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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Duke in Forum Game #2   
    #2 you have no tats and your steam name is from chrono trigger
    #1 i have a child
    #2 i'm straightedge (dont drink smoke or do drugs)
    #3 i've burned my leg with hot cooking oil.
  2. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in I Think I Broke Valve....   
    it's probably a texture glitch on your end.
  3. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Owl in Complex - Counter-strike   
    just a heads up, while the website/sourcebans was down today, you were trolling really bad. spamming, disrespect, and blatant disregard for rules, as such you are going to be banned from the server for 1 week, maybe when you come back, you will have an attitude adjustment, and less prone to getting on the wrong end of the ban stick.
  4. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Complex - Counter-strike   
    just a heads up, while the website/sourcebans was down today, you were trolling really bad. spamming, disrespect, and blatant disregard for rules, as such you are going to be banned from the server for 1 week, maybe when you come back, you will have an attitude adjustment, and less prone to getting on the wrong end of the ban stick.
  5. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Beanieboy - Counter-strike   
    @BeanieBoy charles doesn't review these, bleed lithium and I do. we look for clarification onto his ban reason, as he was the one who banned you. We can more likely trust charles say in what happened than yours as he has spent time with the community and servers to earn our trust becoming a moderator, according to his clarification and your story which literally backs up what he said, you ordered a freeday, and then told Ts to freeze. on a freeday a warden may not give orders, the only reason to kill a T is if he rebels, by breaking vents, having guns, and or attacking a CT. as such telling them to freeze does not make them rebels, therefore you admit to mass freekilling based on false information given to you by bullseye, while it is accidental it is still a freekill and as always, when in doubt just accept the Ts killing you or doing something as opposed to killing them all. it saves you a lot of trouble via bans.
    your ban will be reduced to 1 month from when it was given, but keep in mind that you should read up on the rules yourself instead of taking a non-staff member's interpretation, and avoid CT until you understand them more. while it may be more fun as a CT it is way more dangerous in terms of getting banned.
    also this might help you in the future with screenshots: Let me google that for you
    press the key, open paint, press CTRL+V and then save it.
  6. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in Xg:m Charles - Counter-strike   
    While staff are not obligated to join whenever someone calls wolf, regardless of who it is, they should not be told to in essence "Fuck off". Charles, you should know better.
    However staff cannot do anything to someone who is said to be freekilling, see the numerous ban requests closed because of literally no evidence. next time, instead of messaging a staff member you have had issues with before and do not play nice with, try messaging others, and record a demo to see if it happens again. until there is a punishment given, I find reformation to be very unlikely and if you simply record, then you are likely to catch more rulebreaking.
    This thread will be closed, both of you need to play nice, and @TheTrue you should also work on being a better player in general, there have been numerous messages requesting for you to be dealt with previously. while you may not be breaking any official rules, you are a turn off in terms of wanting to play on our servers for several other players. should further disrespectful attitudes be observed, don't expect to go unpunished for them.
  7. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Xg:m Charles - Counter-strike   
    While staff are not obligated to join whenever someone calls wolf, regardless of who it is, they should not be told to in essence "Fuck off". Charles, you should know better.
    However staff cannot do anything to someone who is said to be freekilling, see the numerous ban requests closed because of literally no evidence. next time, instead of messaging a staff member you have had issues with before and do not play nice with, try messaging others, and record a demo to see if it happens again. until there is a punishment given, I find reformation to be very unlikely and if you simply record, then you are likely to catch more rulebreaking.
    This thread will be closed, both of you need to play nice, and @TheTrue you should also work on being a better player in general, there have been numerous messages requesting for you to be dealt with previously. while you may not be breaking any official rules, you are a turn off in terms of wanting to play on our servers for several other players. should further disrespectful attitudes be observed, don't expect to go unpunished for them.
  8. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Rhododendron in Duckii Jr   
    Personally I would not, considering that he had already blown through his 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, etc. chances. not all from drama such as his suicide threats (although there was a good portion for that), but for things like wallhacks (blatant at that), and general server rule breaking.
