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  1. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in New Game(name Pending)   
    I read your name as Arthman and got excited for a moment :(
    Anyways, looks like a solid game to try out. Always nice to see anyone considering other ways to eliminate Ts besides FR/LR ;)
  2. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Thorax_ in [ Poll ] The Salem Witch Trials   
    It was because of religion in my opinion. They were strict puritans, in their society you weren't even really allowed to dance or sing. They were taught that they were surrounded by evil so they should be good. They pretty much got paranoid about the whole evil thing and suspected everyone around them. The thing they chose to call those "evil" people were witches. So their religious views, added together with paranoia, are what i think caused it. There were also those that used the whole "witch" thing to accuse and get rid of their neighbors to take their land.
    Edit: Are you starting the crucible book?
  3. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Dr.jinx - Counter-strike   
    unbanned, but if you troll like that again, you stay banned. also, its a membership by invite only group and they probably joined at your request since you have to be friends with them. so just letting you know, i see stupid shit like that again it gets put back. and you were mic spamming like them as well infact you were one of the first ones i muted.
  4. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Snackbar in New Game(name Pending)   
    So this may or may not be a thing on other servers but i havent seen it before so im not sure.
    Heres how it goes:
    Warden designates two separate areas(1 group to the left, 1 group to the right, etc.).
    Warden types in team chat a prize/outcome (left side lives, right side dies. Left side gets a headstart in climb/race/etc, Right side has a delay.Prize should not include lr, unless there are 3 or less Ts and you specify they cant be on the same one.)
    After the Ts choose their side(Warden should give some time to do this, they should be a bit far from eachother so that they cant jump inbetween), the warden carries out with the prize(whatever it may be).
    It's basically a mix of Roulette and Suprise trivia. Or suprise roulette i guess, without the wheel.
    The only possible name i have for this is "Unknown Outcome Day". If you have another name suggestion then post it, people can pick their favorite.
    @Chrono @Bleed @Snackbar @Crowley @Bonk @Shadow @orangejuice @Owl @Athrun @Librarian @Other csgo people i am forgetting/haven't seen yet
  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Snackbar in Corrupted - Counter-strike   
    There was more, although I dont exactly remember the circumstance other than the excessive trolling, all I know is that when I finally had enough and smashed my admin binds after i warned him countless times it was gonna happen I didnt even care which reason to list.
    That being said, I'll unban you because rightfully I dont remember what it was other than you were warned and you pissed me off colossally. Dont screw up again, youre on thin ice.
  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to jaygoki in |xg| Shadowspy - Counter-strike   
    imo since you were mod/admin for so long back then you should be able to get it back easily, but chrono, owl and snackbar are all right: just give it a bit more time, then I would absolutely leave a +1 :^)
  7. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Owl in |xg| Shadowspy - Counter-strike   
    Be on the server more.
    Easily deserving of mod, (admin even) but gotta be on more than 1 day. Pretty sure that's standard for everyone, even you.
  8. Winner
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Stupercrossman in A Serious Question After All These Years.   
    Are the Moderators, and Administrators still 6 year old children who aboose, complain, and have zero sense?
    (If you were around when I was around, you'd know who, and what, I'm talking about)
    If not great, if still....well, try to upgrade will ya.
  9. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from orangejuice in It Only Took 3 Years   
    Well the pc is fixed, only problem is my wifi is shit so i have to upgrade to comcast before i can join the servers.
    Not stopping me from practicing vs bots(the hard ones) though :)
  10. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblins in It Only Took 3 Years   
    Well the pc is fixed, only problem is my wifi is shit so i have to upgrade to comcast before i can join the servers.
    Not stopping me from practicing vs bots(the hard ones) though :)
  11. RIP
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Bach in Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?   
    Nah its another goodbye thread. I'm stepping down from TF2 Staff because frankly I don't deserve it. I haven't been on servers for a while, and I'm finding myself on the computer less and less. The fact I do less than some our most awful staff members (Who know who they are) saddens me. When the time comes I might try and reapply, but for now give it to someone who can put the time into it.
    Consider this an extended leave from Steam and shit.
    @ChickenPanda @Whyte - Pull me from the HL roster Dawgs. GL on finding a not shit scout
    @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou - Thanks for keeping me around this long. Easy to find a replacement.
    @RestOfTF2 - You guys are all fags. Be nicer to the kids and keeping trolling CS:GO. Seriously. Seriously. This clan is like the special Olympics most days.
    Bach out.
