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  1. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from lilbleed in Warriorsfury - Counter-strike   
    +1 for when he reaches the activity requirement, its only 20 hours so it shouldnt take that long. Thread should stay open until then.
  2. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Owl in Warriorsfury - Counter-strike   
    +1 for when he reaches the activity requirement, its only 20 hours so it shouldnt take that long. Thread should stay open until then.
  3. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Duke in Warriorsfury - Counter-strike   
    Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History i mean i'd +1 if you played more then once for 5 hourrs.
  4. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    Unfortunately I don't recall a lot of the facts from the incident, but I've felt really shitty about the situation ever since it happened.
    What a lot of people didn't realize is there was some less than honest stuff going on in the background. There were several higher ups that "poked the fire". We really handled things in a way that were not only unfair for darkwolf, but also the community. Again, I really can't recall the specifics, but I do remember the remorse after the fact.
    Just saying, darkwolf is actually not a bad guy at all. Yes, he did things that were absolutely not cool, but I almost can't blame him when we treated the situation like shit.
    As some of y'all have said, he isn't even applying for membership, so why should we be concerned about what he did before.
    Just my two thoughts.
  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    The problem here is that it appears that you aren't open to criticism in any shape or form. At the first sign of criticism, you take it personally and then verbally attack whomever posted without even considering their opinion.
    Case in point, your reaction to an otherwise valid opinion:

    Rather than immediately posting a rebuttal or reacting in a destructive way, you can reflect on what they have to offer in terms of opinions on your behaviour/attitude and choose to improve said-behaviour/attitude. You are literally picking a fight with anyone and everyone who mentions something bad about you, and then wondering why people are reacting the way they are in this thread.
    My suggestion(s) to you is/are the following:

    Learn to listen to and accept constructive criticism.
    Determine when a reply is necessary or if it will just exacerbate things.
    Step away from the thread and calm down before posting; if you're upset or otherwise angry, it will not help the situation.
    Keep in mind that what people say about you are only opinions, they are not facts, so do not treat it as such.
    Take a more passive approach to things. If you disagree with someone, ask them why they feel that way without berating or insulting them. Chances are they will be more receptive in listening to you and it will greatly defuse the situation.

    This all may seem irrelevant to the Ban Protest at hand, but I can assure you that your behaviour/attitude directly correlates with it since you seem to be a very argumentative person (which can get you banned), especially in the presence of a Staff Member.
  6. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    -1 simply because it hasnt been long enough. No problems with you being unbanned but not yet.
  7. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SnowyMinion in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    Sorry if it comes off as if I just disagree with everything you say BUT you have to consider this. Every time you post a thread, whether it's a ban protest or staff submission, you tend to attack and bash on other people, even though they're trying to help OR expressing their thoughts and opinions WHICH IS ALLOWED and you've been rating everyone's reply Salty as well... sooo.
    The previous replies I made were from the Ban Protest rules which I suggest you reading here --> Ban Appeal Format/Rules. (READ)
    To add on to your comment about me rating everything that has to do about you NEGATIVELY... if they are ABOUT you, does that mean I rated bad things about you negatively too?!?! First of all, ratings are meant for people to express their opinions on one thing and you should respect it and not bash out on people who rate negatively. Second of all, WHY ARE RATINGS TREATED SERIOUSLY?! -Bello