    He seems to think for some reason I hold a grudge against him (going so far as when he was in the server the other day [which he hasn't been on since those 3 hours] to consistently complain that I would not let him get back and would do everything in my power to get rid of him to anyone and everyone that was on)
  9. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Jadow in Thespyball   
    March 17 -> March 24... totally 30 days.
    Please follow the instructions, apply again 30 days from now, April 24th.
  10. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Rhombi - Garrys Mod   
    You were banned by Bess way back in CS:S for reason other, at the time Ban disconnected player Other was the only option really there for mass freekill and leave meaning you have been a CT on our jailbreak server, freekilled 3 or more people, and immediately left the server.
    @Stickz if you would like to unban him by all means its up to you, this is the only ban on record for him.
    @Rhombi please keep in mind that second chances are just that and dont come lightly in that if you are permanently banned again, don't expect another protest to go so well.
    link to ban: Xeno Gamers
  11. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    quality 100% dank meme, 420blazeit, the key to success is to always be 1 day ahead of the game, weetard alert, orale, 1beerqueer, 1beer=vomit, xd, xD, Dx, xd
  12. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Forest in Sce_bitmare - Counter-strike   
    While it's great to see Members taking an active interest in supporting the Servers by catching rule breakers I do have to agree with what has been said in this thread.
    First off, it is incredibly unfair and disrespectful to continuously berate and insult the current Staff of the CS:GO Division in the manner of which you are exhibiting, especially provided that you have been consistently doing so for the past week or so and that you are in turn applying to be a Staff member. It's understandable that you may be upset with their activity, but as a reminder, people do have lives and people do have certain obligations to other things. As previously mentioned, this isn't a full-time job. They aren't being paid to do this, and by no means should they feel obligated to be on 24/7. For reasons such as this, it's why more Staff are being recruited but it does take time to select appropriate candidates. That being said, they cannot dish out punishments against rulebreakers for anything they did not personally witness, which brings me to my next point.
    If a Ban Request is going to be submitted, then it should include evidence that is either in the form of a screenshot or demo (depending on the severity of the rules being broken). You of all people should know that Xeno Gamers (those representing it) prides itself in being unbiased when dealing with rule breakers. Regardless of how many people "saw" it happen, our Staff cannot act on it without physical evidence, otherwise this opens up a case-by-case jurisdiction system that we do not need to be put in place (when dealing with mass freekillers and the like). The only exception to this is if a Staff member personally witnesses the perpetrator breaking rules. This isn't a case of trust, it's a case of what's fair and just.
    To conclude, the last thing I wanted to bring up, while irrelevant, is your attitude. I get that you want to see Xeno Gamers' Servers thrive and to punish rule breakers where necessary, but being at the throat of our Staff as well as replying in such a hostile tone such is the case with the following (highlighted in red):

    demonstrates that you aren't as co-operative as you could be, nor does it demonstrate that you are capable of replying in a calm or collected tone. I strongly suggest a change in this general attitude, because it really is starting to look like it's getting out of hand.
    To clarify, I personally have nothing against you, these are just things I've noticed as of recent and I thought it would be best to mention them. It's not my intention to start an argument or anything of the sort, and if there's anything that needs to be discussed feel free to message me at any time.
    -1 to the thread at hand due to a lack of evidence (as well as the request to have the thread closed from Narwhal himself)
    ~Closing with my British CL Powers.
  13. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from BullseyeX in Egn| Melon The Free Murderer - Counter-strike   
    banned 1 day, closed. next time just post evidence in this thread instead of another.
  14. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in [xg] Majestic Narwhal - Counter-strike   
    dedicated to populating and tries his best to help inform staff of any issues that arise (be it rule breakers or confusing points) and is actively trying to make sure he has a complete understanding of the rules. activity is definitely one of the most active people right now.
    could probably work on understanding perception, you are a little quick to jump the gun on reporting some things like freekills to admin chat but in general it usually happens when you do think you got freekilled, for anyone to instantly call it. definitely you are open to criticism which is a good thing.
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    those are pulled from the guide.