  12. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Goblin in Petition To Bring The "african" Rating Back   
    Because in this liberal day and age hurting someone's feelings is equivalent to committing 1st degree murder.
  13. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MinerTeddy in Petition To Bring The "african" Rating Back   
    The Shrek'd rating is racist to ogres everywhere.
    But seriously, it isn't racist but can be seen as racist through certain eyes. Still, all this PC crap going on is annoying.
  14. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Sup   
    10/10 would ban again (i think i saw this same thing a couple weeks ago.)
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from IAmLegend in Cs:go Bhop Server   
    I would rather have a minigames, or replace skill surf(is this just regular surf?) with RPG Surf(assuming they aren't the same, but they might be), after CSS minigames was no longer populated and even JB got less people, RPG surf still would get about 10 to 15 people, and 2 or 3 staff including myself. But if there's room for a bhop server then I don't see why not.
  16. RIP
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Snackbar in Member Vouch Count Change   
    I don't know if you want to edit it or not, but for activity and maturity you put 1 out of 10 instead of 1 to 10. I think everyone knows what you mean though.
  17. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Crowley in Cs:go Bhop Server   
    RPG surf is the best confirmed thats what i came from, from the last server i played. Its really fun killing each other while surfing :)
  18. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Snackbar in Traplord2   
    Forum profile says 23, age on post says 14.
    Not vouching, just saying.
  19. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to IAmLegend in Hey,   
    I thought you got DM by doing this. You gotta make bomb threats beforehand though.
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vertex in Flyingcanada2   
    Sorry @flyingcanada2 for the late response, my name just got tagged on the forums today.
    The reason for the confusion here is because @Rhododendron still hasn't setup the "GMOD Section" on our forums yet. The Morbus server (which nobody knows about) has been populated on a frequent basis for the last month. I am the Garry's Mod division leader and the staff list is outdated.
    This is an active guy on our Morbus server which is mature and knows how to play the game.
  21. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Snackbar in Jb Needs Serious Work!   
    A recent update may have borked some things. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
    S4S was addressed, as well as skipping the !Guard queue by @Bleed after I brought it to his attention, not sure why the changes didnt stick. I also became aware that some people are bypassing the queue by simply letting the timer run out on the Choose Team screen and it auto places them on CT as a balancing function.
    !Call has been borked for a long time, I know we have had nothing but a slew of issues with it.
    Can you explain how the T's rebel during an LR like race?
    Thank you for bringing this up, we will do our best to handle it asap.
  22. Informative
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Egossi in Hey,   
    Yes you can have mod, just make sure you go Prison Guard on jailbreak and kill whole other team. Then make a post on here threatening to ddos xG. You will receive mod in 0 to 0 business days.
  23. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblins in Hey,   
    Yes you can have mod, just make sure you go Prison Guard on jailbreak and kill whole other team. Then make a post on here threatening to ddos xG. You will receive mod in 0 to 0 business days.
  24. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Owl in Applications And You: A Guide   
    Seeing how there have been multiple mod and member apps in the wrong section as of late as well as some ban requests here and there I would like to take the time to show everyone how you properly post applications!
    Applications help keep everything running smoothly on the xG forums, and most users will find themselves posting one at some point in time. If you have any questions, please contact any staff either here on the forums or on our teamspeak: voice.xenogamers.com
    Step 1: Choose what application you would like to post.
    You have 6 options:

    Ban Protest
    Protest a ban that you received! (guidelines here)
    Ban Request
    Request a ban on a user! (guidelines here)
    Member Protest
    Protest a member! (guidelines here)
    Member Submission
    Join Xeno Gamers! (guidelines here)
    Report Abuse
    Report staff abuse! (guidelines here)
    Staff Application
    Submit your application to join the staff of Xeno Gamers! (guidelines here)

    Now, once you have chosen your application, please read the guidelines for the application. If you do not meet guidelines, do not post the application.
    Step 2: Fill out your application using the guidelines listed above, then post!
    Here's some explanation for the confusing areas you may need to fill out:
    This is a generated number associated with all steam accounts. Can't find it? Steam ID Finder
    This simply means if you have been previously accepted as a member on our website. If you are unsure, the answer will be no.
    If you are posting a ban request, member protest, or staff abuse thread, you will need evidence. If you have any doubts on how to record evidence or if your evidence is good enough, please read this.
    Please fill out these applications to the best of your ability, any shitposts will be ignored.
  25. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from LostCause in Sup Kiddos   
    People like him are basically hitler.