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  1. Ding!
    Brian got a reaction from Forest in Urgent Bad   
    Apparently I have root access in the Pokemon server. I didn't do anything with it, just proved to the guy that I actually did have it. Might want to remove that though.
  2. Funny
    Brian got a reaction from Forest in Broken Servers   
    "Well if it's broken, don't fix it"
    - @Rhododendron
  3. Winner
    Brian got a reaction from kbraszzz in Broken Servers   
    "Well if it's broken, don't fix it"
    - @Rhododendron
  4. Winner
    Brian got a reaction from DrLee in Broken Servers   
    "Well if it's broken, don't fix it"
    - @Rhododendron
  5. F!$k Off
    Brian reacted to Chrono in Ratings Game   
    Give me the credits, and I will give away 2 copies of goat simulator instead of 1.
  6. Not Funny
    Brian got a reaction from John_Madden in Brian   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Brian Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:34560453 Banned:

    Yes Previously in xG:

    Yes Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Age:

    22 Further Information:

    Hey, I'm rejoining.
    I miss all of you, and definitely want to rejoin. I think the time off has helped me cool my head and let some steam blow, especially since towards the end I became agitated. Here's to all of you that had to put up with me, I'm a little better now. Infinitely more calm than I was, although I still joke around. Please accept this next line as an apology for all those I was rude to.
    I'm sorry.
  7. Not Funny
    Brian got a reaction from Izanagi in Brian   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Brian Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:34560453 Banned:

    Yes Previously in xG:

    Yes Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Age:

    22 Further Information:

    Hey, I'm rejoining.
    I miss all of you, and definitely want to rejoin. I think the time off has helped me cool my head and let some steam blow, especially since towards the end I became agitated. Here's to all of you that had to put up with me, I'm a little better now. Infinitely more calm than I was, although I still joke around. Please accept this next line as an apology for all those I was rude to.
    I'm sorry.
  8. Not Funny
    Brian got a reaction from kbraszzz in Brian   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Brian Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:34560453 Banned:

    Yes Previously in xG:

    Yes Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Age:

    22 Further Information:

    Hey, I'm rejoining.
    I miss all of you, and definitely want to rejoin. I think the time off has helped me cool my head and let some steam blow, especially since towards the end I became agitated. Here's to all of you that had to put up with me, I'm a little better now. Infinitely more calm than I was, although I still joke around. Please accept this next line as an apology for all those I was rude to.
    I'm sorry.
  9. Like
    Brian got a reaction from DeathGod in This Good?   
    Intel Core i5-4670K, EVGA GeForce GTX 770, Corsair Vengeance C70 (White) - System Build - PCPartPicker
    No need for an i7 if you're only gonna have 128GB storage and some old HD. i7 is mostly for server commands and heavy programming/rendering. If you're just playing video games, then and i7 will provide almost zero benefit against an i5. I added a 250GB SSD, 1TB Hard Drive and a safer PSU. It doesn't matter if you use your old hard drive, but I wouldn't, since there's a greater likelihood that it will fail if it's older than three years. Liquid cooling is needed on nothing lower than a 780+, or R9 290+. Considering you'll play at 1080p, it's overkill for the cooling. The 4GB GPU is also overkill, as it's mostly intended for 4k gaming, and if you're gaming on 4k, go for a 780+ or R9 290+.
  10. Agree
    Brian reacted to Forest in We Will Not Have This.   
    Way to represent our community guys. 10/10. Medal for all of those involved. You're really helping the clan prosper. We'll get up to the big leagues in no time at this rate. Good job.

  11. Smelly
    Brian reacted to MineCrack in Need Dota 2 Teammates   
    That sir, is a personal opinion. I only stated facts, which may sway that opinion of your to fact. But not what you're implying though, of course!
  12. Smelly
    Brian reacted to MineCrack in Need Dota 2 Teammates   
    I've never heard of doto 2. At first, I even thought it was a bird but it appears it's a moba! You should probably switch over to league of legends though, it's actually popular!
  13. Winner
    Brian reacted to Rabid in League Is 3 Love   
    Try dota, Don't be retarded. League is simplified for the dumbest fucks to play it. And some of you still manage bronze div. Gtfo
  14. Winner
    Brian reacted to Jaybreeze in Begging Like A Bitch   
    Is there no local mute function in this game?
  15. Smelly
    Brian reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    I have been around, just not as much. School is back in session, work catches me after school some days, and my laptop is a complete piece of shit, near broken entirely. But the good news is my parents are helping me buy a laptop after they get their tax refund whenever that comes after the first of February.
  16. Smelly
    Brian reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Well considering you have a -1 from all CS:S Staff Members, as well as input from a Co-Leader, I'll just go ahead and deny this.
    You won't be unbanned, wait out the week ban.
    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  17. Smelly
    Brian reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   

    Invalid steam ID.
    Why was your name new player3456.
    Disrespectful in your ban protest.

    @@Matsi I expect that you have a demo of this situation, please share.
  18. Smelly
    Brian reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source   
    Even if they are friends, where did Minecrack, Adam, Paulie or any of the others come into this? 

    Please tell me how my post was biased in any way.

    And yet you don't take any of this seriously. As HidingMaster said, you are risking a harsher punishment, which may include a forum ban if you continue to troll on the forums. As Forest said, you should not troll a Staff Member, and move over to the forums posting a Ban Protest where you start right up trolling again.
    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  19. Ding!
    Brian got a reaction from Forest in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    Not Canadian enough.
  20. Creative
    Brian reacted to Jaybreeze in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    It seems im the most sane person in xG, wheres my co-leader?
  21. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from Jaybreeze in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    Not Canadian enough.
  22. Agree
    Brian reacted to serbiansnaga in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    if you're going to refer to yourself as a furfag and u embrace the title (for whatever reason u want, i dont care tbh) than don't be insulted or offended if someone calls you a furfag as an insult, you brought it on to yourself and you'll have to deal with the consequences of your actions. its like the people that say "JESUS IS THE ONE TRUE GOD HERP DERP" and then get offended when someone tells them to stop shoving their religion down their throat. its honestly the worst kind of person that there is aside from war criminals.

    obviously i didnt give a shit cause that's your opinion, i'm not being psychologically traumatized from you being an asshole to me, nor do i care that someone offended me over the internet, even IRL id prob just laugh and walk away or say something witty and ignore you cause thats how much effort id want to put into something minuscule. as for the furries that embrace their furry self or whatever you call it, don't be a little bitch about others making fun of you for being a furry, you brought it on to yourself and you have to put up with it. keep your personal beliefs to yourself and no one will bother you, however if you're being flamboyant with your furryness by giving some furry name with a furry avatar and a furry description (like this retard shit right here [MEDIA=imgur]boFoHvO[/MEDIA] ) than expect to be hated upon. to reiterate my point, no one wants your personal life forced upon them and they sure as hell don't want to hear you talk about it (unless its a private convo than its fine, im referring to when you're talking publicly)
    now fuck off and stop being a little bitch about words spoken over the internet by 12 year olds hundreds of miles/kilometers away
  23. Funny
    Brian reacted to TurdWig in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
  24. Like
    Brian reacted to DeathGod in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    try being normal on the internet. im serious @furries @bronies
    here is a diagram of 2 things normal people like.
  25. Like
    Brian reacted to Crona in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    Lel try being a brony on the interwebs