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Posts posted by Hidingmaster

  1. I'll post a longer thing when I get home.




    You can submit member protests all you want for whatever reason, but of course we are gonna ask for proof of the accusations (fun fact:that's how court works). And no, we aren't going to simply approve it based on a majority vote; it's too easy to gang up on someone and unfairly remove them. If you have such a hard time giving us evidence.. then what's the problem? Oh that's right, it's just a vendetta.


    Also, I will be looking for member vouches that do not follow the guidelines. Those that don't will receive a forum warning and asked to change it.











































  3. :);):unsure: :S:X3: >3:X3: >3:X3: >3:X3: >3:coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::X3: >3:whistle::cool::confused::unsure: :S:unsure: :S:whistle::p:D:cool::confused::mad::unsure: :S:whistle::cool::X3: >3:giggle::giggle::oops::eek::p:p:cool::confused::mad::(;););):((n):unsure: :S:whistle::X3: >3:coffee::giggle::D:p:cool::unsure: :S:p:eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:o_O:huh::nosebleed::llama::migraineinducing::wut: wut:kawaii: kawaii:disbelief::shakefist::blink::scared::depressed::depressed::depressed::scared::blink::shakefist::durrr::migraineinducing::llama::nosebleed::nosebleed::huh::drool::llama::migraineinducing::migraineinducing::migraineinducing::thinking::disbelief::nosebleed::huh::drool::migraineinducing::durrr::blink::scared::loldidntread::scared::shakefist::thinking::thinking::llama::drool::huh::huh::disbelief::migraineinducing::wut: wut:shakefist::blink::blink::loldidntread::loldidntread::depressed::waving::scared::shakefist::wut: wut:durrr::durrr::migraineinducing::disbelief::huh::huh::nosebleed::drool::disbelief::thinking::kawaii: kawaii:migraineinducing::nosebleed::huh::disbelief::thinking::blink::scared::scared::thinking::llama::huh::drool::migraineinducing::durrr:

  4. It's was a simple mistake.. no reason to ban someone a week for it. I've done it before, seen others do it, but as long as it's acknowledge and they slay for it then I won't ban.


    Punish those who are actually ruining the experience on purpose, not those that do it by accident.



  5. Put at the end of it:


    "This Service utilizes user-generated content, and thus may contain content not suitable for people under 18. Registration and/or use of this Service is acknowledgement that you are 18 years or older, or have obtained parents permission."


    I'm not a lawyer, so I can't say that would actually hold up in court... but it covers what we need.


    You could make it 16 instead of 18 too.



  6. So there's a few reasons why Rhododendron changed it to 16+. A few are personal choices, a few are stuff that are kinda important so we don't get in trouble. There's a view of this clan being mature and such a "age of maturity" was set to 16 (if I'm right). On top of that, we aren't the most "Safe for Work (read Kids)" type clan and we don't want to be in trouble (read held liable) if we knowing let kids be exposed to this type of material. The most safest (read unsafest) way to let a PG-13 thing happen, would be either they knowingly give us false information and we don't catch them (a.k.a "Yes I am 18+ and able to enter this website"), or we really have to tone down the material that we provide. The worst thing that can happen is a child finds NSFW material on here, their parents catch it, then Rhodo gets in trouble saying "Why didn't you put anything in place to protect my child against this content".


    These are just my $0.02, a lot of stuff will have to change if we want to make it PG-13 (read, add the censor back again)

    What stops them from creating a forum account and getting access to the inappropriate material? Letting them be a member does get them anymore access.


    If we're that concerned about a parent sending an angry letter, make them choose their age from a dropdown, if its <18 then a radio button shows up on member apps stating "By selecting this I confirm I have my parents consent to access and use xenogamers.com and it's affiliated servers."

  7. If higher ups would acytually crack down on acceptable vouches then maybe. But as it stand the higher ups are still too disorganized imo. Hell, our only CLs are @kbraszzz and @Hidingmaster. @Rhododendron and @Nomulous are the leaders so w/e.


    Either way. Fix what we have now BEFORE trying to make changes to accommodate a few kids.

    Id like to remind everyone that we DO have a steam group for people that are underage, and can wear the [xG:Rep] tag.


    Literally the only thing they cant do is vouch. Thaaats about it. People that care about the community will stick around regardless or not if they are an "official" member.





    Some may stick around, but not all. I joined xG because I wanted to be apart of a community, had my app got rejected I doubt I would be here.


    Also, IMO vouchers have transferred to DL/DM of divs to decide if they are good or not, not CLs.

  8. Most of the time, people under 16 simply don't donate since they don't have the means to.


    But if even 1 out of 50 did, still more money than we would of gotten. Plus more members > more population > more donations > more members > more population.... and on and on

  9. The whole reason we don't allow anyone under 16 is, im assuming, for maturity reasons? If this is the case then would the +1/-1 system narrow out those people who are not mature enough to join? I mean were supposed to list our rating of their maturity already (A: 10 M:7 for ex.).