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Jadow in [xg] Majestic Narwhal - Counter-strike   
    dedicated to populating and tries his best to help inform staff of any issues that arise (be it rule breakers or confusing points) and is actively trying to make sure he has a complete understanding of the rules. activity is definitely one of the most active people right now.
    could probably work on understanding perception, you are a little quick to jump the gun on reporting some things like freekills to admin chat but in general it usually happens when you do think you got freekilled, for anyone to instantly call it. definitely you are open to criticism which is a good thing.
  17. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in [xg] Majestic Narwhal - Counter-strike   
    dedicated to populating and tries his best to help inform staff of any issues that arise (be it rule breakers or confusing points) and is actively trying to make sure he has a complete understanding of the rules. activity is definitely one of the most active people right now.
    could probably work on understanding perception, you are a little quick to jump the gun on reporting some things like freekills to admin chat but in general it usually happens when you do think you got freekilled, for anyone to instantly call it. definitely you are open to criticism which is a good thing.
  18. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Hamsterman23456 in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    #1 no cheating is a loose sort of rule, basically if they say to do a game and you cheat, the warden can either kill you or pardon you and have you restart from beginning or restart game in whole. really up to him/her.
    as far as LR goes, it is a slay for either side so if a T says "off here, furthest, must jump" and then says nothing else and CT jumps and throws in mid air as was heavily implied then the T jumps off walks to wall and drops deagle in gun toss, the T would be in the wrong and should be slayed. if a CT does it because the T didn't really explain well or he is trying to troll, either slay or abort the LR and warn him/teamswap him.
    #2 secondary theoretically should be swapped back to knife ASAP but with auto swap it sometimes works out a little funky and people may not realize, in general unless he is shooting/staring at you to line up a shot he should be warned and asked by name to drop the pistol and given a few seconds for mic to register and him to safely move away from any stack (also in general if a CT asks a T to drop a gun and they move forward so they don't pass it which makes them a rebel automatically even though the order was to be frozen, being asked to drop a gun takes precedence and he/she should not be killed. any "hitler" that kills a T for that should be slain and swapped immediately.)
  19. Boring
    Chrono reacted to Jadow in Vacation   
    The Vac also detects things like Cheat Engine i saw a video where someone was banned for cheat engine so iduno
  20. Drunk
    Chrono reacted to Sojodak in Vacation   
    I wouldn't mind passing one of my smurfs but for me to do so you have to do the xg tradition. The mona pizza challenge, ill let u know what it is. You musy eat a whole pizza in under 30 mins while singing the mona pizza song (look it up). You can never stop singing even while eating, when you get half way you're allowed a drink of water but if you take it you need to get up and dance a lil. Being vacced is equivalent as being permed from our servers but one of the few clans that give smurfs but as customs have it doing the requests of the one who is offering you an account.
    Be sure to post that you agree and that xg and its members are not liable if, and when an accident occurs, if performed prior to posting your acceptance of the terms xg does not condone this challenge and advices against it.
    Plus write on a piece of paper your account name so we know its you. Post it here and we'll talk after about getting you that smurf.
    Good luck
  21. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    #1 no cheating is a loose sort of rule, basically if they say to do a game and you cheat, the warden can either kill you or pardon you and have you restart from beginning or restart game in whole. really up to him/her.
    as far as LR goes, it is a slay for either side so if a T says "off here, furthest, must jump" and then says nothing else and CT jumps and throws in mid air as was heavily implied then the T jumps off walks to wall and drops deagle in gun toss, the T would be in the wrong and should be slayed. if a CT does it because the T didn't really explain well or he is trying to troll, either slay or abort the LR and warn him/teamswap him.
    #2 secondary theoretically should be swapped back to knife ASAP but with auto swap it sometimes works out a little funky and people may not realize, in general unless he is shooting/staring at you to line up a shot he should be warned and asked by name to drop the pistol and given a few seconds for mic to register and him to safely move away from any stack (also in general if a CT asks a T to drop a gun and they move forward so they don't pass it which makes them a rebel automatically even though the order was to be frozen, being asked to drop a gun takes precedence and he/she should not be killed. any "hitler" that kills a T for that should be slain and swapped immediately.)