    Third, we don't really have to play with you to know your personality. Just from the way you act on the forums, we can already express our thoughts about you... and I can honestly say, it's not good either.
    I would continue but I'm really hungry right now and I really want to eat my breakfast, so I guess I'll stop here.
  8. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SnowyMinion in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    When you request a ban you must show a little respect.
    *STAY CALM -- Being angry won't help your case.
  9. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Scootaloo in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    I'm sorry, but I can't find the logicality of bringing someone back into our community who was literally destructive to the integrity of our servers. That seems like something that just screams "No Forgiveness Zone" to me.
    After giving heed to the council of the community's members here, DarkWolf6052 will not be unbanned from any of xG's services.
    Thread closed. If another active CL wishes to interject their points, the thread may be reopened.
  10. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from kbraszzz in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    If this thread is about his ability as a staff member, without a doubt id keep him banned. If its based on his personality alone, i never had a problem with him until he became DL. I think the power just kinda got to his head a bit, as cliche as it sounds. I think we could give him a chance just as a player on the servers as all of his problems were staff-related issues, and i dont think anyone plans on giving him staff. If hes not unbanned then i dont blame those who make the choice, what he did was definitely overboard.
  11. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike   
    If this thread is about his ability as a staff member, without a doubt id keep him banned. If its based on his personality alone, i never had a problem with him until he became DL. I think the power just kinda got to his head a bit, as cliche as it sounds. I think we could give him a chance just as a player on the servers as all of his problems were staff-related issues, and i dont think anyone plans on giving him staff. If hes not unbanned then i dont blame those who make the choice, what he did was definitely overboard.
  12. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from XxDxrknessxX in One Idiot's Trash Is Another Idiot's Treasure   
    I would be the idiot and decide to wear them, but then end up breaking them or losing them. if i were you id just sell them, buy a cheaper pair of glasses that you like, and pocket the extra money for whatever else you want.
  13. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Owl in Pokameno - Counter-strike   
  14. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to realBelloWaldi in The Funeral Of Tf2   
    I am deleting @Matsi's, @Scootaloo's and @Bagel's posts.
    Matsi: Your post is completely off-topic and just baity. Also, stop holding grudges and blaming people for stuff that has already been sorted out.
    Bagel: Your post is off-topic and just attacking Matsi.
    Also, ugh, Scoot. Is there any reason we're not deleting this thread? It seems to be a shitpost.
  15. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Leonjosland - Garrys Mod   
    Won't lie, I couldn't find anything related to your account on SourceBans to go on (no specific Staff Member to notify for context) though it seems like nothing more than an accidental case of RDM.
    That being said @Stickz and @DoctorGringo for their respective opinions/vouches as they are the current heads of Xeno Gamer's GMOD Division.
  16. RIP
    xGShadowSpy reacted to LeToucan in Icy - Counter-strike   
  17. Ding!
    xGShadowSpy reacted to LeToucan in Icy - Counter-strike   
    He wasn't actually hacking. When in game, if someone is talking the mic icon is visible through the armory door. It doesn't appear inside demos, or for spectators.
  18. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to ZevoAnonReal in Assassin's Creed Unity: Arno   
    This is one of the request my friends wanted me to draw, it's Arno from AC Unity. It might not look like him but hey all that counts is trying. P.S.This is my second time using the shading techniq.

