hopefully still retain powers to do something if it ever came down to it, and maybe for like emergency situations like an admin got demoted or is mass abusing etc. if i dont retain powers than oh well, sucks for me.


    forest and i discussed including division managers but he and i were on the same page when we both thought that having division managers included as well would just create a giant clusterfuck like the US congress (we all know how well thats going), keeping it a relatively small group of the most trusted members of the community, being the division leaders, we thought that this was the best way to ensure that the best interests of the clan are put ahead of personal interests which some of the newer members might be tempted to delve into with their newfound power.


    that being said, division leaders have to remember and remind themselves that any personal issues or relations between them and other members (member or div leader) are to be kept personal and left out out the decision making process. IE i can hate chrono to death and disagree with everything there is about him, but as soon as it comes to decision making i am willing to support him if he has an idea that would benefit the entire community, same thing if i was good friends with him than i wouldnt hesitate to disagree with him and go against him on an idea that he wants to push forward.


    thats about all i have to say so far, still gonna wait for replies and responses from other people

  8. id like to thank rhododendron for my award, he has been an inspiration for me to push myself to be less than what i was in the past, his achievements such as the successful launch and huge popularity of hu.b has led xg to be bigger and better than what it was in the past, with populated servers and a mature, respected community.


    thank you based rhododendron