  22. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Jadow in Vacation   
    You're begging for someone to give you a smurf or in otherwords spend money on you because you got banned. Just because you claim not to cheat doesn't mean you don't. I have a friend that used to play CS:S with me way before xg came into conception, he used hacks and to this day, 6 years later he still denies it wholeheartedly. even though he would literally shoot you through walls at start of rounds. walls that you can't shoot through.
    You can claim you don't hack or cheat in any form whatsoever, and if that is the case, your appeal with valve should lift your ban shortly (within 1 monthish). But when it doesn't, enjoy your ban, don't come begging for accounts. Don't come saying "omg it was my brother/sister/mother/dog/cat using a hack when i was't there!" It's your account, you are responsible at all times.
    You can call me rude all you want, I couldn't care less. We have a very strict no cheating policy, and you coming and begging for a new account from people isn't something I will sit by and let happen.
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Goblins in Vacation   
    No. Valve doesn't usually get a VAC ban wrong. they go through extensive processes such as scanning your computer without you really knowing whenever you play a game and heavily analyzing gameplay (inb4 overwatch doesn't know what hacks are) overwatch can't actually ban you, all it does is bump it up for a valve employee to look into and investigate which is where said computer scans come in. if they are wrong it is a rather painless process to get un-banned. but they aren't usually ever wrong. (out of all the vac bans given, you're looking at a small percentage here.)
    If you honestly were wrongfully banned, steam support will unban you fairly quick (after conducting an investigation) otherwise you will stay banned because you were a filthy cheater.
  24. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in Prototype Jb Map   
    good vents/teleports. mix between electric razor/canyon dam styles of vents and teleporters.
    imo a good map should have a bunch of different vents and or teleports, however none or only 1 semi-harder to get to should ever lead to armory. so like on electric how you have a teleporter in 3rd bottom cell to car room where you can press secret button to make invisible ledge to AWP, or another in cell that you break wall to teleport to pool where you can go in the short walkway vent with awp. and many more in similar ways. but also dont make it easy to get into vents where anyone could do it even with shroud on CT.
    Skill jumps. either in the form of a course similar to canyon damns sky race (mistakenly called climb) but something less punishing so you dont die when you fail from fall damage, so you could actually have everyone participate and not last to jump by the time given could get LR. or in the form of some decent areas you can do skill jumps on like from a medic roof to around the corner etc.
    for bhop and climb have varying difficulties such as a 3-5 part increasing difficulty bhop course (similar to vipinthemix, but more space and less tight of an area and not like parabellum [love snakeboyeric and what he did the bhop is good but having a linear bhop where you can build momentum enough from the start to basically skip the last part isn't great) and having 2 different climb courses as opposed to sand having the same thing just removing half the platforms from easy.
    Easter eggs: some big easter egg similar to canyon where if you break a specific ice, complete surf, etc. (not gonna say what all you have to do) you can jump off a ledge and get an m249 helicopter and teleport to cell block, but if you dont complete them then you fall to death or things like the spinning nade molotov.
    all in all if you get a prototype going with screenshots or even a testable version HMU and I can offer some solid feedback based on the last 5 years of playing our jailbreak servers as well as moderating them to kind of help you get in the feel for what would really work out on our servers.
  25. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from LeToucan in Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules   
    #1 is still the same as CSS, just shortened wording, but it should be "Unless a direction is specified.
    #2 No cheating is basically a broad word for dont do anything that isn't fair. seems fine to me and is up for discretion, however pretty common sense things are like Ts not specifying their rules for gun toss and saying "I didn't say you had to x y or z" which should be a little more cracked down on.
    #3 hidden spots are basically vents that dont go to other areas. they just hide guns.
    #4 essentially if you aren't immediately swapping off of it or dropping it as ordered/by free will then it is considered rebelling to have your primary out.
    #5 by childhood game it is referring to the game you may have played in elementary school if ur le merican, where someone was simon and you told all the other kids what to do and if they didn't they lost. or a teacher would be simon and you got like candy or a soda or something. not the electronic game where you touch red, red green, red green yellow, red green yellow red, red green yellow red red.