  19. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Owl in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    ban expires today.
    also, sorry for how controversial the ban was - at least at this point the general consensus is that he was banned for not understanding the rules, (and minor offenses over and over again) rather one major offense. this is why I increased the ban.
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    I can understand that the overall week ban was due to poor knowledge of the rules as well as demonstrating a disrespectful behaviour toward Staff, but I still don't think the means justify the ends, seeing as how Owl himself stated that the demo doesn't demonstrate anyone technically freekilling. Why is Nick being singled out because of his ban history when there isn't any blatant evidence that he had freekilled in the first place? As Owl stated, he was banned before the thread (thereby leaving him to serve out the day ban) but then had his ban extended after this instance, so it must have had an influence on the week ban. The straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
    In other words, he had a day ban prior, so that makes sense. However, he was involved in an incident that involved Ts being freekilled (albeit unknown to any of the Staff at the time, correct me if I'm wrong) but seeing as there was no recorded evidence of him actually killing freekilling, it shouldn't warrant an extension of a ban just because he might have freekilled. At this point, because of his past history, if, for example, he makes an honest mistake and freekills, he'll be punished more severely than anyone else even though the mistake could have been made by anyone which, to me, sounds biased in its own right.
    Now, I'm not saying that people shouldn't be punished for breaking the rules, we have a step-up system in place for a reason (warning > kick > ban > extended ban), but I'm just imploring Staff to have a bit of empathy. Put yourself in their shoes, for whatever the player did, does he/she really deserve that amount of ban time to begin with? Did he/she make an honest mistake, or was it obvious/blatant that they did not have prior knowledge of the consequences to their actions and therefore should be banned longer to learn from and understand their mistake(s)? I'm just asking that before dropping the ban hammer, you consider the context of the situation and act accordingly. I just don't think that it's fair when Nick had a day to better himself (however unlikely) and was given a week for something he might have done.
    I'm really hoping that Staff can reflect on this and don't just see it as someone defending a player with a ban history as with any other thread. I may not have been there for it, but that neutrality is what enables people like myself or anyone else to consider both sides of the story without giving a biased opinion or anything else of the sort.
  21. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    Continuing with my previous post and provided with the information above, it looks like you were given multiple opportunities to improve on your general knowledge regarding Server rules as well as refraining from mic spamming to get Warden.
    That being said, I still don't think mic spamming equates to an increased ban length of a week. However, provided that the ban time is nearly up, there's really no reason to cut it short now as it means a longer time to further your knowledge on the Server rules to prevent any future mishaps. It isn't hard to wait your turn for Warden, if no one calls it then you have an opportunity to take it. If you are ever uncertain about a rule, than brush up on it before performing an action regarding or in relation to said-rule.
    I'd also like to inquire about the whole demo incident. Did any Staff on at the time (Chrono/orangejuice) personally witness the offending player (Nick) supposedly freekilling the 3 Ts in the demo? The reason I ask is that I personally don't believe that the kill feed should ever be used to determine whether someone is freekilling or not as the Ts who are killed could very well have been rebelling (IE. Warden instructs Ts to be KoS [invalid] however Ts were supposed to be frozen and begin fleeing).
  22. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in Nickimfatlowkey - Counter-strike   
    I don't think the demo was why his ban was extended, rather it was because he's had 2 prior day bans and continued to break rules, and when he's slayed he argues with he staff with comments like telling Chrono to go read the rules... if I remember right he also calls staff names but don't quote me 100% on that...
    In the ban request I had posted the demo and the 3 people I saw kill anyone due to it happening while the staff were not really paying attention to everything that happened, I saw that he and whyfy had killed the entire team while no valid order was given for the round, it's possible he killed them for going in the vent. I believe he commented that he had recorded it, unless that was in reference to something else.
    Pretty sure Owl specifically said in the ban request that you could not see WHY anyone was killed and so no punishments were given other than those that already had been, which was to august for causing the massacre...
    I think he should spend the time to learn the rules and to stop arguing and being disrespectful so much when people are trying to tell him he's doing something wrong
  23. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Owl in Xg Firewolf - Counter-strike   
    I wouldnt call it favoritism since one of them had to be kept alive regardless, plus none of them were actual freekills because they didnt follow the wardens order correctly. he restricted crouching then told them to crouch, and they all crouched, which makes them all rebels(See about 0:17 for where Beast starts giving the crouching is restricted order).
    -1 for a ban as i see nothing wrong in this.
    @Lithium @Owl @Chrono @Bleed
  24. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Owl in Excilic - Counter-strike   
    already was banned
  25. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from BullseyeX in Xg Firewolf - Counter-strike   
    I wouldnt call it favoritism since one of them had to be kept alive regardless, plus none of them were actual freekills because they didnt follow the wardens order correctly. he restricted crouching then told them to crouch, and they all crouched, which makes them all rebels(See about 0:17 for where Beast starts giving the crouching is restricted order).
    -1 for a ban as i see nothing wrong in this.
    @Lithium @Owl @Chrono @Bleed