    There really is no reason to put a limit on the age of applicants for any division, especially TF2 where I would assume the average age of players is less than 16, or at least there is a good majority of younger people.


    If you don't think the community can chose mature people @Snackbar, then we should at least consider that applicants <16 yo require a +1 from a staff member DM+.


    And iirc, Silence stated he wanted to keep it an adult community.. but it never has been. Most of the members are young. Plus, why restrict the number of people who can join? It just reduces the popularity of xG and reduces chances of donations.


    @Nomulous @kbraszzz

  10. hello? is this thread just forgotten now? i dont think a discussion should take this long

    @Hidingmaster @Rhododendron @kbraszzz @Chrono @metalslug53 @Bleed


    Only 1 other CL ever replied :/


    Here's the final decision:


    1) Matsi is warned to tone it down and keep it PG13. Use common sense when talking about taboo topics. Membership remains.


    2) The community is warned to stop trying to trigger people (purposely getting individuals upset). CLs/DLs have the ability to punish people who do this, no prior warning required (with sufficient evidence only though).

  11. I've been wishing that people would just talk their crap out since I got DM of CSS. Unfortunately, as forest said, people just dont grasp it. By all means be harsh on them, it may be the only way to stop shitstorms from cropping up. Also, as far as promo demos are concerned, they are going back to the way they used to be: only seen by DM+ and if people start asking if they are getting promo'd feel free to take them right off the list.

  12. FYI to everyone, discussion will begin about this issues, as well as some of the other issues presented (Chrono's). It may take a few days to figure out exactly what will happen, but we are working on it.

  13. @Hidingmaster


    *The teamspeak thing... don't know why you did it and think it was just for fun. Definitely abuse of power, although not a big deal

    I was reprimanded for this, apologized, and ceased contact after that point.


    -I know, not saying you deserve any punishment or anything. Just commenting on the post and giving my quick thought.



    *Not really my territory to say how yall run CSGO, but any big decisions should go through the DL, and both DM's. It's a joint effort.

    Or in our case, 2 DL's, 2 admins and 3 mods and Silence?


    -Depends on the decision being made as well. Like I said, up to you how the div is run, but it worked well having at least the Dl and DM's on the same page; mods and silence are optional ;)



    *Personally think the rule is a little excessive. If you have proper tags it doesn't really matter what name you have.

    It was agreed as a test run anyways, still open to be edited. never said it was final nor did we agree on it being final


    -Again, not trying to attack you, just giving my opinion on the change.


    *But it is. At least from my perspective as well. Seems like a lot of decisions have been made without everyone involved.

    But it isnt. Literally the only people who werent present currently on the staff roster were you, chrono, and pepper.


    -From what i understand silence wanted more communication between the higher ups. No more conversations between one or two of them. To me it sounded like everything was supposed to be public, and the most appropriate place to do this is in admin discussion on a thread. Obviously, this again depends on the decisions being made. I dont really need to know/put input into specific div things, as CL has a much broader focus (mostly on issues such as matsi, etc). But i know a lot is being done without CL involvement, when it would be nice for us to at least get a quick briefing.


    *Unless its a really good reason, why not just discuss promo demo with them?

    The only person not present again being Chrono, entire staff knew about it for at least a week prior. Refer to my reply in this thread prior, I plan on each and every move being made known.


    -But why no response to the message? Probably the easiest way to make sure the most important people (DM's) are at least in the know.


    *Not really your fault, but I also have no idea why you are posting promo demo's. I've been trying for a long time to get promo demos back into a conversation involving ALL Cl's but it has been ignored every time.

    Refer to Silence and Ohstop's comments above.


    -I did, this was more a blanket comment for everyone. I have several messages asking for ALL CLs to be involved in the final decision of promo demo. As chrono said, just to double check and verify it. CL was originally created with the primary goal of posting/reviewing promo demos. We were supposed to be able to discuss it and deny any changes if we felt them unwarranted. As an example, when you got promoted to DL, afaik no CLs (at least not all) were told of this; should have been approved first. And its an example, not saying you dont deserve it; dont take it the wrong way bby.



  14. Taken from your post in Matsi's thread

    • Secondly, just going to get this out of the way before I forget it, but this is a semi-unrelated note: Snackbar, you're a great guy and all but you need to chill the frick out. You're doing great trying to help and all and it really is appreciated by me, but you're taking things too fast. You banned him on teamspeak "for fudges and giggles all in good fun" you don't do that to someone unless you are good friends with them.

    -Youre right, and I was reprimanded for this, apologized, and ceased contact after that point.


    *The teamspeak thing... don't know why you did it and think it was just for fun. Definitely abuse of power, although not a big deal.

    • You push all these rule changes that are discussed by you and 2 others that agree with you at 3am in teamspeak, with no regard for a discussion prior to making it official without messaging the rest of the higher ups in the division

    -No decisions were made without @Bleed @Lithium @Rhododendron present, AT THE VERY LEAST. Most of the time most of the CSGO staff was present. Second off, Many (if not MOST) of the new ideas are not mine specifically, they are all discussed, agreed upon, pros and cons weighed, then implemented and tested for productivity- then if needed ADJUSTED and re-implemented. I dont know why you have this notion that Ive taken over and its my way or the highway. Youre not here 90% of the time, and I dont see how we need to type out an entire conversation WHEN EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON IS PRESENT.

    *Not really my territory to say how yall run CSGO, but any big decisions should go through the DL, and both DM's. It's a joint effort.


    • as well as those rules push away from the unified set of rules that we tried very hard to make happen. yes game specific rules will be division specific but now you are making a steam name global rule a division specific thing, going so far as to try and control what people make their steam name "must be a name you are easily recognized as such as your forum name or a name you frequently use" if I decide I wanted to go by AlphaOmega tonight nobody would recognize me at first, as well as if asked I would present my forum name.


    -We all agreed on this rule being applied for CSGO. We even coded a plug-in to help, including a work around for when going undercover is needed. I saw you in the server with an incomplete tag and told you about it, you told me DM / DL is the same and youre not following that rule. So far youre the ONLY member to refuse to do so. But I let it slide and havent mentioned it at all, true? Again, this was all discussed, dissected, implemented, and then coded into a plug in to take care of the cons side of things. @Bleed @Rhododendron @Lithium were present, had a long discussion about, and implemented it.

    *Personally think the rule is a little excessive. If you have proper tags it doesn't really matter what name you have.

    • Next, there is a blatant exclusion of communication the very opposite is happening in regards to that which @Rhododendron was all for trying to eliminate and then he too becomes guilty of his old habit of talking to one person about something and making a change:


    -But thats not happening. There are usually 7 - 13 people present in teamspeak.


    *But it is. At least from my perspective as well. Seems like a lot of decisions have been made without everyone involved.

    • I have not once been messaged by snackbar with who he wants to promote/demote since he was given the opportunity as DM, nor has he responded to my private message I made with him and bleed specifically for discussing between us promo demo and other future changes we would be considering doing (obviously they would then be brought into a discussion on the csgo forums).


    -I have a point here but im refraining for now

    *Unless its a really good reason, why not just discuss promo demo with them?


    • even now going so far as to post promo/demo at 3am because he wants to do it when it is a CL job, and he creates his own promo/demo without consult. the reason it is a CL job is because they can then cross check it. when you post it, there is no going back on it. while I agree the whole set of CS:GO staff right now is good at their job, I can tell you for a gosh darn fact a couple people got promoted because they are your friends while you wouldnt consider some others because you aren't friends and always talking even though they are just as deserving of staff.


    -Not a single word in this sentence is even remotley true. For one, im not promoting anyone without successful staff application, and I literally ask EVERY STAFF member down to moderator their opinion, again, youre never around and when you are- you dont mention anything to me. I posted Promo Demo BECAUSE I HAD IT READY super early, had already crosschecked with @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 and @kbraszzz - and in fact, was commended on the timely manner of which I had it organized, proofed, and typed out. Obviously the response was positive too. Im not here for pats on the back or to get my beef n' fixin sucked, im here to pick up slack and make this place work again. I dont think i wouldve been given the shot to do so if I wasnt capable of handling it fairly. Look at the influx of server traffic, obviously whatever the CSGO staff is doing is working.

    *Not really your fault, but I also have no idea why you are posting promo demo's. I've been trying for a long time to get promo demos back into a conversation involving ALL Cl's but it has been ignored every time.


    Take a second to look, and youll see I have not made ONE SINGLE decision without talking about it first, NOT A SINGLE ONE - NOR HAVE I PULLED RANK IN ANY WAY, and the ONLY time i have voiced a specifically PERSONAL biased opinion on something was the Matsi thread, sorry that it happens on teamspeak, but the notion that its just me and SIlence in a dark basement somewhere is ridiculous- as well as the notion that I'm the one making all these changes, I SIMPLY POST THEM WHEN THEY ARE DONE TO INFORM THE COMMUNITY. Dont shoot the messenger!


    I cant help that youre not around during these times, I'm sorry, but I can probably speak on the idea that the ship is going to sail, and were not going to wait for one person who is absent when LITERALLY everyone else is in agreement. Can you even tell us anything about the 5 new members, the new map we ported, or any of the new plug ins weve coded? How about the Thanksgiving give-away that were planning? We cant help that youre not there when EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON IN UPPER MANAGEMENT IS- but I will say, all the times ive been on TS with you, you never ask me for an update, add new ideas, or try to be involved, most of what Ive seen from you recently has just been going against the grain and general distaste about any decision we make, solely because youre not there.


    I love you and all dude, and no one wants you demoted, and your ideas are valuable, but dont accuse me (Let alone in such an off-topic, public manner) of trying to take this place over, and dont act like these are all my ideas, because they arent, MOST OF THEM arent, Ive had a few little ones here and there, but youve mistaken the fact that I'm the one who makes the post as the person who made the rule /idea.


    None of this is a personal attack i should add, I just am kinda upset that you have such an unfair and uninformed idea of what I'm doing with my position.